Version 1.4.5 FINAL - Mysterious Book O'Tech [1.6.4] {Tech/GregTech} {RPG} {HQM/Quest} {Hardcore}

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Warning: This modpack is itself is complete. However, the questline and balancing is still ALPHA. CRASHES ARE EXPECTED!

Request: The one thing that needs improvement in this pack is the icons! If anyone would like to make new icons it would be greatly appreciated and credit will be given where due! The dimensions are 42x42 and 420x200!


(If this is hard to read the actual post can be found on Page 18)
Zodsmar said:
News on the 1.7.10 release:
At this point I am very happy with what I have already. It is very stable and nice. Also the HQM questline is also coming together very very nicely. However, (there is always a however sadly) the modpack has one major flaw. There is a memory leak somewhere in the modpack which I am unable to track down. I have spent hours already. What makes it so weird is that it is only on one of my world really bad. My creative world has the leak but very weak and slow it is hardly an issue. But my survival world will get up to over 4 million memory in less than 20 minutes. I have tested by making a new world and it seems to not have the issue. What I fear tho is that one of the mods block is what is causing it. A block that I have in my survival that I do not have placed in my creative. If that is the case then it still comes down to square one and where the F is this leak. Until I can either find the leak and fix it or determine that it is only that world thing (maybe the world got corrupt) I WILL NOT be releasing 1.7.10. I will not because I don't want to have this big of an issue outstanding especially because of the amount of time that went into making all the mods world perfectly together and the questline working so nicely. It would be like giving someone a piece of cake that has poison on the inside. The outside is so well done but the inside is like die (literally MC will die :p)

If people however do wanna test this and help me find this bug then please PM me and I can send you the link to download the pack. Help would really be appreciated!

1.7.10 Help:
The one thing that is still out standing for this pack is the textures. I really wanna make the textures something amazing apposed to last time! So if someone could help me by making textures then that would be greatly appreciated. If you personally are incapable of making textures then please let me know of anyone that does make textures because I really need some professionally done textures (if you are not a professional and still wanna try to help make textures please try and send it to me by PM)

Thank you for taking the time to read,


(If this is hard to read the actual post can be found on Page 15)
Zodsmar said:
Okay so this post is gonna be a little bit lengthy however, this is a serious topic that I want everyone's feedback on because it is a decision I cannot make on my own!

Right now I have hit a crossroads in MBOT and what will happen to it for the upcoming releases. Let me elaborate on this. So when I say upcoming releases I am first talking about whether I should stay to 1.6.4 or advance to 1.7.10. The issues for both of these problems is as follows. Since HQM has come out for 1.7.10 I see many modpacks moving to 1.7.10 meaning there is a much lower chance that people will still start to play MBOT. However, on the flip side 1.7.10 still has many key mods outdated or the mods have been completely rewritten for 1.7.10 and are still missing a lot of functionality. So my first question I want to ask you guys is what should I do? Should I stay on 1.6.4 and keep making the modpack better (aka more quests and storyline and so on) or should I start from new with the mods that are updated and start working on 1.7.10?

Another problem I face isn't really a problem but something that is bothering me a lot and is something I want to address. MBOT right now is at a point where I feel like with the stability and the progression of quests I would say is either late Alpha or early beta. Which don't get me wrong is beautiful. The issue lies in this being that, in my opinion, doesn’t serve the purpose it was made for. The name “Mysterious” implies that what is going to happen, is new, different, something never seen before. What MBOT is right now, is a list put together of all really well known mods and simply a questline made of these great mods (some of which are my favourites) I don’t want to sugar coat it and say my mudpack is the best and bla bla bla, because simply it’s not. Yes, it is unique in the fact that you won’t find a modpack with exactly the same, mods with the same configs and all, and yes the modpack is lots of fun to play through (I have had a lot of fun myself already) But the cold hard fact is that the modpack itself isn’t, again my opinion (let me know if I’m wrong or what you think), just isn’t living up to its name and doesn’t have the Mystery behind it like it should. So my second question for you guys is if I do stay 1.6.4 should I remove any mods or lower the limit? Now on the topic of all of this I wanted to throughout another question in asking, Is if I go 1.7.10 would you guys want to see a whole new set of mods that work together in unison and that you don’t have to much of the same functionality?

One thing that really bothers me about MBOT right now is that there is too much of the same stuff. A good example of this is there are over 5 different piping systems, and numerous ore doubling mechanics and many blocks that work the same way as the pulveriser do. What’s the point? I don’t want to have so many ways of doing the same thing. Especially if it requires me to set up hundreds of different power systems and infrastructures just to get a metal that I could have gotten an easier way. I have spent already the last 9 hours working on a 1.7.10 pack that as of right now has 47 mods. Only like 4 of which were in MBOT 1.6.4. However, I am getting close to having it have almost non of the same functionality with it also incorporating new mods like EnderIO (this one is well known I know), and like Professor Flaxbeard's Wondrous Steam Power Mod. So what I want to know is do you guys want something like this? Where everything is set up nicely but doesn’t use mods like IC2 and Buildcraft? Or do you want roughly the same mods just updated to 1.7.10? Or I can also put together a really big 1.7.10 modpack with many many mods? (I also already put together a 1.7.10 modpack that has 117 mods in it and it works)

So to come to a close the few questions I asked I really hope I get a lot of feedback from. (Even people who haven’t played the modpack I would love to hear from you) Also if I should stay with 1.6.4, for now how long do you guys think I stay with it? Just as a last note I wanted to Thank You for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from everyone, regarding these many crossroads I have hit. Keep in mind also I do have the option of releasing more than one modpack (I will let you ponder on that)


Zodsmar (Creator of MBOT)
New Poll (PLEASE VOTE!):

POLL Results:

Mysterious Book O'Tech is built heavily around Tech mods. GregTech is one of the biggest tech mods within the pack and has many changes using MineTweaker. MBOT is also extremely different in the way that it has a quest system built in using Hardcore Questing Mode. Overall, the mod pack is extremely difficult, so be warned, however it is extremely fun and addicting. Oh and if GregTech isn't already enough, enjoy Infernal Mobs...

There is no default map and that is the best part of this modpack. You can play with a brand new world and everything will still work perfectly!

Mod Permissions:

ScreenShots (By players):






FTB Launcher Code: MBOT

Special Credits (this is the best part):

Zodsmar - Making the Modpack
Atomicminer - Idea's and Quest help
Pawaidan - Testing Help
doglover1901 - Picture/Icon

Changelogs And Known Bugs/Issues:

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will give this a try and provide feedback soon. Just looking at the mod list, IMHO if you want to include bees and focus on tech you should have gendustry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will give this a try and provide feedback soon. Just looking at the mod list, IMHO if you want to include bees and focus on tech you should have gendustry.

I was thinking about gendustry but you can basically do the same stuff anyway so I don't see a point, but then again if a lot of people want it then Ill add it!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was thinking about gendustry but you can basically do the same stuff anyway so I don't see a point, but then again if a lot of people want it then Ill add it!
Extrabees does not have the technical feel to it like gendustry does for me. But thanks for considering.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Extrabees does not have the technical feel to it like gendustry does for me. But thanks for considering.
Well I will definitely do some research on gendustry and see if it would work! Thanks for the input!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I hope everyone is enjoying the pack. Also update should be out really soon with more quests :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Questing is mainly about the gregtech questline and following gregtech progression and a few other mods progressions. The questline is still in progress but there is like main questline is practically done! So you should check it out :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Questing is mainly about the gregtech questline and following gregtech progression and a few other mods progressions. The questline is still in progress but there is like main questline is practically done! So you should check it out :p
Thats Cool love Gregg Tech bu some people complain but if you add it to my pack there should not be many problems


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just FYI, when you have the quests where you are meant to craft multiple items, like the grout in the third quest in the first questline, having a requirement of 64 grout asks for 64 crafts of grout, and as the recipe yields two, would give 128 grout overall. Also the quest book is set to editable by default.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just FYI, when you have the quests where you are meant to craft multiple items, like the grout in the third quest in the first questline, having a requirement of 64 grout asks for 64 crafts of grout, and as the recipe yields two, would give 128 grout overall. Also the quest book is set to editable by default.
Ya the quest book has been very weird with the crafting of multiple items. I noticed on servers it does that but not on singleplayer and the editable book that's my mistake gonna get that fixed asap and the rest thanks! Also What do you think so far overall tho?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ya the quest book has been very weird with the crafting of multiple items. I noticed on servers it does that but not on singleplayer and the editable book that's my mistake gonna get that fixed asap and the rest thanks! Also What do you think so far overall tho?
Not bad, seems like it would be rather fun when finished. Although I would suggest using starting inventory to start the player with a quest book.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not bad, seems like it would be rather fun when finished. Although I would suggest using starting inventory to start the player with a quest book.
Starting inventory is not needed because when you start a map without edit mode on it gives the book automatically. I just messed up and forgot to have edit mode off, so my bad! And thanks, I plan on having it done soon!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Great job on the modpack! Good to finaly see someone using Gregtech together with HQM.
Just so you know, I think I have found a bug. When you craft any of the Natura planks, it crafts 4 instead of the GregTech 2.

Keep up the good work.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Great job on the modpack! Good to finaly see someone using Gregtech together with HQM.
Just so you know, I think I have found a bug. When you craft any of the Natura planks, it crafts 4 instead of the vanilla 2.

Keep up the good work.
I was unaware that Natura planks did that. I need to fix that. Thanks so much and this why I put the mod pack up now is that the community can help me find bugs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm glad I helped (with "vanilla" I actually meant Gregtech).
And why add Morph? Unless he changed something, it's unballenced (kill a bat and get creative flight).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Having fun so far. Noob to GregTech, so learning my way slowly. Everything odd I've noticed so far is posted already.

Good job, thanks!