Hey All, some of you might know this, but I'm creating my first ever modpack Entitled "Redemption". Centering around ensuring that the human race survives, there are two deities that try for the player's cooperation, Terros, the creator of the Earth, and Lunus, the entity of the Moon. One path will use magic to repair the earth of a terrible consuming void, and the other will use technology to leave the planet, taking along the genetic seeds for recreation.
"It has been several years since the economic collapse, and the plague that ensued afterwards. Entire governments have collapsed, leaving nothing but small militias to control small towns and villages. The earth is also sick, a consuming void has infected the planet, stripping this world of what little resources still remain after hundreds of years of human industrialization. Domestic animals have largely died off, as civilization no longer provides them the support they need. I am one of the last humans alive, the last official estimate was five years ago : 95% of the human race and 50% of wildlife has died. I have to do something to stop all of this, the human race needs to endure... but how?"
Here is the current modlist(including some libraries):
You can contact me on skype at i_73v3n or on curse at AFakePancake (curse is preferred since I'm using it to put the modpack together).
Thanks for reading
"It has been several years since the economic collapse, and the plague that ensued afterwards. Entire governments have collapsed, leaving nothing but small militias to control small towns and villages. The earth is also sick, a consuming void has infected the planet, stripping this world of what little resources still remain after hundreds of years of human industrialization. Domestic animals have largely died off, as civilization no longer provides them the support they need. I am one of the last humans alive, the last official estimate was five years ago : 95% of the human race and 50% of wildlife has died. I have to do something to stop all of this, the human race needs to endure... but how?"
Here is the current modlist(including some libraries):
- Starting Inventory
- Accidentaly Circumstantial Events
- Apacolypse
- AppleCore
- AE2
- BDLib
- BiomeTweaker
- Biomes O' Plenty
- BloodArsenal
- Bloodmagic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Chicken Chunks
- Chisel 2
- Chisel Tones
- CodeChickenCore
- Cofh Core
- DenseOres
- Difficult Life
- Durability Show
- Ender IO
- EnderStorage
- EnderTech
- EnderZoo
- EndOres
- ExtraTiC
- FastCraft
- FastLeafDecay
- Flax'sSteamPower
- Fluxed Crystals 2
- Forbidden Magic
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- Generators
- ThaumicNEI
- HopperDuctMod
- Hunger Overhaul
- Iguana's Tinkers Tweaks
- InfiniBows
- InventoryTweaks
- Iron Backpacks
- Iron Chest
- Iv Toolkit
- Loot ++
- Lore Expansion
- Magic Bees
- Mantle
- Mekanism
- Metallurgy
- MineTweaker 3
- Mob Properties
- Model Citizens
- Mod Tweaker
- NEI Addons
- Nether Ores
- Nodal Mechanics
- NoMobSpawningOnTrees
- Pam's Get All the Seeds
- Pam's Harvest the Nether
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Progressive Automation
- ProjectE
- ProjectRed
- QuantumFlux
- RecurrentComplex
- Redstone Arsenal
- rfTools
- rfWindmill
- Sanguimancy
- Sanguine Utilities
- Solar Expansion
- Special AI
- Special Mobs
- SuperMassiveTech
- TaintedMagic
- Talismans2
- Tinkers Construct
- Thaumcraft
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiCTooltips
- Tinker's Modifiers
- TMechworks
- TownBuilder
- Trophy Slots
- ttCore
- Void Decay
- Waila
- Waila-Harvestability
- Waila Pluggins
- Wawla
- Ztones
You can contact me on skype at i_73v3n or on curse at AFakePancake (curse is preferred since I'm using it to put the modpack together).
Thanks for reading
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