Feed the Beast

It... it's the client folder? :p

If you want, I could package it for a proper server for the forge version when I get home, and push it with that. Otherwise, it'll just send the thing you have there now to everyone, which may irritate some people :p
Is there an executable somewhere I am supposed to be grabbing or building? Because that's where I was going "rawrgh", especially because I actually build my server executables the "forge installer" way whereas I notice our packs seem to only be sending out one .jar rather than the two. The guidelines didn't really elucidate me on that that I saw, but it felt off. =P
And of course I'm enough of a bundle of nerves about the whole thing that I figured I'd rather screw up and get yelled at in private than query in public and really look stupid. =P
Technically, you can package the server any way you want and with any mods you want, as the Permissions tool does not check server-side.

I build mine using the two jars as well, including ServerStart.bat and .sh, something I picked up from the Dark Trilogy server. I actually think Dark Trilogy uses the two jars as well.
I'm not actually certain if the minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar is needed, which would explain why the official packs only have the FTB Server jar (which would just be a renamed forge jar).

I'd test it without the other jar, but again, not at home. Considering it's a Third Party Pack, you could probably just package it however you want. As long as it works for launching a server, everyone'll be happy.