Large black squares in map

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all, I'm new to MC, only been playing a few days and of course the first thing I did was to install 147 mods! (via direwolf20's mod pack) I had some troubles getting the modpack to start at first. The launcher crashed a few times and then I upgraded to java 64 bit and got past that. Then upon creating a new world it kept locking up on the downloading terrain screen. I found the RAM slider on the launcher and upped it to 4 gig and that allowed me to start a game finally. But now as I am running around my newly created world I keep finding these large black holes in the shape of long rectangles, or most likely squares but in a long row of squares. I'm assuming it has something to do with the 'chunk' system that MC uses. Not sure if it has anything to do with the mods I'm using, but I'm guessing it may have something to do with the shear size of the mods being loaded and my slightly outdated system, which is:

Intel i3-3220 (dual core) @ 3.30 ghz
16 gb ram
64 bit windows
radeon HD 7800

Will just adding more gig to the RAM slider help? Or just turning down the chunks to load? Is MC + direwolf20's modpack just too much for my puny system to run? Is the world I created with missing chunks fixable? Do I need to start a new world with different settings? I'm not that far into my modpack game so restarting is not a big problem. Thanks for any help. I can post a screen shot if necessary but I'm guessing you guys have seen this before.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Yes, it's a common thing. Try pressing F3+A to reload the chunks, that might fix the issue. Did you select terrain generation options when creating the world?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Allocating more than 4GB of RAM will not help(Unless your are actually repeatedly running out of RAM, but you shouldn't be with a medium pack as DW20 and no/low/medium-res texturepacks. Check the upper right corner of the F3 overlay). It might even make it worse. Always keep allocated RAM to a minimum while still having enough.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes I used the biomes'o plenty (something like that) option, which is part of the modpack. I'll go mess with f3+a.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I'm starting to think there's something wrong with Biomes o' Plenty(BoP). I had three, four worlds with the old Extra Biomes XL, and those never had it, and I've never seen it in the few vanilla worlds, nor in my Highlands worlds. But every BoP world I've played has had those chunk errors.

Most information points to only using a maximum of 4GB of RAM.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmmm well went back into my game, I was going to try the F3 + A thing, but as I loaded up my game I also turned the settings down a bit from I think 12 chunks loading at a time to 10 or 8 or something, and i changed fancy graphics to fast. I couldn't find any of the missing chunks...Maybe it was just a simple matter of turning a settings down. Anyways thanks for the info.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I play Infinity on a server, and this is quite a common occurrence, especially when loading new chunks. I've seen it happen on our old Resurrection server, as well as our old 1.6.4 Monster server as well. So far as I can tell, its client sided, as several of my server mates have been able to travel into and interact within the missing chunks (well, missing to me, anyway).

I've found a quick relog cleans it up 99% of the time (disconnecting then reconnecting to the server, not relaunching the game). I've not played with F3+A, but from what I gather it forces your client to reload all visible chunks (possibly all chunks loaded by you?). I'll have to remember the quick-keys next time and give that a go.