Which part of Redpower do people see as laggy?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not on the forums that much, but I always see people complaining about Redpower causing a lot of lag.

I was wondering which part of Redpower causes this.
I don't think they're just talking about having many .2 timers running.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Red alloy wire causes lots of lighting and block updates.
Tubes cause... some kinda lag, I guess.

Sent from my phone using black magic


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Red alloy wire causes lots of lighting and block updates.
Tubes cause... some kinda lag, I guess.
They cause block updates and packet spam if you have long lines (you get one packet per updated wire, even jacketed or bundled one), but they don't change lighting (and lighting updates are awful for performance).

King Lemming

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let's see...

Non-bundled cable causes block updates. Relays cause excessive block updates. Filters cause block updates. Block Breakers cause block updates. Redstone tubes cause block updates. Microblocks are tile entities Lastly, frames are a hack and MC was not designed for them.

Having said all that, I really like RedPower. But I think there's a reason Elo hasn't added chunkloading to the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not on the forums that much, but I always see people complaining about Redpower causing a lot of lag.

I was wondering which part of Redpower causes this.
I don't think they're just talking about having many .2 timers running.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are some things in RP that generate lag while working as intended (i.e. items in tubes - that's a lot of stuff to render and calculate paths for), but I think people are more annoyed with a few pernicious bugs in RP. Relays, for instance, generate quite a bit more lag than they really ought to. That said, most machines can run RP just fine as long as you don't go nuts. I personally see about 5 FPS difference between a fresh vanilla world and standing in the middle of my massive RP-based automated processing system.


Popular Member
Feb 17, 2013
There are some things in RP that generate lag while working as intended (i.e. items in tubes - that's a lot of stuff to render and calculate paths for), but I think people are more annoyed with a few pernicious bugs in RP. Relays, for instance, generate quite a bit more lag than they really ought to. That said, most machines can run RP just fine as long as you don't go nuts. I personally see about 5 FPS difference between a fresh vanilla world and standing in the middle of my massive RP-based automated processing system.
Aye, lag isn't too bad in SSP. SMP is whole 'nother problem. You get 10 to 20 people with large, chunk loaded RP2 sorting systems, and their goes your tick rate.

With any luck, Elo is using the update to redstone mechanics in 1.5 to go through and rewrite a few things, and make RP2 a bit kinder to server admins.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aye, lag isn't too bad in SSP. SMP is whole 'nother problem. You get 10 to 20 people with large, chunk loaded RP2 sorting systems, and their goes your tick rate.

With any luck, Elo is using the update to redstone mechanics in 1.5 to go through and rewrite a few things, and make RP2 a bit kinder to server admins.
Well, frankly, if you get 10-20 people chunkloading bases you're going to see reduced tick rate whether you use RP or not. RP doesn't help, but neither does having 10 separate quarries or mob grinders or nether lava pumps. When you're on a server, there's plenty of room for optimization that doesn't involve avoiding a mod. Such situations (imo) are better served by putting limits on the amount of chunk loading going on.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I just replaced a ton of red alloy wire with insulated wire, and blocked of some unnecesary connections with cover strips, so that should reduce the unnecessary block updates.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RP is essentially a redstone update using heavily modified vanilla redstone functions.
Vanilla redstone lags like mad it's natural to assume a mod that embellishes on redstone will have the potential to be just as laggy.
You can only optimize what redstone does so much.

Also, this is here say but I also hear that in conjunction with wireless redstone and timers shit can get very laggy. But take that with a grain of salt.

In the end though, RP is about as laggy as any other logistics mod, so it's probably not worth mentioning.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found out from GregT that the reason RP2 tubes are so laggy (remember he decompiled her code without asking a while back?) is that every tick the item is in a tube system, the system checks every possible path for the item to go to see if it is valid or not, and then calculates the shortest route.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How about PowerCrystals PRC and RedNet? Are they less laggy than RP components? I think they should be, but I'm not sure if there's something else that causes lags.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Rednet has the advantage that it doesn't connect to a variety of basic blocks like stone and grass, so it won't energize them like redstone or red alloy wire will which reduces unnecessary block updates (although insulated wire has the same advantage). Rednet also has the disadvantage that it doesn't connect to a variety of basic blocks like stone and grass, so it won't energize them like redstone or red alloy wire will, therefore you can't have a lever on a stone wall that activates a wire on the other side. In other words, with Redpower, you have the choice of whether you connect to stone or not. With Rednet, you don't. You do get multicolour signals for free, which needs bundled cable in Redpower. Not sure about "chunk updates" as I have no idea what they are.

I don't know if you can attach an Immibis Microblock stone cover to a Rednet cable and then put a lever on the cover. I suspect not, but the Rednet cable might be smart enough to spawn a connector on a side when a microblock cover is attached to it. It only generates a connector on sides that have blocks that are "redstone aware". Maybe an Immibis cover counts, or... ooh, maybe it detects the lever on the other side of the cover as a conenctable block. Actually, that's probably it, it should work.

Rednet cables are probably simpler to render than complex wiring that goes up and down walls and round corners connecting to itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, with RedNet you can put a lever on the cable itself. But, yeah, someting that connects to basic blocks might be useful.
And there is also awesome PRC ^_^
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