Recent content by SoulReaperAdam

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    Whitelist Server NoobGamers|Infinity|1.10.1|Mature|Friendly|No Banned Items|TS3|Dedicated|24/7|PvP/PvE|UK

    Forum Name: SoulReaperAdam Minecraft name: thebaconhawk Age: 18 Country: United States How long have you played the modded version of minecraft? 3 years What do you like about modded minecraft?: It doesn't get boring like vanilla. Much more complex and so many things to do. Have you been banned...
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    Whitelist Server OTEGamers |FTB INFINITY - 1.6.2 | 64G RAM | TS3 | Great Community | Fast Whitelist |

    In-Game Name: thebaconhawk What are you looking for in the server? A place for me and a friend to hang out and get far in the mod pack How long have you been playing Minecraft? 5 years What experience do you have with Modded MC? Played many ftp and technic/tekkit pack Have you...
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    Building With Chisel (DW20)

    I'll look into that as well
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    Building With Chisel (DW20)

    Do they have facades for chisel blocks though?
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    Building With Chisel (DW20)

    Without thinking about it I used just chisel blocks to build my whole base on DW20 pack, so I was wondering what ways there are to hide my wiring with chisel bocks? I can make AE2 facades but those don't work on ender io wires or ic2 cables so I'm guessing they only work with AE2. Thanks for...
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    Whitelist Server Private Server | Monster 1.1.1 | White-List | Mature | PvE | No Mod Restrictions/Items Banned

    Hey I'm 17 from US and my ign is thebaconhawk can't wait to join the community thanks.
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    Whitelist Server CraftBeast|Ultimate Pack|Whitelist|24/7|New Server!|90 Slots! |Nice Community|Updated!

    Minecraft Username: thebaconhawk Age: (15+ Younger players that are mature are fine) 16 Have you been banned before?: never If yes (above) State why: Secret word: (Its in the MystCraft Rules) Sponges! Will you follow all of our rules?: Yes Why should we whitelist you: I'm a veteran to this stuff...
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    Forum Name: SoulReaperAdam Account(If applicable): thebaconhawk In-Game Name: thebaconhawk Age: 16 Why do you want to join KumaCraft?: Looks like a good community, plus need a good server to play on. Also you have mystcraft and logistic pipes which is awesome! Have you read...