
Aug 22, 2014
A place


"The fighting stopped being a war hundreds of years ago. There is no remaining purpose to the mindless slaughtering that happens now."

Humanity is locked in an endless battle with the evil monsters of the world. Only the strong, smart and cunning can survive in these times. There is no such thing as organised society, and the leaders of the world were all slain long ago, plunging the world into anarchy.


Maths, science and language are not taught in school, it is the way of the sword, crossbow and magiks.


The races live in individual groups, each with their own settlement. You live in the small village of Pert. While it may not seem like a very impressive place, it holds some of the strongest hunters and huntresses in the world. But there's a reason for that. It is surrounded by settlements of the creatures that roam at night. They attack seemingly mindlessly, yet you do the same. Because, you see, there is no remaining reasoning to the mindless slaughtering that happens now.


Character sheet:

Appearance (picture or description):
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):
Stats (25 total):

Magical skill:
Magical defence:

Magical abilities (3 total):


This rp welcomes newbies and veterans just the same!
Thanks to @RJS for the combat system! I didn't bother asking for permission from him
This signup is largely to gauge interest. Feel free to sign up now, and I encourage you to so that we can get your characters ready, but this will not start for a while, except maybe starting with long posting rounds. If you want to roleplay now, go ask RJS if you can join his cyberpunk roleplay, Beneath the Neon Stars!
Feel free to ask questions!
The fantasy setting is fairly typical, however, most magik is controlled without a wand or staff.



The village you live in, Pert, is run by the most powerful protectors of it. As far as you know, there is no society, and you don't have contact with any other human village. It is under attack every day, as it is surrounded by hostile creatures. Therefore, it is run almost like a communist society. A currency is given out by the strongest protectors to people who have made good contributions to the village, and this is used to purchase unnecessary spoils of battle. All people live in a kind of poverty, as it is hard to live being attacked daily. There are no laws, yet the strongest protectors harshly uphold certain rules, such as no murder, stealing or rape.
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Jul 31, 2013
Interesting, interesting indeed. Now, lets look at what I can come up with.

On a side note:
The fantasy setting is fairly typical, however, most magic is controlled without a wand or staff.
When I create a fantasy world that is kind of the default of how magic works and most of the books I read have it that way as a result I find it interesting to see that you wrote it as it being uncommon to not use staffs or wands.
Maybe I should one day create a world where those things are needed for magic. Maybe it would give interesting results, I already have a few ideas of how that would change some things.

Thus, back on topic. I am probably in.
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Name: Lexia
Age: 25
Magiks: Natural
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Gentle, caring. She wants to help whoever she can no matter the personal cost.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):
Lexia was born and raised in Pert. Her family isn't quite wealthy, and so they lived in a makeshift hut on the outskirts of town. The only thing special about lexia is her natural ability.

Her family were nothing but humble farmers, and lexia always loved tending to the crops. She discovered with very little help a simple charm to increase crop yield and protect them from dangers such as pests or blight. She also befriended a large rat. They became inseperable.

When she started school, she brought her rat with her, and it immediately set her apart. What her and her family didn't know at the time was the rat was actually a weak monster. In school, she refused to take classes in swords or bows, and focused on her floramancy. She discovered several ways to use it in battle, both in offence and defence, and through her friendship with the rat, she was able to develop a charming skill to lure weaker monsters to her side. The rat was bound as a familiar, and was given the name Arkus.

for her armor and staff, she made them herself through weeks of meditation under a certain tree, communing with it, designing the item within the tree's flesh, all without doing and permanent damage to the tree. In return, she used her magic to grow the tree to new hights, and strengthen its roots against pests. For the gauntlets, the tree put a piece of its own soul into them. These allow her to channel her magic in a more effective fashion.
Equipment: A full set of ironwood armor and a pair of livingwood gauntlets. Also a giant rat familiar named Arkus. See backstory for more info.
Stats (25 total):

Health: 4
Armour: 3
Agility: 4
Strength: 2
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 5
Magical defence: 4

Magical abilities (3 total):
Charm Creature: Charms an enemy to fight for me.

Bramble: summons a mass of thorny vines that blocks attacks and damages physical attackers. Any magical or ranged attacks that get absorbed by the bramble are deflected back at the attacker. Projectiles are caught and launched back while magic is absorbed and recast.

Vine Whip: Summons a large vine to attack the enemy with.

Charm creature: Roll magic attack. If roll is 3 times or more than magic defence roll, creature becomes under Lexia's control. Maximum creatures is magical skill/5 rounded up. 3 turn cooldown.

Vine Whip: Basic magical attack. No cooldown.

Bramble: +1 armor and magic defence until next turn. Any attack that fails to penetrate armor or magic defence while the bramble is active is counterattacked with lexia's magic attack. However, any deflected magic that deals damage will keep the original effects. For example, if a magic attack that also deals a debuff is deflected and deals damage to the attacker, then the attacker suffers the accuracy debuff.

Note: Arkus the rat doesn't do much fighting and is more of a companion than anything else.
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Name: Lexia
Age: 25
Magiks: Natural
Appearance (picture or description):
Personality: Gentle, caring. She wants to help whoever she can no matter the personal cost.
Backstory (You've always lived in Pert):
Lexia was born and raised in Pert. Her family isn't quite wealthy, and so they lived in a makeshift hut on the outskirts of town. The only thing special about lexia is her natural ability.

Her family were nothing but humble farmers, and lexia always loved tending to the crops. She discovered with very little help a simple charm to increase crop yield and protect them from dangers such as pests or blight. She also befriended a large rat. They became inseperable.

When she started school, she brought her rat with her, and it immediately set her apart. What her and her family didn't know at the time was the rat was actually a weak monster. In school, she refused to take classes in swords or bows, and focused on her floramancy. She discovered several ways to use it in battle, both in offence and defence, and through her friendship with the rat, she was able to develop a charming skill to lure weaker monsters to her side. The rat was bound as a familiar, and was given the name Arkus.

for her armor and staff, she made them herself through weeks of meditation under a certain tree, communing with it, designing the item within the tree's flesh, all without doing and permanent damage to the tree. In return, she used her magic to grow the tree to new hights, and strengthen its roots against pests. For the gauntlets, the tree put a piece of its own soul into them. These allow her to channel her magic in a more effective fashion.
Equipment: A full set of ironwood armor and a pair of livingwood gauntlets. Also a giant rat familiar named Arkus. See backstory for more info.
Stats (25 total):

Health: 4
Armour: 3
Agility: 4
Strength: 2
Accuracy: 3
Magical skill: 5
Magical defence: 4

Magical abilities (3 total):

Charm creature: Charms an enemy creature to fight for me. Only works on weaker enemies. I can only have one charmed creature at a time to start with. As I grow in power, that can go up as far as 3 at a time.

Vine Whip: Lexia is able to summon and control vines in battle.

Bramble: Lexia summons a bramble shield that blocks damage and hurts attackers.

Note: Arkus doesn't do much fighting and is more of a companion than anything else.

OK, so this is a nice sheet, but there are two main problems. Firstly, EVERYONE fights. In this world, you fight or you die. So she will mostly fight, she won't just be a companion.
Secondly, sorry, should've made this clear, abilities must relate to stats. I'll give some suggestions for these abilities:

Charm creature: Roll magic attack. If roll is 3 times or more than magic defence roll, creature becomes under Lexia's control. Maximum creatures is magical skill/5 rounded up.

Vine whip: Magical Attack.

Bramble: +1 durability until start of next turn. Any attacks that hit but fail to penetrate armour get attacked with an automatically hitting attack.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
OK, so this is a nice sheet, but there are two main problems. Firstly, EVERYONE fights. In this world, you fight or you die. So she will mostly fight, she won't just be a companion.
Secondly, sorry, should've made this clear, abilities must relate to stats. I'll give some suggestions for these abilities:

Charm creature: Roll magic attack. If roll is 3 times or more than magic defence roll, creature becomes under Lexia's control. Maximum creatures is magical skill/5 rounded up.

Vine whip: Magical Attack.

Bramble: +1 durability until start of next turn. Any attacks that hit but fail to penetrate armour get attacked with an automatically hitting attack.
The character is lexia. She absolutely fights. All she wants is a world of peace, though she realises how futile such a dream is and she knows that violence is required if that is ever going to be possible. Her rat companion Arkus is a frakking weakling though and will avoid fighting if at all possible.

And I actually like those new descriptions. I'll keep mine as a sort of lore, but I'll add those.


Aug 22, 2014
A place
The character is lexia. She absolutely fights. All she wants is a world of peace, though she realises how futile such a dream is and she knows that violence is required if that is ever going to be possible. Her rat companion Arkus is a frakking weakling though and will avoid fighting if at all possible.

And I actually like those new descriptions. I'll keep mine as a sort of lore, but I'll add those.
OK, thanks. The rat will be all round stat of 1 and will have no abilities, making him pretty much literally useless.


Popular Member
Jul 23, 2014
Not Kansas
Technically, I think RJS himself borrowed the combat system from yet another RP. Never hurts to thank people though, I never would've found it without BtNS.

I might join, but I do have my own RP to consider, plus BtNS, plus your one of them 'balanced stats' advocates, which makes you the enemy! Okay, but in all seriousness, I'm a maybe. At the very least I'll wait for the details on the magiks.

Few more questions to help you while you flesh stuff out:
  • Is there story or just non-stop combat?
  • If there is, what kinda goal would we have and how necessary is it for us to follow your plans?
  • How/when do your stats increase?
  • How/when do you get more abilities?
  • Can PCs die? How easy is it? PvP or just PvE. If just PvE, is PvP allowed or banned outright?
  • If PCs die, how are they replaced?
  • What NPCs are there to look up to or to hate?
  • You said races are separated by settlement, is Pert a human one or all-inclusive? What other races could we play? Could we make our own (which is so typically me)?
  • I'd ask a bijillion questions about magiks, but I'll wait to see what you come up with before asking them.
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Jul 31, 2013
Oh yeah, cooldowns.
Charm: 3 turns
Vine Whip: 2 turns
Bramble: 3 turns
Unless I'm missing something with the magical attack thing, why would an attack that is basically a basic attack have such a long cooldown? The only thing that is different is the fact that it uses Magic instead of Strength (At least, if my assumptions are correct).
Then again, I suck at balancing things (50 damage spell that can cost 1 less for each life your opponent is missing in a game where each player has only 100 life and you can have as much copies of the spell as you want? Yes that is totally balanced /s and no no one will ever play with that card ever :p. )

Also, I am curious to the answers of Luma's questions. (and glad I saw that post before I hit the post button )
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Aug 22, 2014
A place
Unless I'm missing something with the magical attack thing, why would an attack that is basically a basic attack have such a long cooldown? The only thing that is different is the fact that it uses Magic instead of Strength (At least, if my assumptions are correct).
Then again, I suck at balancing things (50 damage spell that can cost 1 less for each life your opponent is missing in a game where each player has only 100 life and you can have as much copies of the spell as you want? Yes that is totally balanced /s and no no one will ever play with that card ever :p. )

Also, I am curious to the answers of Luma's questions. (and glad I saw that post before I hit the post button )
I'll answer you first. It's easier
RJS already did a long explanation on this. It's the same as Leo's pyro punch. It's more powerful than you think, as it allows you to attack with two different stats. With no cooldown you can spam it and it's really strong... though I fucked that up. It should be 1 turn cooldown, and the shield should be 2.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Cheese, how are you guiding the player's creation in terms of stats, abilities and such? What are the racial restrictions: is everyone human?


Jul 31, 2013
I'll answer you first. It's easier
RJS already did a long explanation on this. It's the same as Leo's pyro punch. It's more powerful than you think, as it allows you to attack with two different stats. With no cooldown you can spam it and it's really strong... though I fucked that up. It should be 1 turn cooldown, and the shield should be 2.
Ah, that explains things. Though I personally wouldn't always go for that but also look at the stats first. If the strength and Magic are equal, it should have a cool down. If Strength is pretty much non existent it may be better to not give it a cooldown, depending on the other abilities :)

(That is not critique or anything, I just like to state the obvious and stuff like that :) )


Aug 22, 2014
A place
Technically, I think RJS himself borrowed the combat system from yet another RP. Never hurts to thank people though, I never would've found it without BtNS.

I might join, but I do have my own RP to consider, plus BtNS, plus your one of them 'balanced stats' advocates, which makes you the enemy! Okay, but in all seriousness, I'm a maybe. At the very least I'll wait for the details on the magiks.

Few more questions to help you while you flesh stuff out:
  • Is there story or just non-stop combat?

    Of course there's a story, otherwise it wouldn't be a roleplay!
  • If there is, what kinda goal would we have and how necessary is it for us to follow your plans?

    For all you know, you just want to keep your friends alive. You can do what you want but I can force you down paths simply through your character being forced to do things. I mean, do what you want, but if you do something stupid your character is gonna die.
  • How/when do your stats increase?

    At the end of arcs you will get a significant boost to stats, but I'll be more lenient than RJS, your character do pretty much anything impressive and I might give you a point.
  • How/when do you get more abilities?

    Later on your characters can learn them from experts and simply discovering a power they didn't know they had.
  • Can PCs die? How easy is it? PvP or just PvE. If just PvE, is PvP allowed or banned outright?

    Yes, fairly, PvE (at this point anyway, I don't know what will happen), allowed.
  • If PCs die, how are they replaced?

    New character. Points from the end of arcs are kept, but points gained from impressive actions are not.
  • What NPCs are there to look up to or to hate?

    We'll get there.
  • You said races are separated by settlement, is Pert a human one or all-inclusive? What other races could we play? Could we make our own (which is so typically me)?

    All races hate each other, or are at least massively uneasy. So human. I want people to play human, but if there are enough players I might let people be other races. You'd have to discuss it with me.
  • I'd ask a bijillion questions about magiks, but I'll wait to see what you come up with before asking them.

    Ask them now. I'll give you my current list (still growing, some magiks are absorbing others though) I don't have descriptions written yet.


Aug 22, 2014
A place
Cheese, how are you guiding the player's creation in terms of stats, abilities and such? What are the racial restrictions: is everyone human?
Stats are open, no restrictions, but I'll tell you if you're about to screw yourself over.
Abilities will be modified for balance, but I'll keep it as close as I can to the original. I won't force abilities on people until they accept a way that I've changed it.
Other things will only be modified if they go outside the rules (Guns etc.) or if I simply cannot find a way to fit their description into my world.
I hope I've answered the second question.

Ah, that explains things. Though I personally wouldn't always go for that but also look at the stats first. If the strength and Magic are equal, it should have a cool down. If Strength is pretty much non existent it may be better to not give it a cooldown, depending on the other abilities :)

(That is not critique or anything, I just like to state the obvious and stuff like that :) )

Stats can change a lot.


Aug 22, 2014
A place



Weather beings:















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Aug 22, 2014
A place
The second question is partially answered. I'm curious, for whatever reason, if its a humans-only world.
Lol nope. My list of creatures is still massively unfinished, but:

Weather beings
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm actually considering it. I have very little interest in RP generally speaking, but I may make a rare exception for the sake of the world.

I'm not actually worried about the GM skewing the world too much. If I can think up a character I'll hop in.