Sphere stops building

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i'm trying to make a force field from MFFS Calcavia (Sp?) My spheres radius is set to 80 with 5 stacks of speed modules in the projector giving it a power draw of 8.42 kJ. It is being supplied by a Fortron Capacitor pumping out 9.85 kJ. The sphere just stopped building. the projectors centerpiece is spinning and it is consuming power but I haven't been able to notice a difference in my sphere for over an hour. wondering if anyone had any insight, thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thats a diameter of 10 chunks, is probably being unloaded or your view distance is too small... Add a chunkloader for the whole area and increase view distance, what in gods name do you need a sphere that size for?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow. Radius of 80 is huge. Do smaller radius spheres build OK ?

Also, stupid question : if you have the module to use solid matter (blocks) instead of force fields, do you have enough of the material ? The surface area of that monster will be on the order of 80,000 blocks, and half that (40,000) blocks if it's just above ground.

Hmm...I wonder if there is a 65536, i.e. 2^16 limit in play here.

Try a radius of 70. That will keep the surface area below 65536.