Recent content by Awesome

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    Whitelist Server 1.7.10 Steincraft | Direwolf20 1.6.1 | Whitelist | 32 Slots | 24/7 |Plugins| Family Friendly | TS3

    1.) IGN jepikaiye 2.) Age (optional) 20 3.) How long have you been playing Minecraft If i remember correctly then i have been playign minecraft 4years 4.) Why do you want to join our server: Have a good time. Want to be a part of a nice community were is no griefing or stealing. Were you can...
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    Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

    In Game Name:Jepikaiye Age:20 Banned Before:No , never. Experience with modded MC:I have played tekkit alot.FTB ultimate (was my favorite). Goals On Server:Learn something new from this modpack and build things that i have never built yet. Unique Skills?:Im pretty good with redstone :) How...
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    Whitelist Server |Deltro-Ultimate|120 Slots|Dedicated 24/7|Grief prevention|mature 15+|

    age (15+):20 Experience with ftb/mods:i have played FTB quite a while.Before it i played tekkit.I have experience with mods over 1.5years now. (Ultimate,mindcrack,direwolf20 packs) Are you able to skype/teamspeak if so what is your skype?:No i don't need it.If i really need i can buy one. What...
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    Whitelist Server Stonecraft: FTB Mindcrack-(8.3.2) - [Whitelisted]

    -IGN:Jepikaiye -Why you want to play on our server:I want play with my friend FTB (EST_Koenigsegg).Also i want try somthing new (Factorys what i have never done before). -Anything else you want to add:I live in Finland but im from Estonia.Im 20 years old and mature player.I have played FTB over...
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    Whitelist Server ThunderCraft|Friendly|Bukkit|Ultimate| Dedicated |Mature|Small Community|New Map

    - In game name : Jepikaiye - Age : 19 - Country | Timezone : Finland - Do you understand and accept the rules : Yes i do! - What are your plans on the server : Try out new things what i haven't built yet! - Will you be able to donate : No.Sorry :s - Will you use Teamspeak : No.Don't have microphone.
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    Whitelist Server RippleCraft [v8.01] [TeamSpeak] [Survival] [Active][NewMap]

    1. Age : 19 2. IGN : Jepikaiye 3. How long have you been playing the MindCrack Pack? :1.5Month and i have played FTB other packs 4months +.Before FTB i played tekkit 3months.Vanilla i have played 1.5years. 4. What do you plan to really do on the server? :Try new things out with my friend.Like...
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    Whitelist Server LukeyCraft Feed The Beast - Mindcrack - 1.4.7 - 50 Slots!

    IGN:Jepikaiye Will you obey the Rules?:Yes. Age:19 Favorite Mob: Probaly creepers because they will creep! :cool: And explode! Such a awesome monster!
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    NewCraft|White listed|Dw20 modpack|

    MC Username:Jepikaiye Age:19 Any knowledge of the mods in this pack, if yes which ones:I know much about this modpack.But i havent worked some mods.Xycraft and bees(I dont like really bee things... thats booring i think) Are you mature:Yes i think Have you ever been ban before, if so for what:I...
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    DomainCraft Direwolf20 Modpack Server! | 1.4.6 (Dw20Pack) | Whitelist |

    Minecraft Username:Jepikaiye Age:19 Do you know anything about the mods in the DW20 pack? (We don't care, its just nice to know :D) Alot Are you a mature player? Yes. Have you ever been banned on a server (Please tell the truth!), if so, why? No Did you read the rules? Yes What is the policy...
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    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    Please add optifine :)