Recent content by rg808guy

  1. R

    [1.7.10][Curse] TF in Motion [Learning][Quests]

    Thanks. I would like to play a TFC pack with lots of quests.
  2. R

    [1.7.10][Curse] TF in Motion [Learning][Quests]

    I tried this pack out a little and I like what you have worked on. but can you lower the amounts of mods so crappy laptops can play it plz. There isn't a low mod count TFC mod pack with lots of quests. Thank you for reading.
  3. R

    Does anyone now of any hqm modpack with immersive engineering quest?

    Does any one know any more IE quest modpacks because project ozone keeps crashing for no reason
  4. R

    Does anyone now of any hqm modpack with immersive engineering quest?

    I want to play with immersive engineering and hqm mod
  5. R

    [1.7.10][Hqm] Terraria Adventures![W.I.P][Adventure&Rpg]

    I would like to play this pack
  6. R

    [1.7.10] Ascending[MinorQuest][MagiTech]

    Ohh an could you also use Hqm for quest also
  7. R

    [1.7.10] Ascending[MinorQuest][MagiTech]

    Please keep Working on this pack it good
  8. R

    [1.7.10]Mammoth[Magic-Tech][HQM][v 0.7.4]

    can't wait for the hqm. can you make this pack a little easier since Rancor was a little hard.
  9. R

    [1.7.10] [RPG] Mists of Dimensions | Do you know any good Dimension mods?

    Also the Divine Rpg mod. (comes with some dimensions)
  10. R

    [1.7.10] [RPG] Mists of Dimensions | Do you know any good Dimension mods?

    I would suggest the Eternal isles mod, Atum mod, Erebus mod, and Eternal frost mod. I hope this helps you
  11. R

    Engineers' school {WIP}[HQM][Tech][Tutorial]

    Can't wait for this pack