xycraft, MCPC+ and a question


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi all,

I have a really quick question that im hoping some other server owners could help me with.

So i have a MCPC+ server running ultimate pack, now im having some issues with xycraft, issues are:

1. Constant log entries regarding placing tile entities where none exists ( This i believe is either due to MCPC+ or xycrafts way of handling chunk loading)
2. Frequent Exception in server tick loop CRASHES
3. Tanks causing goofy inventories and deleting items from your inventory (namely your armour)

Now before I remove this mod from the pack as I believe its not ready for packs just yet personally. Does anyone know of any fixes or workarounds for these issues, Ive read a lot of threads that just get the general its bukkit so im not gonna help response but most of the time i just see "remove xycraft problem solved". so yeah thoughts?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regarding the inventory/armor mixup get the person to relog and that normally fixes it.

However I'm close to despair at some of the things that MCPC+ does to the current ultimate pack mods...

Forestry - doesn't work with multi block farms, fertilizer not utilized on tree and bog farms, wheat/netherwart refuses to re-plant.
Xycraft - various problems with unjoining pipes to tanks, unmaking tanks, mixing inventory items about when right clicking a valve.
MineFactory - grows MF rubber trees as oak trees
ThermalExpansion - unconnects liquiducts and redstone energy conduits from boilers often resulting in explosions (not sure if this is MCPC causing this)

I think MCPC+ is relatively new to Forge tho so give them chance I guess.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so on the points you raised:

The inventory armour thing is basically (and this is me here not a user) it removes my armour and dupes a couple of my items in my hotbar (namely my enderpouch and my wrench, this has happened twice and same items each time) i log off and on a couple of time (cuz once doesnt seem to do anything) and i usually end up with the duped items gone but i NEVER get my armour back.

Forestry I havent tried that but ill test it now.
Xycraft as stated is just a pain
Minefactory is fine for me rubber trees are rubber trees
TE i do not have this issue as far as i know either.

MCPC+ is relatively new but IMO is required at the moment as due to the nature of open MC servers certain plugins are required. I tried Bukkitforge for a while but found that hardly anything worked (and the main dev left as far as i can tell) MCPC+ allows pretty much all bukkit plugins to work (at least the ones ive tried) and the only issue in return is xycraft so far.

I will however test the forestry thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Which is why the old mcpc and the requirements to port mods were better - you can prove at least the mods are proven to work on bukkit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minefactory is fine for me rubber trees are rubber trees

Try cutting one down and getting a sapling, then planting that sapling. If you bonemeal it, it will grow back as a rubber tree, if you let it grow naturally it grows back as an oak tree.
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