Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

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Is there a way to prevent monsters other than Zombies/Zombie Pigmen from unspawning (Creepers, etc) other than staying close to them?

Edit: I'm excluding zombies/pigmen because if i understand correctly, they won't unspawn if they wear items, right?
I have the same issue. You can't make wormwood the way you're supposed to. Since I have a mutating sprig, and the wispy cotton, I'll probably just cheat myself in a wormwood seed. Don't really wanna mess with hunger overhaul for the sake of just getting my first wormwood.

can you cheat on a server? we've tried to enter creative mode and op ourselves and neither command is allowed.
It's back to the spirit world but this time we're going to be setting down some roots. (Soz, this is a little longer than usual)

BloodnBloody Idiot #27 - Escaping the Horror

Is there a way to prevent monsters other than Zombies/Zombie Pigmen from unspawning (Creepers, etc) other than staying close to them?

Edit: I'm excluding zombies/pigmen because if i understand correctly, they won't unspawn if they wear items, right?
Nametagged mobs won't despawn, as well.

My current server is running 1.1.2. I would like to upgrade it to 1.1.5.

In the Version Changes it is recommended to "a world reset if you want the new oregen and Metallurgy changes."

My question is. If I upgrade will I be able to find the new oregen if I venture further past the already generated terrain?

Yes you should however there may be some oddities. Also the ore gen still requires some config tweaks..Someone might be kind enough to link to Anesos's video. (I'm on my phone)
Here you go. The config changes are in the description of the video. In addition to these, I'd recommend you change DebugTickMain to true in the Hostilworlds config. It seems that disabling the "debug" setting may have broken invaders and/or portals.

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Fight, fight, fight!

Fight, fight, fight!
For a second there, i was gonna critisize you on the fact that you were gonna make golems unable to log in due to the debuff glitch but then i noticed it was only a Ent.So instead, Greenpeace is on their way to chain themself arround the Ent. We'll see how that goes ^_^ Hihi
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If you're talking about the debuff glitch regarding Trents from Lycanites mobs, the almost save-breaking conflict may be resolved by editing the configs as elaborated upon by Anesos elsewhere in this thread.

(as for the actual fight, the ent is able to do slightly more damage to the obsidian golems, maybe in part because it is resistant or immune to knockback while it's able to throw the golems into the air)
If you're talking about the debuff glitch regarding Trents from Lycanites mobs, the almost save-breaking conflict may be resolved by editing the configs as elaborated upon by Anesos elsewhere in this thread.
Edit that is also explained on the youtube descritpion that Anesos posted 4 post before
I am working on compiling a list of known 1.1.5 issues, and the fixes for them.

I will try to keep this post updated as more issues become known or pointed out. It may be helpful to new players to link this post in the first post, as these issues will not be fixed before 2.0.

Blood 'N Bones 1.1.5 Known Issues and Recommended Fixes

Issue: Adamantine and Infuscolium spawn more rarely than intended in the Spirit World.
Recommended Fix: Modify the config, minecraft/config/Metallurgy3/MetallurgyFantasy.cfg. (Thanks to Anesos for the fix.)

Replace the Adamantine section under world gen (lines 138 to 146) with:
  world_gen {

Replace the lines for world gen under Infuscolium (lines 560 to 568) with:
  world_gen {

Issue: Blood Magic has a potion ID conflict that interferes with the potions system.
Recommended Fix: Modify the config, minecraft/config/AWWayofTime.cfg. (Thanks to Anesos for the fix.) Use this info for the potion ID section (lines 274 - 284):
"potion id" {

Issue: Hostile Worlds invasion portals do not generate.
Recommended Fix: Modify the config, minecraft/config/HostileWorlds.cfg, set B:debugTickMain to true. (Thanks to Anesos for the fix.)

Issue: An unexpected mod interaction between Hunger Overhaul and Witchery impedes Witchery progression, preventing a player from using a mutating sprig to transform a mature wheat plant into wormwood.
Recommended Fix: Cheat in a wormwood seed once you have the necessary prerequisites, or modify the minetweaker settings (thanks to krazy_kow for the fix):
Add this recipe at the end of minecraft/config/minetweaker/BnBWitcheryRecipes.cfg:
#Add recipe for wormwood seeds using a mutating sprig, 4 wispy cotton and wheat
recipes.addShapeless(<10911> * 4, [<1909>,<1909>,<1909>,<1909>,<296>,<10899>]);
Additionally the witchery recipe file has to be reenabled by replacing line 23 of minecraft/config/minetweaker/ with:
include "BnBWitcheryRecipes.cfg";

Issue: The Creeper Collateral mod is not correctly disabling explosion drops of ores, allowing players to bypass mining progression tiers.
Recommended Fix: Don't use explosions to mine ores you should not currently have access to.

Issue: The Thermal Expansion Terrain Smasher recipe was supposed to be disabled, as it allows a low tech means of bypassing mining progression tiers.
Recommended Fix: Don't create a Terrain Smasher, or modify the minetweaker settings (thanks to krazy_kow for the fix):
Replace line 58 of minecraft/config/minetweaker/BnBTE3Recipes.cfg with:
#recipes.addShaped(<2003:3>, [[null,oreDict.gearInvar,null],[oreDict.gearTin,<33>,oreDict.gearTin],[null,<20264:192>,null]]);

10/28/14: Added krazy_kow's fixes for the wormwood and terrain smasher issues. Modified the Blood Magic potion issue to remove false information about the Trent bug. Changed formatting a little.
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Great idea! I didn't know about the invader issue, that explains a lot in my sp world :eek:

The Terrain Smasher and wormwood issue could be solved with minetweaker changes:

To disable the Terrain Smasher replace (or just remove) line 58 of minecraft/config/minetweaker/BnBTE3Recipes.cfg with:
#recipes.addShaped(<2003:3>, [[null,oreDict.gearInvar,null],[oreDict.gearTin,<33>,oreDict.gearTin],[null,<20264:192>,null]]);

For the wormwood issue I'd suggest adding this recipe at the end of minecraft/config/minetweaker/BnBWitcheryRecipes.cfg:
#Add recipe for wormwood seeds using a mutating sprig, 4 wispy cotton and wheat
recipes.addShapeless(<10911> * 4, [<1909>,<1909>,<1909>,<1909>,<296>,<10899>]);

Additionally the witchery recipe file has to be reenabled by replacing line 23 of minecraft/config/minetweaker/ with:
include "BnBWitcheryRecipes.cfg";
Issue: Blood Magic and Lycanite's Mobs have a potion ID conflict. This makes it impossible to craft Blood Magic potions and causes a game crashing bug with a Trent potion effect.

The Trent problem was already fixed in 1.1.5. Possibly by the same change that then caused the conflict between Blood Magic and Lycanite's.
The Trent problem was already fixed in 1.1.5. Possibly by the same change that then caused the conflict between Blood Magic and Lycanite's.
The blood magic ID changes above are for 1.1.5. They weren't fixed in the 1.1.5 configs. I _think_ that also fixed the Trent issue, but can't say for sure. I confirmed but the Trent problem doesn't happen after making the change, but didn't go back and confirm the problem still existed with the 1.1.5 base configs so it's possible something else fixed the Trent issue.
The blood magic ID changes above are for 1.1.5. They weren't fixed in the 1.1.5 configs. I _think_ that also fixed the Trent issue, but can't say for sure. I confirmed but the Trent problem doesn't happen after making the change, but didn't go back and confirm the problem still existed with the 1.1.5 base configs so it's possible something else fixed the Trent issue.

Yup, I was speaking to a base 1.1.5 install without any changes... I can confirm that the Trent issue is fixed before applying your config tweak.

I can't be sure that whatever caused the BM/Lycanite conflict is the same thing that fixed the Trents, but there's a fair chance they're related.
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lol, to think all this time I've spent cowering at the sight of a Trent. I mean, I'd probably have done that already, but whatever.
The 1.1.5 Known Issues and Recommended Fixes list has been updated. Thanks to krazy_kow for the minetweaker fixes for the wormwood and terrain smasher issues, and to silentrob for pointing out that the Trent issue was no longer an issue, and not fixed by the Blood Magic potion ID change.