Recent content by EXOgreenMC

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  1. E

    Permissions Site

    Errors Open Components just links to Open Computers Open Printers is listed as request but on its curse page says free to use Technomancy...
  2. E

    New Mod: CustomThings

    I do have one question, where is a download link for your mod?
  3. E

    WayofTime's EEPower [SSP] - Ultimate Pack - Resonance Rises! [SMP]

    Bwahahaha! I shall keep this thread alive to the end! on to busyness (not misspelled), how about creating a prank for GenerikB or Zisteau? (from the mindcrack server, if people don't know about them, where have you been?) PLOT: zisteau is making a hidden base. generikb is runing around...
  4. E

    Ampz + Ultimate = AWESOMENESS

    Is attempting to fill MFR DSU's with 2 billion of every item pushing the mods to there limits? And I don't mean 2 bil cobble, 2 bil dirt, I mean 2 bil gravichestplates, 2 bil diamond ore, 2 bil pink slimeballs, etc. Or is it that I am trying to do it with only turtles? Like...
  5. E

    edenic bees explorer effect, just how much xp per bee per time?

    yep! already thought of that, thanks though.
  6. E

    edenic bees explorer effect, just how much xp per bee per time?

    love to, but my computer hates forge single player and i am not advanced on any servers for that. thanks! ill assume that is the correct amount until otherwise specified.
  7. E

    edenic bees explorer effect, just how much xp per bee per time?

    Thats all well and good, but i already figured out i can have 2925 apiaries (2924 if you want 1 unoccupied block to put a mystcraft linking book it to get out) but i want to calculate just ho fast i would get xp, so i need specific XP points and time.
  8. E

    edenic bees explorer effect, just how much xp per bee per time?

    Does anyone know exactly how many xp points a edenic bees explorer effect gives and for how often? i have not been able to find it anywhere, it just says, "gives the nearest player xp" EDIT: this is to see just how much xp i can posibly get at once via the bees with upgraded range in aviarys...
  9. E

    WayofTime's EEPower [SSP] - Ultimate Pack - Resonance Rises! [SMP]

    heres an idea for you, a cross between a quarry and a frame quarry. you use mining wells (ic2 version) on frames with ov scaners so you get all the ores but almost no cobble/dirt, and it will be faster than a frame/quarry. the only problems i see is 1: power 2: can all the needed blocks move...
  10. E

    Help me find what's missing from the wiki...

    i do not breed bees myself, but i have seen nothing on them mutating with different chances in different biomes, i know that some cannot work in some biomes, and that some need to breed together in a specific biome though.
  11. E

    Help me find what's missing from the wiki...

    one thing i noticed was that bee breeding chances are not listed. should be pretty easy as you can use the flora-in-a-box for the chances, though it may be a bit harder to put it on the wiki. and the combs pages dont link to what you can do with the stuff that was centrifuged also, the only...
  12. E

    i have noticed that the gravisuite mod page has no info, and is missing advanced electric...

    i have noticed that the gravisuite mod page has no info, and is missing advanced electric jetpack, gravitool, and possibly more, would you like me to write up a page or 2 for you?
  13. E

    What youtube channels do you watch?

    i watch wayoftime first off for his amazing ftb ideas then Blame The Controller because he is the most amazing role model on earth then i watch guude or zesteiu if they have a deadspace/ftb or inferno mines ep. out the its a bdubs/GB verse etho battle then beef/pause then doc/anderz occasionally...
  14. E

    WayofTime's EEPower [SSP] - Ultimate Pack - Resonance Rises! [SMP]

    in Etho and BlameTC's recent videos, they have been trying different farms, such as the new multi farm (which seams to suck as it needs apitite fertilizer and uses lots of tin) and shooting trees with mining lasers, all because the old forestry farms are being removed, what are you going to do...
  15. E

    WayofTime's EEPower [SSP] - Ultimate Pack - Resonance Rises! [SMP]

    ok, i had thought i meant a bunch of cubes all stacked together, instead of with hallways. how would you make the autocrafter remote, as i do not know a way to make redpower computers comunicate over long distances/dimensions. also, it probably wouldn't take THAT much more energy, if youhad the...