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  1. R

    [1.7.10] Another Way To Start v 1.2.9 - Step-by-step fresh survival! [Stable] [250+ Mods]

    I can't find a way to craft bedrockium block - It's impossible to craft Compressed cobblestone so I can't make the recipe. And as Ludicrite blocks need bedrockium, then you can't make any creative items... Is there something I'm not seeing?
  2. R

    [1.7.10] Another Way To Start v 1.2.9 - Step-by-step fresh survival! [Stable] [250+ Mods]

    Yeah, the pack is awesome! I didn't have so much fun since I played Infinity Skyblock ^^ I really like modpacks with interconnected mods, it makes a lot better progression :)
  3. R

    [1.7.10] Another Way To Start v 1.2.9 - Step-by-step fresh survival! [Stable] [250+ Mods]

    Hi! I was playing with my friends on LAN server and when I was exploring around MC crashed with that error. Every time I'm trying to play that world it crashes instantly again. Any ideas? Thanks for help in advance EDIT: Found the issue...
  4. R

    [1.7.10] Do What You Want - DWYW [ProjectE] [Skyblock]

    Botania and AgriCraft would be lovely additions :)
  5. R

    Crap I Died Again

    Modlist? Minecraft Version? Screenshots? More info?
  6. R

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    Yesterday I've got the same problem. I've landed on a new world, realized that I've forgot my stuff, so I've got some energy going and tried to return to my ship. I've moved my dialer into another place, so it won't steal power from my still-going generator, placed it into a world, and right...
  7. R

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    I don't know how to finish "Galaxy" quest in first chapter. It requires me to go to Sol Dimension -> How can I get there?
  8. R

    [1.7.10] Pathfinder [Peaceful][HQM][Tech][Adventure][Listed]

    You can get soulsand from the meteor-craters thingys, same with netherrack. As for glowstone - you always get 2 glowstone blocks on your starting platform in a new world :P
  9. R

    [1.7.10] DW20 Series 7 Let's Play HQM

    Is the project dead? I really liked those quests. It was nice idea! I hope to see more quests soon! :)
  10. R

    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    Any ideas for my problem though? I really want to know what's causing these problems. Pack is unplayable right now for me :(
  11. R

    [1.7.10] Wanderlust Reloaded - Questing Adventure [Magic-Tech] [HQM - over 250 Quests] [Tabula Rasa]

    Hey, I have a problem which makes this modpack unplayable for me - Lots of chunks just doesn't load. It's like that server bug, where you just wander around and sometimes chunks doesn't load at all, but I'm playing SSP and it's like 30% of chunks doesn't load. It's just unplayable, and it...