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  1. S

    Constant crash using this Modpack (Server Shutdown)

    @mc.crab Looks like changing the cfg file settings worked! Seems like the problem was a steam consumer block from the power converters mod. I guess I'll just avoid using that it in future builds.
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    Constant crash using this Modpack (Server Shutdown)

    I think I've been having the same problem. I played on 1 inventions world for roughly 20 hours without any problems, but as of today anytime I try to play on that world specifically it says server shutdown and closes Minecraft. I can create a new world and it works fine. Here is my crash log if...
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    Mindcrack v8.0.1 Crash

    I've been having the exact same problem, no matter how much RAM I dedicate to Minecraft It still gives me the "Can't Keep Up" and "Shutting down internet Server" message. Anytime I generate to much terrain, play for over 10 minutes, or spawn something from NEI I crash. I really hope someone can...
  4. S

    So how old are you exactly? Seems like you say a different number on every forum thread you post...

    So how old are you exactly? Seems like you say a different number on every forum thread you post on. 15,16,17,19 - not very believable...
  5. S

    Whitelist Server M's FTB Server | Mindcrack Pack [Whitelist][Hard][18+]

    Application: IGN: ShutUpCow Age (18+):17 Location: Atlanta ,GA Do you agree to the rules? Yes, simple and to the point rules. Experience with mods (Do you have a favorite mod?) : I've pretty much mastered every mod in FTB other than Stevescarts, Traincraft, Thaumcraft. How creative a builder...