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  1. H

    Machine Request: Clay Maker

    They want some sort of machine that can be built to produce Clay quickly. I can understand not wanting to rely on lucking into a Badlands. I traveled 3,000 blocks in each direction from spawn without finding one last time I played a full BoP world. ATG makes them more infrequent. He's looking...
  2. H

    32x Faithful 32x32 Pack

    Wanted to give a quick 'thank you!' for all the work being done on the Faithful pack. It is hands-down my favorite texture pack (guess I'm a traditionalist) and seeing it get constant updates for mods is VERY appreciated. This texture pack makes Minecraft more fun for me.
  3. H

    Opinions on blood magic

    Blood magic has demon summoning. And taming them. And raising an army of demons to go after more powerful eldritch creatures.
  4. H

    FTB Horizons - General Feedback Thread

    I absolutely agree the main landing site needs some content updates. I mean, the "latest news" posting on the site is something about the Direwolf20 1.5 pack from last August. The page looks phenomenal. I imagine whoever voluntarily spends their free time to maintain that landing page has been...
  5. H

    Machine Request: Clay Maker

    Tome of Alkahest in a modpack enviroment frequently leads to duplication chains for free resources. Finding a Badlands is the RNG that is specifically stated to not be acceptable. Also, some of us turn Badlands off, or don't use BoP at all.
  6. H

    FTB Horizons - General Feedback Thread

    Siro, do you mind laying out what navigation path you are using? From what I can see of the FTB Main Site ( Horizons is not mentioned at all. If you mean from the forums, the change log website is the VERY first thread stickied at the top of the change log forum. If I...
  7. H

    Meanwhile, out on the street...

    Sounds like me twenty-five years ago, digging up the back yard looking for buried treasure. I blame The Goonies.
  8. H

    FTB Horizons - General Feedback Thread

    From the sticky at the very top of the Change Log Forum comes the Change Log Website The Horizons change log is updated through 1.0.10, which is the latest version available through the launcher...
  9. H

    Does thermal expansion provide any sorting?

    I believe what Golrith means is the "Lite" part of FTB Lite refers to the computational horsepower needed for the modpack. Most of the mods you have added require a relatively high computer resource investment.
  10. H

    Machine Request: Clay Maker

    After poking around with it for a bit, I think the best options for Clay production before UUM is Magic Crops. It doesn't take a lot of the ore to get the Water and Earth seeds, which can produce crazy amounts of clay very easily. Moving more mid-game, it can be automated with golems and the...
  11. H

    AE Autocrafting

    export bus wood into furnace that outputs to your AE network set export bus to disable with redstone signal level emitter key to Charcoal at desired number next to export bus At least, that's how I did it forever ago. Haven't delved into AE for fully base automagization in a long time.
  12. H

    Geostrata baffling me.

    I do not disagree in any way! It is your mod to do what you want with it, and I fully understand the reasoning. For my tastes, there is something jarring about having multiple blocks with highly similar name and appearance that are not ore dictionary linked. Purely a matter of my personal...
  13. H

    Whats the drawback for being a bat with morph?!

    It really doesn't. Morph gives us a nice, fun, thematic, and low-cost flight option. There are plenty of high-cost, technical, resource-consuming, and difficult to attain flight methods out there. Let people have the fun one and skip using it. I ended up using Morph more for the squid than the...
  14. H

    Geostrata baffling me.

    I tried to like GeoStrata. I was fine with the extra inventory management. Some of the extra decorative options available were very interesting. The crystals were really exciting. Having a harder time digging down to y12 with Stone tools, I could accept. Then I found Sandstone that wasn't...
  15. H

    Opinions on blood magic

    Bound Blade swings for 13, and also applies a debuff that weakens the monster and causes them to drop blood shards which allow further progression. It can also be enchanted. Unless I'm missing something, it swings harder than anything else out there, including the Awakened Ichorium Sword (which...
  16. H

    Machine Request: Clay Maker

    MFR Sludge Boiler Magical Crops, Earth and Water Essence Therma Expansion , Two Slag, Dirt, and Water Bucket (can be automated and renewable, power and time hungry) Magic Bees (they do everything) When EE was available, I used that to solve my clay needs. When it's back, it'll be available again.
  17. H

    [Mod] Planter Helper - Plant crops faster

    Awesome, thanks! Using it in my personal set of mods on my private server, loving the convenience.
  18. H

    [Mod] Planter Helper - Plant crops faster

    Planting a 3x3 or 9x9 with these tools does not cost seeds for unplantable blocks.
  19. H

    Sloped displays/screens computercraft?

    I know Nuclear Control adds customizable screens that can be oriented in any way you desire.
  20. H

    Thermal Expansion Question. now Integrating

    BC pump works fine on lava, sludge, and sewage. I haven't directly tested other fluids and made an assumption. So, it works for some, and the most commonly pumped, but not all. The forum thread for extra utilities is woefully out of date. There are many features, blocks, and items not covered...