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  1. E

    PTweaks plugin?

    Hi, I am just posting here to see if anyone has tried using the PTweaks plugin with feed-the-beast servers. If you have did it work correctly and increase performance overall? Please let me know because I would love to use this plugin. It looks like it really would make a performace increase.
  2. E

    Problem Portal Gun Freezes Game Instantly

    Ok something is majorly fucked up. I'm using the ultimate pack. I'm hosted with hosthorde. And as soon as i put the portal gun in my hand. BOOM INSTANTLY FUCKING FREEZE. Someone else on my server even tested it. They froze too. So what is the problem here and how can we fix this thing.
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    Disabling access to twilight forest

    Ok i need a way to disable access to twilight forest. So i can make it for certain players only.
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    1.5 plugins

    Will plugins that are made for minecraft version 1.5 work on ultimate because ultimate is still 1.4.7?
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    best rollback plugin?

    Ok so what is everyones opinion on the best rollback plugin. Because i have been griefed twice since using prism and has not told me shit to who has done it.
  6. E

    default textures 32x?

    Is the ftb default texture pack 32 because when switching to default from faithful 32x i usually notice the major ugliness of 16x textures, but i noticed its the exact same now so is default textures in 32x now?
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    orebfuscator for mcpc+?

    When i get home i plan on trying to add orebfuscator to my 2gb server. I wanted to know if anyone knows if it works?
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    Modifyworld can disable entering into a world?

    If im correct from looking at peoples permissions posted with modifyworld you can disable the access to enter a world with modifyworld? cause i need a way to disable nondonators from entering the world.
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    xycraft suggestion

    Where can i go to post something that should be added to xycraft? Because it really needsto have xycraft staircases to go with my house since i use xycraft blocks regular cobble stairs or something just throw it off.
  10. E


    How can i disable the use of chunkloaders and worldanchors? i do use bukkitforge as well.
  11. E

    What does this mean?

    Ok what does this mean i see it quite a bit in my console. 8:38:14 AM CONSOLE: [WARNING] EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom: ic2.core.block.generator.tileentity.TileEntityGeoGenerator@1410697f is not added to the enet 8:38:14 AM CONSOLE: [WARNING] EnergyNet.emitEnergyFrom...
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    twilight only for donators?

    Hi is there a way i can make it so only donators have access to go to the twilight forest? I do use bukkitforge so that should help.
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    Where can i find a list of all compatible bukkitforge plugins and where to download them?
  14. E

    Problem Errors in the console - Mindcrack v8.0.1

    Alright after generating a brand new world here is the forgemodloader log. And it has 2 errors in it already. There's one error on line 1688. And there's another error on line 3249.
  15. E

    Difference between mindcrack v7 and v8?

    What is the difference between the two packs?