MultiMC Updated Install Instructions

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Firstly I'd just like to point out I put this together with the assumption that you will know the basics of MultiMC, if not then just try and follow anyway.

Ok, to start with run MultiMC and create a new instance, name this what you like. I tend to put something so I know what mods I have in that instance.


Then you will want to run your instance once so that all the right folders, .jars etc are downloaded and installed.


Close this down then select the downgrade option on the right of the console.


Scroll down a little and find the 1.2.5 downgrade option, select this and hit OK. Wait for the client to patch then re-run the instance to double check it has taken the patch.


Close this down again and click the View Folder button on the bottom-right of the console. All you need to do here is copy and paste the contents of your chosen mod pack into this folder. No fancy opening of winzip archives or what have you. Remember to merge or replace any files if it comes up.


Close this folder and click on Edit Mods on the right of the console, simply hit Reload at the bottom of the window to load up all the mods you have just added, no more effort is needed than that. You do not need to rearrange these as multimc does it for you (I think, never had to re-order them before, only when doing it manually).


Once your mods are installed i'd suggest loading up your instance once more before moving on just to double check it works and all the mods installed correctly, if you followed my guide you should have no problems, if you do then you either missed a step or did one incorrectly, go back and double check you have done everything I said in this guide.


Last step here is to add your FTB map to the instance, do this by once again clicking on View Folder, navigate into the .minecraft folder and find the Saves folder. Drag and drop or copy and paste your map folder into this one and you will be good to go.


I hope this helped, if you have any problems please go back through the guide. If you have done this and are still having problems then feel free to reply to this post or message me directly via the forums. I tend to check the forums a few times a day so you shouldn't have to wait more than 12 hours for a reply.

Please note, you may have more or less mods than shown on the screenshots depending on which version of the pack you are using. You may also be using different versions of the mods shown in the screenshots above, if you do please don't think you have done something wrong, as I previously stated, it is because you are likely using a different version of the mod pack to me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats because the latest version is designed to work with a newer version of forge mod loader.
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