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Consider the QuarryPlus mod for future use. Create super expensive quarry upgrade that automatically deals with liquids.
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Pretty sure only golems work with Magical Crops for now. I tried a bunch of options two weeks ago and nothing else worked. I believe this is because of the hoops that mod author went through to make the magical crops not respond to bone meal.
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You can auto harvest them with golems. Have them pile up in a barrel, use them when they get close to full.
I'd set it up so the barrel is next to an OpenBlocks XP Drain for use with their liquid experience
Right, I forgot about bread in the crafting table, I've been smelting wheat flour for bread for so long. Magic Crops adds some berry crops that will work.
I'm not on an FTB modpack. Working with my own mix. I found Tinker's Construct basically negated every tool that any other mod added as well...
Just officially got fed up with no tools. 26 point finish of the Dirt Hovel stage:
Final Tally:
Points 26
Keep at least 4 Rotting Flesh from Zombies you've killed as Trophies +1
Collect enough Bees for 3 complete Queens +2 (Replaces +1)
Plant at least 3 trees in a dedicated Tree Cutting area...
I would love a simple utility mod that eliminates all wood as fuel sources. Charcoal, logs, planks, tools, all of it, can't be used to light a furnace, generator, engine, dynamo, or boiler. Is this feasible?
No benefit to using it, yet, besides the fun of building the system to provide it. Plans have been mentioned to introduce an upgrade system to TE3. You may need the more potent coolant in the future.
Also, don't discount the self-imposed challenges. Restrict yourself to Gelid Cryotheum as the...
Here's a hypothetical situation. Say Forge handles all mod generation. One mod wants veins of copper to contain 8 ore each and generate 10 per chunk. Another mod wants copper to generate in veins of 20 with 2 per chunk. What happens when these two mods are tossed into Forge? Neither mod author...
kaovalin: I'd love to run my own server, but we don't have the upstream bandwidth available in this area. Things may have changed since 1.2.5, but at that time 1mbps led to significant amounts of rubberbanding and packet loss with a few players connected. TPS was solid.
As far as CreeperHost...
This would require every Forge mod maker that uses Bronze to come to a consensus on the rarity of copper, rarity of tin, spawn area for each, and their conversation rate to Bronze. Having seen how fiercely individualistic and unwilling to allow anyone else to "compromise their vision" some of...
So, getting started, I'm encountering some confusion. The section on the scoring system both says it is not required, but also that you should aim for 50% of the points on a 'normal' difficulty. In general, the requirements and advancements seem somewhat confusing, when compared to the city...
Want a "fun" way to config some biome mods? Use ATG and BoP. In the ATG config, disable every Forest or Woodland biome except Ominous Woods, Witchwood Forest, Magical Forest, Mystic Forest, etc etc.
Starting the challenge tonight. Will post progress pictures.
If you want a TC4 'requirement' for a mage tower, I'd suggest a Wand Recharging Room. It's lowest level would be a Wand Recharge Pedastal with a single node. Upgrade that to include a Compound Recharge Focus and at least three nodes. Up from that would be two Pedastals, two Compound Recharge...
IC2 crop system ticks me off, if only because they STILL break when you walk over them. Every time I try to get into crossbreeding, it's a big patience game (worse than bees IMO, I like bees) and I accidentally break them a bunch.