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  1. J

    IGN: 1ExplosiveTaco Nick name: Taco Skype (Appreciated but not necessary): I'll send it to you...

    IGN: 1ExplosiveTaco Nick name: Taco Skype (Appreciated but not necessary): I'll send it to you once I find it (im sure its here somewhere... :P) Age: 15 Colour/Team Preference: Id be happy to fill up green Time zone (server is in Chicago):EST, probably playing around 5:00-8:00ish weekdays Hope...
  2. J


    IGN: 1ExplosiveTaco Real name (optional): joseph Age: 14 Time Zone: EST Why you want to join my server: Im looking for a server with a friendly community to make a base in. Also im good at building arenas if you need someone to make a pvp arena ;)
  3. J

    Server Lag

    Will this work for other ftb mod packs? (Mindcrack)
  4. J

    Server Lag

    I think this thread is probably old enough to be expired, but can anyone tell me how to adapt the java script above to fit my pc? I have an hp compaq dc5750 with an amd Athlon 64 x2 dual core 4200 and 2 gigs of memory. I don't remotely know what the script above means. I'd appreciate any help...
  5. J

    [1.4.6]Mindcrack Server[Youtube, 12+]

    IGN:1ExplosiveTaco Oath Not to Grief:I wont grief your server -__- Age(12+):13 Do you have a Mic:nope Why you want to be on the server:Im looking for a new server with a nice player base so i can build my castle/fort and rule the world have fun :)
  6. J

    Open Server XtreamServers[Ultimate][80Slots][Commands][PVE][AntiGrief]

    why is your server empty :P
  7. J

    DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

    is server down or am i not whitelisted?
  8. J

    DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

    IGN:1ExplosiveTaco Age: 13 Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? Ive played Tekkit if that matters... i like the extra biomes in the other FTB packs :3 Are you a mature player? I wont be a complete A-hole like others i know -____- Have you ever been banned on a server (Please...
  9. J

    Applecraft - Magic World | Whitelisted | No Pvp | Creeper Explosions (off)

    To the owner of Applecraft: Think of this as an early Christmas present for the server :)
  10. J

    Applecraft - Magic World | Whitelisted | No Pvp | Creeper Explosions (off)

    IGN - 1ExplosiveTaco Age - 13 FTB Experience - I can safely say ive played at least 1 1/2 weeks of ftb, 3 weeks of tekkit, and ive been with mc over 2 months Have you ever been banned? - nope Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Ive tried hosting my own server but the amount of work and...