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    New here, saying HI and all that :)

    They were previously handled by Optifine, you’re right. But since Optifine isn’t included in most packs, I think connected textures is the go to.
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    New here, saying HI and all that :)

    Welcome to forums! As far as activity goes, I think /r/feedthebeast is more popular right now, but I try to keep an eye on these forums as well. I think connected textures is handled by a mod called Connected Textures, but I could be wrong about that. I’m not sure why you can’t allocate more...
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    am i getting scammed or something

    The twitch app is the easiest way of playing an FTB modpack. I’m not sure how you ended up on a sketchy website, as the download for the twitch client is pretty easy to find. I’ve linked it below for you. I also don’t understand what you mean by “at what point did you have to install the...
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    Wanna try a hard modpack

    Do you already have the server up and running?
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    Wanna try a hard modpack

    Okay, I may be interested in joining you guys. I’m also on US East.
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    Wanna try a hard modpack

    Oh I’m sorry, I thought you were looking for a new modpack to play. What region is your server in?
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    Wanna try a hard modpack

    FTB Infinity Evolved Expert Mode is a pretty challenging pack with gated progression.
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    Wanna try a hard modpack

    What Minecraft version would you prefer?
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    Server won't start because of missing files

    Okay yep that's the same thing that was happening to me yesterday. Maybe I can send you all the server files somehow?
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    Server won't start because of missing files

    Can you run the server start batch file and screenshot that?
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    Server won't start because of missing files

    Have you tried just running the 'ServerStart.bat' today? I was having the exact same issue as you yesterday but my server is working today. I'm pretty sure the cause was Mojang's servers not functioning properly.
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    Constant freezing FTB infinity evolved

    Have you tried installing optifine? I had some issues with performance on Infinity (not the exact same issue)and it did wonders for me.
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    Leadstone Energy Conduit Problem

    Never mind, it started working for some reason. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Leadstone Energy Conduit Problem

    Hi all, I have a hardened energy cell that is connected to a line of roughly 40 leadstone energy conduits that leads into a leadstone energy cell. But for some reason the leadstone energy cell is not getting power. Is there a limit to how far the leadstone energy conduists can stretch...
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    Crafting Question

    Yep, that was it. Thanks man. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Crafting Question

    Ah okay I'll try that. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Crafting Question

    In Direwolfs let's play series, he often looks up a recipe and then clicks a question mark that will put the items from his inventory into where they need to be. For some reason this doesn't work for me. Can anyone tell me why? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New Computer Question

    Thank you all for the replies. I haven't done anything with computer hardware before so what is your top suggestion for anything that I can buy and install? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New Computer Question

    I will soon be getting a new computer and I was wondering if I will be able to run the Direwolf20 pack. Here's the link to the computer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Whitelist Server The Arctic Server (UK, Small, 16+)

    First name: Logan IGN: homerunlogan Age: 16 YT Channel (if applicable): TheLuckiestVirus Why you should be whitelisted: My private server that I was running recently crashed and I'm looking for a fun server to play on. Previous FTB/Tekkit experience: Played Tekkit back in the day and have been...