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  1. D

    Forgecraft 1.6 mod updates

    I saw on JadedCat stream that they will be reseting a map on FC2 in october so don't you worry about getting new mods there - they will be for sure. Espacially i'm waiting for Thermal Expansion 3 and Thaumcraft with new things for golem control. Also XYcraft is a must have mods - especially for...
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    In your next Direwolf20 build, will you bother with IC2?

    I heard in last episode of DW20 Forgecraft2 that some recipes IC2 for 1.6 MC have changed. Anyone can confirm this ?
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    Pecan trees not producing pecans in orchard

    So that's why my trees from extra trees didn't give me fruits for seed oil. You naughty Binnie :) I must make some GMO tree breeding :).
  4. D

    Is there a way to use nether quartz as certus quartz for AE?

    You simply can find a villager, catch it into the MFR safari net, make a MFR spawner by using grinded mobs liquid (i forgot the name) and create yourself a AE villager. Also make yourself a emerald bee and have tons of emeralds for trading for AE crystals. Simple, easy and compact :))
  5. D

    What Are Some Of The Things That You Find Fun When Playing FTB?

    I love to mutate bees. Especially when i have spiecies which can make non renewable items like uranium or apatite. Automating everything with AE and when i have tons of resources i like to build big buildings and make everything looks nice and clean.
  6. D

    1.7 vanilla MC sneak peak.

    Mods haven't been updatet to 1.6 and Jeb and Mojang team are working on 1.7. I wonder if till the end of a year 1.7 mods will be updated. I hope they add some new blocks like coal block in 1.6 which...
  7. D

    Automated impregnated frame production with AE MC1.5.2

    I have a lot of problems to make AE network to produce non stop impregnated frames. I'm using my own 1.5.2 pack with newest versions of AE, forestry, binnie's mod (extra bees) - simmilar to 1.5.2 ngt. I need a lot of frames because i have 15 alvearies and will be having more - 5 frame housing...
  8. D

    1.5.2 solar farm area

    The best thing which should be added to solar panels - especially for advanced solar panels - is some part which must be replaced. This kind of stuff is in Steve's Cart's or in Compact Windmills. In CW you must use rotor to get eu production - the best one is made from iridium but is needed one...
  9. D

    1.5.2 solar farm area

    Solar's are nice for start. Good that advanced solar require uu matter so no easy mass EU production for a really cheap costs. I started with solar panels but later i changed it for MJ power from steam boiler - refined bees FTW. But when you want to use them to power mass fabricator use hard...
  10. D

    Extra bees & magic bees mutations for 1.5.2

    I didn't know that. I will try Escritoire and maybe i will succseed. Thx for help guys.
  11. D

    Extra bees & magic bees mutations for 1.5.2

    In extra bees (Binnie mod with extra trees) for 1.5.2 and magic bees (thaumic bees) there are new bee species like apatine or their names have been changed in magic bees (tin for stannum, gold for auric, etc). Does anyone of you knows if there is some wiki with new changed mutations for 1.5.2...
  12. D

    1.6 pre-release FYI

    1.6 vanilla version looks very cool - coal block, new look on charcoal, hard clay, horses, carpets. What's other changes are in 1.6 version ? Someone said that there will be changes to fluids technique so i supose that we must start new world when mods will be updated to 1.6 version ?
  13. D

    [AE] 16k vs. 64k Storage

    I use 16k for the first disk, 4k for things like Thaumcraft crystals, Buildcraft stuff, some IC2 stuff. But for cobble, dirt and sand i use MFR deep storage unit's - pretty cheap and can hold about 2 M of one type of item. When i fill one it will be weeks of non stop working f.e 4 quarries...
  14. D

    Most efficient way to generate lava?

    You can start using MineFactory Reloaded Lava generator. 1 bucket of lava is made by 50k EU or 20k MJ. Also you don't need to feed it with cobble. Simply connect energy to it and waterproof pipe from generator to tank.
  15. D

    Most Efficient Start

    The BEST way is YOUR way. That's the POWER of Minecraft. You can do whatever you want. This freedom of choice is the thing it makes me addicted to MC :) The fastest way is making axe, then cobble pick, mine iron, make a cobble furnace, iron pickaxe, more mining (gold, diamond, redstone, mods...
  16. D

    FTB Pack Comparison

    I don't know if anyone had this weird bug i found. I was using copper & tin from IC2. When i started to pulverize copper i got pulv copper and then i try to cook it in powered furnace but i could only get 1 copper ingot from any amount of pulverized ore. And this copper ingot didn't work in...
  17. D

    1.7.x Packs Yet!? [Mindcrack/DW20/Ultimate/Lite/Horizons/Monster/Unleashed/Unhinged/Tech/Magic/etc]

    I don't thing so because everyone can dowload it. I will check how it works with newest Forestry & Thaumic Bees. EDIT I found a bug that you check some recipes from Extra Bees NEI is turning off and you must turn it on. Or maybe it's a fult of NEI bee addon i'm having.
  18. D

    1.5.2 pack..

    I know that NEI can't work with 1.5.2 right now. Also i'm having some crashes made by A Sufficient Numbers Of Biomesand ExtraBiomes so i deleted them and stick to vanilla MC biomes. Other stuff works pretty good. But t obe extra lucky i'm waiting for Extra Bees. Vanilla Forestry bees are cool...
  19. D

    1.5.2 pack..

    I recently made my own 1.5.2 pack. I used Forge 710, CodeChickenCore, CoFHCore-, NotEnoughItems, PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.6-107. Mods i used are: Applied Energistics 10n, Ars Magica 5.52.003, A Sufficient Numbers Of Biomes 2.1.1, Buildcraft A-3.5.2., ChickenChunks
  20. D

    Jesus christ i've finially done it

    Having about 10 million of cobblestone is a though one - it's about 6 full 64k applied Energistics disks so quadrillion can be made by 512 igneous extrouders fed to quantum chests and it can take a lot of real time weeks to get this amount. :) The idea of making Mt Rushmore is nice one - and...