Recent content by mightyjake

  1. M

    What mods could be used to replace redpower 2 (not talking about its place in FTB)

    Good job Numerios! Perhaps Slowpoke will put it into the 1.5 pack until RP2 is updated!
  2. M

    Top Game of any System (Give Reasons)

    Both games are good, but Final Fantasy 7 is the only one I have played for any decent length of time. I tried to get into FF13, but it fell short of my expectations and I got bored.
  3. M

    Any good free games?

    This may not count as a free game, but you can download a free demo of Kerbal Space Program which is packed full of things from the full game.
  4. M

    Forum Game - What is the avatar above you thinking?

    I may look uber cute, but I can see into your soul with these eyes.
  5. M

    Forum Game - What is the avatar above you thinking?

    I found the Vault!
  6. M

    Top Game of any System (Give Reasons)

    No offence, but have you ever heard of Quake, Unreal Tournament or even Goldeneye for the N64? They were the same as Call of Duty (multiplayer FPS games), only better for not being mainstream.
  7. M

    What mods could be used to replace redpower 2 (not talking about its place in FTB)

    I can totally see where you are coming from, I couldn't imagine FTB without Buildcraft.
  8. M

    What mods could be used to replace redpower 2 (not talking about its place in FTB)

    Anyone else think that nothing can really replace Redpower 2?
  9. M

    What's wrong with my age? (mystcraft)

    Have you checked the Mystcraft wiki? There is a lot of help for writing stable ages there. If that doesn't help, I am sure someone with vast knowledge of Mystcraft will post here soon.
  10. M

    Forum Game - Word Association

    In reply to LightKnight: Teamwork (mostly)
  11. M

    Forum Game - Word Association

  12. M

    (WIP)[DW20] Feed The Beast - Arcane Edition

    I like the concept of this a lot, it's just a shame I don't know how to use the magic mods (or speak spanish).
  13. M

    Forum Game - Word Association

  14. M

    Forum Game - Word Association
