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  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  1. L

    Whitelist Server OTE Gamers - Unleashed 1.1.7 | Whitelist | TS3 | MyTown | Econ | MultiGaming Community - Est. 2006

    In-Game Name: Lewisjay1 Name: Lewis How long have you been playing minecraft? Pretty much since 2010? So about 2-3 years. Do you have experience on Feed the Beast? I play on a popular mindcrack ftb server called but due to the terrible server hoster who lost all the backups the owner...
  2. L

    Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

    Sorry to ask again but I dont think you saw it, but do I need to re-do my application? as I wasn't sure if you were saying to me that I wasn't putting in enough information.
  3. L

    Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

    So do I need to re-do mine? or am I not being whitelisted yet because of whitelisting being slowed down due to the need of a ram upgrade?
  4. L

    Whitelist Server [24/7] SMP.SO || FTB v8 MINDCRACK || WHITELIST || 4 GB || Small Community

    In game name: lewisjay1 Age: 16 Country: England How active are you: Every evening 4Pm - 10Pm GMT and all Sundays and Evenings on Saturday. Got a microphone: Yes I do, BlueSnowball so its good sound quality Have you been banned somewhere in the last 6 months (Explain why if you were): I can...
  5. L

    DireWolf20: Adding Additional Pipes Mod

    Guys 1.4.6 has been released!
  6. L

    DireWolf20: Adding Additional Pipes Mod

    Okay cheers mate Ill install it now and give it a go :)
  7. L

    DireWolf20: Adding Additional Pipes Mod

    Hi guys I have been trying to add additional pipes to the Direwolf20 content pack on the ftb launcher but all the versions ive tried just give me a black screen after the mojang screen, I havent be able to find a additional pipes 1.4.6 version yet, so if anyone has a link to it could you please...
  8. L | Premium FTB Server

    IGN: lewisjay1 Where you heard about the server: FTB whitelisted server forums Why you would like to play on the server: because im looking for a good server that has a good community and is up 24/7 and also one that is free of griefers If you have any bans on record: Nope, I never have. What...