Recent content by Darayavahus

  1. D

    Ask a simple question, get a simple answer

    FTB Interactions Bronze Age (at early Steam machines) ranged weapons options? 'Arrow Shafts' are gated behind extruders, and it seems i cannot cast "large" parts in Porcelain Melter (faucet does not work). Any advice?
  2. D

    Problem Forum Search option??? FTB Interactions topics..

    Ummm.. either im blind and cant find an option to search through forum topics, or it is not there..
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    New site feedback

    Server Promotion forum is almost completely useless, most of the servers listed are Dead & Gone, there is no way to determine server status unless you try to locate server webpage or try to connect, losing a lot of time and getting frustrated. We clearly need a list of servers with fixed TAG's...
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    I've managed to launch it, just made few stupid mistakes installing it. :P Anyway the mod is very useful but is not optimised, would require some work, minions while teleporting can cause the game to freeze briefly (its either sound bug (4 minion sounds overlaping causing small freeze) or its...
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    Minions? This mod is really useful but the problems is that it is not configured to the point FTB can directly add it to one of the Packs. Could someone assit us with this?