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For assistance in completing research puzzles, use this.
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View at your own discretion.
For assistance in completing research puzzles, use this.
Since people don't know how to google...
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So we're stickied on the subforum!!
Time for an obligatory gif!
Want a more 'visual' guide and a thorough look into what this guide's rambling about?
Mr HaighYorkie's got you covered. Check out his Thaumcraft Research Playlist and all his other fancy dancy videos and tell him I sent you, why not?
Not convinced? Check out the video below~!
FYI: Italicized Information, if any, means that it's not confirmed. Citation needed. If you can confirm it by all means post and I'll amend it. I appreciate all the help I can get.
This is an unofficial guide used without permission of the modmaker - All imagery provided are created from screenshots of the mod in use. All links provided follow the ToS and will not use profiteering third party sources such as Adfly.
I have more Cheat Sheets!
Thaumcraft 4 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V1 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V2 - LINK
Thaumcraft Addon Compenium - LINK
Want this in a PDF/DOC File? Right Click and Save these files for yourself!
4.0.4c - [ .doc / .pdf ]
4.0.3a - [ .doc / .pdf ]
4.0.2a - [ .doc / .pdf ]
So we're stickied on the subforum!!
Time for an obligatory gif!

Want a more 'visual' guide and a thorough look into what this guide's rambling about?
Mr HaighYorkie's got you covered. Check out his Thaumcraft Research Playlist and all his other fancy dancy videos and tell him I sent you, why not?
Not convinced? Check out the video below~!
FYI: Italicized Information, if any, means that it's not confirmed. Citation needed. If you can confirm it by all means post and I'll amend it. I appreciate all the help I can get.
This is an unofficial guide used without permission of the modmaker - All imagery provided are created from screenshots of the mod in use. All links provided follow the ToS and will not use profiteering third party sources such as Adfly.
I have more Cheat Sheets!
Thaumcraft 4 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V1 - LINK
Thaumic Tinkerer V2 - LINK
Thaumcraft Addon Compenium - LINK
Want this in a PDF/DOC File? Right Click and Save these files for yourself!
4.0.4c - [ .doc / .pdf ]
4.0.3a - [ .doc / .pdf ]
4.0.2a - [ .doc / .pdf ]
Basic Information
Thaumonomicon A Repository of Knowledge
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: In-Game Reference Guide
To craft the Thaumonomicon, you must simply use your wand on a bookshelf placed in the world.
The Thaumonomicon is a reference book of all things thaumaturgical. It lists all the discoveries you have made so far and gives you a general impression of how many there are still to be made.
Whenever you successfully research something and use the scroll, it will automatically be added to this book. You can then browse through the discoveries and click on them to be shown more detailed information regarding them as well as any crafting recipes associated with those discoveries.
Plants and Trees Magical Vegetation
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Er... Magical Vegetation!
Greatwood Trees These large and majestic trees can be found dotted all over the countryside.
Their wood is able to absorb impressive amounts of magic making it a popular component in the crafting off magical devices.
Silverwood Trees These rare and magical trees are a wondrous sight. Their leaves shimmer with magical energy and their pale, soft wood is valued for its purifying properties.
These trees magical nature is such that aura nodes often form within their hearts - this feature alone makes a silverwood sapling a prize beyond measure.
Shimmerleaf The strange, glowing flowers only grow in the shadow of Silverwood Trees. Instead of nectar, these flowers produce quicksilver.
Cinderpearl Found only in the hottest of climes, these plants burn with elemental fire. They can be harvested and ground to produce a fine powder akin to Blaze powder.
Mana Pod This strange, podlike plant is found growing on trees in magical forests. The grow very slowly and when harvested usually only yield one or two beans.
These beans, known as Mana Beans contain concentrated amounts of essentia. They can also be consumed though the results are often a bit unpredictable.
They can be replanted, but cultivation is difficult and time-consuming.
Enchantments New Enchantments
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Thaumcraft exclusive enchants
Thaumcraft adds several unique enchantments.
Potency (foci only) This enchantment increases the damage, range or area of the focus it is applied to.
Frutal (foci only) Foci with this enchantment use less vis when activated.
Treasure (foci only) This enchantment functions like the Fortune enchantment, increasing the amount of items gained when harvesting.
Haste This enchantment can be applied to footwear of all types and increases the wearers landspeed. The higher the level of enchant, the greater the speed bonus granted.
Repair This enchantment slowly repairs the durability of items by drawing vis from the aura. The higher the level of the enchantment, the quicker this takes place. This enchantment can only be applied to items made with Thaumcraft, and even then not all of them.
Ores Dig deep
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ Clusters (Elemental) / Clusters (Mixed) ]
Nature: Thaumcraft exclusive enchants
Infused Stone On occasion there is so much primal energy in an aura that it would settle into solid stone to form Infused Ore. The magic forms crystals within the rock that can be harvested.
These crystals have various elemental properties and have many uses in Thaumaturgy.
There are six types of infused stone, one for each of the Primal Aspects

They can be combined together to form crystal clusters. Crystal clusters have no special properties beyond adding a touch of class to any home. Breaking a crystal cluster causes it to shatter into its component crystals.
Cinnabar This reddish ore is found deep underground and when smelted produces quicksilver.
Amber This ore is found near the surface and when mined drops chunks of amber.
Knowledge Fragments Fragments of lost lore
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Hidden lore loot
In your travels you might happen upon fragments of ancient and lost knowledge. n their own they aren't worth much, but if you gather enough of them together you might gain unique research that you can pursue. Usually the research they reveal cannot be gained through normal means.
The fragments of knowledge can on occasion lead to false theory, but this will be revealed when you attempt to research it. When this happens most of your knowledge fragments will be returned to you. When this happens it usually means you have exhausted all current avenues of research into lost knowledge.
Auras and Nodes Magic is everywhere
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: In-Game Reference Guide
The Aura is a field of magical energy prevalent throughout the world. It's origin is unclear. Some believe it is the accumulated life force of living beings, while others believe it to be merely another type of energy seeping in from another place. The last theory seems to be most likely, as the aura is often found surrounding a node of concentrated mystical energy known as an Aura Node
Each aura node has a base amount of magical energy it can contain and this energy is aligned into one or more aspects. It is usually aligned to Primal Aspects, but rarely a node may contain Compound Aspects.
The aspects within an aura node can be tapped by a thaumaturge for his own purposes, The simplest way to do so is with the use of a wand.
Energy that has been harvested in this manner is known as vis
Aura nodes are hard to see with the naked eye, but faint glimmers of light often betray their presence. The Thaumometer makes nodes slightly easier to find, as looking through its lens makes them clearly visible.Important: Caution must be taken when draining a node. There is a small chance that when a specific type of aspect within a node is completely drained, it may disappear or harm the integrity of the node.
It is possible for the node to disappear completely if all the aspects disappear.
Fortunately most nodes replenish their aspects over time and if properly maintained can provide a clever thaumaturge with all the vis he could want.Aspects of Magic The building blocks of magic
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Vis Elements
Every item, object or creature is bound by varying mystical elements known as aspects. Aspects describe the objects makeup and bend towers the magical elements. A simple stone may process the aspect of Saxum while more complex items like trees or even creatures can be made up of various different aspects in varying amounts. There are close to 50 known aspects with more being discovered all the time.
There are two main types of aspects: Primal and Compound.Primal Aspects are the most basic types of aspects and there are only 6 of them: Aer (air), Terra (earth), Ignis (fire), Aqua (Water), Ordo (order), Perditio (entropy).
These form the basic building blocks of all other aspects.
Compound Aspects are build from two other aspects. The simplest comound aspects are made from two primal aspects, but it is possible to have incredibly complex compound aspects made from successive layers of simpler aspects.
The simplest example of such a compound aspect, is the aspect if Victus (life) that is a combination of Terra and Aqua.
To view what aspects an item possesses, simply hover your cursor over the item and press sneak (shift), and you will see what aspects that item has and what amounts of each. You will first need to study the item however, until then the aspects will remain unknown.
Aspects that have somehow been separated from their object and purified is known as Vis and is very valuable both as a crafting ingredient and as a subject for magical research.Vis is most often bound into wands, but it is also to store it as a magical liquid. Vis stored as a liquid is known as Essentia.
Research How you discover things
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Recipe: [ x / alt / repair ]
Nature: How do I do learn < _>
Before you can build most thaumaturgical items and blocks, you first need to discover how to do so. There are several steps in this process:
(1) Exploring the world and examining blocks, items and creatures with a Thaumometer.
(2) Taking the research points you gathered from the first step and expanding your aspect knowledge with the Research Table.
(3) Using the aspects you know and discovering practical knowledge and recipes with the Research Table
(1) Exploration
You cannot perform research without research points, and the best way to gain research points is by exploration and examining object in the world.
The first thing you will need to do is construct a Thaumometer (see next page). By pointing the Thaumometer at objects or creatures and holding the right mouse button you will start examining them. The process does not take long but your movement speed is reduces while it is occurring.
Once the Thaumometer will display what aspects the object contains. In the bottom right of the screen you will also see a summary of the aspects and research points you discovered.

The very first time you discover an aspect by examining something you gain double the number of research points you would have normally.
Objects and creatures can usually only be examined once.
While exploring the world and examining things it is always a good idea to keep a filled set of scribing tools and some paper on you. Occasionally examining something will reveal additional clues and insights into thaumoturgical research, often resulting in a set of research notes that you can research further.
(2) Combining Aspects
Once you have gathered some research points you can attempt to combine them into compound aspects within a research table.
To craft a research table simply place two tables next to each other and click on them with a set of Scribing Tools. The recipe for tables is listed under the Artiface research category.
If you open the research tables inventory, you will see an interface as pictured on the right.
The cribing tools you used to craft the table will be located in slot 1. You might also wish to place paper into slot. 2, though paper is not needed for this phase of research.

If you had done some exploring with the Thaumometer beforehand then you might have a significant number of primal and compound aspects listed here.
You can now start combining aspects into more complex compound aspects but simply clicking on those you wish to combine, the selected aspects will appear in slot 4 and when you have two selected pressing the purple button marked 5 will attempt to combine them. If successful, you should see what was gained in the bottom right and it should appear in slot 3.
The component aspects are consumed even if the combination did not result in a valid compound aspect.
(3) Research Aspects

If you press it then you will attempt to research the selected aspect. If successful you discover something of interest about that aspect and a set of research notes will appear in slot 7. Section 8 will also display the research sheet covered in a bewildering array of runes and symbols that looks something like the image at the top of the previous page.
Don't worry, it is not as hard as it looks.
To complete your research you simply need to connect and activate all the knowledge nodes (pictured below).
You connect the knowledge nodes by activating the runes.
Not all the runes are valid for the current subject you are researching.
For example though ther emight be runes for Aer, Terra, Ignes and Aqua on the research sheet, only Ignes and Terra mght actually be valid. Invalid runes are often called "red herring" runes.
You discover which runes are valid by selecting an aspect on the left, and pressing the 'Research' button (6). If the aspect you selected is valid, then all runes linked to that aspect will become active.
If the aspect you select is a 'red herring' then the runes linked to it will not activate, but up to two of them will be removed from the sheet entirely.
If the aspect you select is not present on the research table then nothing happens.
Active runes act as possible bridges to connect knowledge nodes. A glowing line of energy will glow from an active knowledge node to any active rune nearby. You need to create a chain of active runes and ndes to complete the research.
To form a chain you must move the runes aqround by clicking on a rune and selecting a valid destination.

Inactive runes prevent the forming of a connection if they lie in its path, so you need to move them out of the way.

The Pech Strange CreaturesResearch: Auram - Motus - Permutatio - Praecantatio
Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Required Research: (Starts off unlocked)
Nature: Thaumic Creatures
These strange humanoids can be found wherever the veil between worlds are at it's thinnest. They seem drawn to the magical energies that abound in such places.
Don't let their small stature fool you. They have incredible strength and can carry many times their own body weight.
Pech are normally not aggressive, but then riled up they will band together and hunt down their attacker. Under normal conditions they avoid people at all costs.
Pechs are notoriously avaricious, and will loot anything not nailed down, though they prefer precious things. It is said that if you feed this desire for material wealth it could be possible to befriend one. Once befriended they often carry wonderous objects that they might be willing to part with.
It should be noted that such 'friendships' seldom last long.

Advanced Node Tapping Taking it allResearch: Auram - Motus - Permutatio - Praecantatio
Required Research: Auras and Nodes
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Node Tapping Boost
Usually the process of drawing vis from a node with a wand is quite slow... but not anymore.
You have discovered a more efficient way of tapping into aura nodes, resulting in a doubling of the vis draw rate.
Master Node Tapping All your vis are belong to us
Research: Auram - Motus - Permutatio - Praecantatio
Required Research: Advanced Node Tapping
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Node Tapping Mastery
You have added further refinements to the methods you use to tap aura nodes.
You are now able to draw vis three times faster then normal.
Node Preserver Saving some for later
Research: Auram - Lucrum - Sensus
Required Research: Advanced Node Tapping
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Anti-Node Wastage
You now have better control over the amount of vis you draw from nodes. You will always leave at least one vis of each aspect in the node, unless you are sneaking.
Be warned, this level of control is not possible when using wants crafted from normal wood and iron.
Node in a Jar For the thaumaturgist on the go
Research: Auram - Lucrum - Motus - Permutatio
Required Research: Node Preserver
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Portable Nodes
Warded jars have proven themselves capable of storing all maner of mundane and mystical things, and you believe you have discovered another use for them - trapping aura nodes.
By constructing a large versioon of a jar around a node and enacting the proper mystical formula with your wand, the node will become trapped inside the construct which will quickly shrink to a more manageable size. The jar can then be safely picked up and moved around, but the initial trapping spell does have a very good chance of damaging the node.
While trapped the node is kept suspended and will not regenerate vis, nor can vis be drawn from it.
It is possible to free the node from the jar by placing it in the world and clicking on it with the wand. The jar will be destroyed in the process.
Research Expertise Knowledge is power
Research: Cognito - Sensus
Required Research: Research
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Research Buff
You are have become more efficient at performing research.
Whenever you attempt to research a 'red herring' aspect, up to three of its runes will be removed instead of two.
You are also able to move runes up to three positions at a time, instead of two.
Research Mastery Power is knowledge
Research: Cognito - Motus - Sensus
Required Research: Research Expertise
Recipe: N/A
Nature: Research Buff
You are have become even more efficient at performing research.
Whenever you attempt to research a 'red herring' aspect, up to four of it's runes will be removed instead of three.
You are also able to move runes up to four positions at a time instead of three.
Lastly you are able to move active runes, though only a single position. Be warned however that doing this runs the risk of deactivating all runes linked to that aspect.
Deconstruction Table When taking a good look just isn't enough
Research: Cognito - Fabrico - Perditio
Required Research: Research Expertise
Recipe: [ x ]
Nature: Aspect Accumulator
There comes a point in any thaumaturge's career where he is unable to progress with research due to his lack of knowledge.
One possible recourse is the Deconstruction Table. The table allows you to break down objects into their smallest parts which you can examine. There are limits however - the table breaks compound aspects into their component aspects until only primal aspects remain. During this process much knowledge is lost and at best the thaumaturge can hope for is a single piece of primal knowledge.
For example cobblestone (saxum and perditio) will be simplified into 2 terra and 1 perditio, only one of which having a chance of being discovered.
It is also fairly slow and the fewer aspects and object has, the lower the chance to discover something.
Did I get the research wrong? Check the plugin abstract below! (Courtesy of janinko)
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