JEI Missing Random Recipes?


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
I recently updated my mod collection to MC 1.12.2, and for the most part everything's great, but JEI seems to miss some recipes -- and even then, not the same ones every time. One example is Magical Wood from Extra Utilities: The first time I clicked on it, it showed me I had to make it from a bookshelf and lapis in an Enchanter, but later I checked again and it gave no recipe. I hadn't installed or removed anything between these happenings. However, the recipe did still work when I put the bookshelf and lapis in said enchanter. There were a few other things that didn't show up, but I don't remember what they were. I know JEI doesn't yet support Buildcraft's Assembly Table, but there were other plain workbench recipes that don't show up.