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  1. Z

    Whitelist Server Globalcraft | Infinity Evolved 2.3.3 Expert Mode| Mods Added| Whitelist | Mature | Small Community|

    What is your IGN (Case sensitive): Ziibez Age (Must be 18+) : 22 How long have you been playing Minecraft : Around 3 years Do you accept the rules : Aye go on then. Where are you from? : England, Derbyshire. How big is your knowledge of mods? (e.g. Tinkers construct, Railcraft) : I feel I know...
  2. Z

    Whitelist Server KoozCraft [Community-based] | [PvE] | [18+] | [Dedicated Server] | [Fresh Map]

    MC Username: Ziibez Skype ID: I don't use Skype for gaming as I run a business through it aswell. Age (18+): 22 Play Style (tech, magic, etc.): I like to mix them both, maybe not with interaction but I don't draw a line between my tech and magic areas... usually. Experience with mods: I've...
  3. Z

    Whitelist Server Black Site Entertainment (Closed)

    IGN: Ziibez Age: 22 Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've played modded minecraft since the first feed the beast insanity map came out, shortly after finding Direwolf20 do a versus let's play on the previous version of the map... If I remember correctly. Haha, it might have even been Tekkit...
  4. Z

    [1.7.10][Hardcore][Survival] There Will Be Blood

    Awesome, that does sound pretty cool. Sorry if I came across dickish in my other comment. It was 3am and I'd just finished work, lol. I might have to give this a try or see if the guys I play around with would fancy playing on a little private server. I take it there is server files available...
  5. Z

    [1.7.10][Hardcore][Survival] There Will Be Blood

    So it's BnB with enviromine?
  6. Z

    Private Pack Kingdoms .. [1.7.10 ]survival whitelisted [mature ] teamspeak

    1.In-Game Name: Ziibez 2.Age: 21 3.Country: England - GMT 4.How often you play? Pretty much all the time :P I like to come in after finishing work (around 5am on weekends) for a bit of a chill and a build. 5.Reason for wanting to join private pack? I'm already whitelisted but just though I...
  7. Z

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Yeah, I'm on the server with Atomic. Our base is completely single compressed cobble or obsidian. Both are blast proof and grief proof. It's taken a while but we're pretty settled now :P
  8. Z

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Stealing credit for my Hunger Restoration Facility™ I see!! :P shocking!!
  9. Z

    Whitelist Server Old Fart's United Monster 1.1.2| Whitelist | Survival |MatureWhitelisted

    Me again :) I'm not whitelisted on the new Monster server :( Any chance I can get on? :D
  10. Z

    Whitelist Server Rivendale Server : HORIZONS 2.1.1 : Whitelist : 8 Spots [18+]

    IGN: Ziibez Gender: Male Age: 21 In game talents?: I love working through mods in their entirety! Finding out all the bits and pieces and then fitting them together with another mod :D Personality (1-5 words): Thorough, Friendly, Horder, Treasure hunter! MISC: Currently without a server and...
  11. Z

    Whitelist Server Globalcraft | Monster 1.1.2 | Carpenters Blocks Added | Whitelist | Mature | Small Community| 24/7

    Just a heads up :p The server seems to be down again!! :( Back up :D
  12. Z

    Whitelist Server Globalcraft | Monster 1.1.2 | Carpenters Blocks Added | Whitelist | Mature | Small Community| 24/7

    The server seems to have gone offline =/ It was up 4hours ago.
  13. Z

    Whitelist Server Globalcraft | Monster 1.1.2 | Carpenters Blocks Added | Whitelist | Mature | Small Community| 24/7

    What is your IGN : Ziibez Age (Must be 18+) : 21 How long have you been playing Minecraft : 3 years or a bit longer. Do you accept the rules : Ofcourse! Where are you from? : England :D How big is your knowledge of mods? (e.g. Tinkers construct, Railcraft) : I'm pretty well versed on any mod...
  14. Z

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Would there have been a change to either side I wouldn't know about then? It worked fine for a couple of worlds but I got appalling spawns (including a lifeless island!) but only recently has it started to close when making a new world :-/.
  15. Z

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I'm on my phone at the moment so unfortunately I'll have to try that when I get back from work... Just curious, I've made no changes to my AV since it loaded fine the first few times. I'm using AVG free and have all my java up to date. This is also happening on magic farm 2 if that helps. Just...
  16. Z

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Hi, I'm getting this error when trying to make a new Blood and Bones world... It worked fine a couple of weeks ago and now it keeps crashing!! Could anyone take a look and help me? It seems to be something to do with ChickenChunks? But I'm not that knowledgeable...
  17. Z

    Whitelist Server Private Server | Monster 1.1.1 | White-List | Mature | PvE | No Mod Restrictions/Items Banned

    Hi, my IGN is Ziibez. I'm from England and I'm 21, I'd like to join your server mainly because the other mature server I was playing on shut down :(. I was just working towards making a ReactorCraft Fusion reactor so I'm kinda bummed out about that :(. At the moment I'm looking for anywhere to...
  18. Z

    Whitelist Server Zerro Skyblock! Agrarian Skies 3.1.1! No banned Items! Whitelist!

    Ingame Name: Ziibez Age: 21 Timezone: GMT (EDIT: I derped hard... I'm 21, not 18!!)
  19. Z

    Whitelist Server Old Fart's United Monster 1.1.2| Whitelist | Survival |MatureWhitelisted

    1.In-Game Name: Ziibez 2.Age: 21 3.Country: England 4. Have you ever been banned? Why? Never 5.What mod you like the most? ALL OF THEM!! :D 6.How often you play? Well I was on pretty much every day before :P You remember me xD 7.Reason for wanting to join? I LOVED the last server and now that...
  20. Z

    Whitelist Server FTB Monster 1.1.0|White List|Only German 20+

    - Your Minecraft Name - Ziibez - Age - 21 - Skype Name (if you got) - I don't use it for gaming. - Why do you want to play with us? - I'll be honest, I'm not German... I'm from England, however, I'm a very sociable player and love playing on small servers where I can make friends and meet new...