Recent content by BlueNinjar

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    Whitelist Server Incepticraft Oldschool - 1.0.25 - Whitelisted - Recent Map Reset AND New Host! - Close Community!

    Minecraft InGameName: BlueNinjar Age: 15 How active you will be: As active as i was last time! Why you want to join: This was my first whitelisted server back in the day, Was a donator as well. Have you ever been banned: Na Experience with the pack: Play it all the time!
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    Hmm maybe sooo

    Hmm maybe sooo
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    Ah kk bro no worry's just massage me when ya get the chance.

    Ah kk bro no worry's just massage me when ya get the chance.
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    How long does it normally take for you to reply to Private modpack requests.

    How long does it normally take for you to reply to Private modpack requests.
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    Whitelist Server See new Theard

    IGN : BlueNinjar AGE : 15 Skype : lukepaul2 How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : 1.5 Years How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Around 4-5 hours a day! Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Yes i am able to its my job IRL So i'm use to it What...
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    Whitelist Server *NEW WORLD* ComplexCraft | DireWolf20 1.0.23| WhiteList | 24/7 | No Lag | Very Friendly | No Bans |

    IGN : BlueNinjar Age : 15 Minecraft Expertice Why you want to join : I want to join as i have beee playing single player for too long, The fact that i can go into gamemode kills them game for me. Plus it would be nice to meet new friends.
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    Whitelist Server Beat the feast|Direwolf20 1.6.4|Whitelist|Vanilla|V1.0.21

    Ign BlueNinjar Age 15 Previous experiance in FTB: I'v been playing FTB for around 1 and a half years, after finding direwolf A way for me to get to the last level. I just can't find that code :| 71739518
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    Problem Direwolf20 Server HELP!

    i have java 7
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    Problem Direwolf20 Server HELP!

    Ok So i Was Starting My Private server for a friend and i get this error, i just downloaded the pack and didnt edit anything! 2013-05-23 12:29:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] Forge Mod Loader version missing.missing.missing.missing for Minecraft missing loading 2013-05-23 12:29:40 [INFO] [STDERR]...
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    Whitelist Server Turtzcraft [New server][Survival][18+][Small][UK]

    Djturtz Check Your Inbox Please
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    Whitelist Server Turtzcraft [New server][Survival][18+][Small][UK]

    Name: Luke Paul In game name: BlueNinjar Age:16 Country: UK Why you would like to join my server: I Want To Join The Server Cuz im a Bit Of A Feed The Beast Wiz And A Bit of A MAde Person with Thumcraft And i Like To Get My Hands Dirty And I Would Enjoy Helping You And The Rest Of These EPIC...
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    NoClue|direwolf's20 modpack v5 1.4.6|Whitelist|Small community|16 +

    Username: BlueNinjar age: 18 what kind of player you are?: Im a Kinda And Funny Player, very good with red power and Computer craft and Thumcraft