Preventing greif


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
is there any mods in ftb i can use to prevent greif and make some permissions and other basic server stuff ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There are no mods included in FTB to prevent grief unless you count Modular force field mod. Right now your best bet is Mcprotect and Mcpermissions possibly comboed with Fihgu's mods its not perfect but its better than nothing. There is a mod project that is working to allow bukkit plugin usage on forge but its extremely alpha and I would not recommend it for protecting your server yet. Still if you are interested in testing it and helping bug report google Bukkitforge.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
okay thanks for the reply :)
i'll check some of the mods out, see if something comes up that works


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i am using the current version of the BukkitForge mod with that mod creators 'Essentials' port (groupmanager) on the Mindcrack v7 pack. perms are working and I use the feature of Essentials that restricts building to those in the perms.

Been working for over a week now, and have not had any errors or problems.

Like it was mentioned though; that project is still in early stages of dev, there will be bugs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem with that is the protection plugins all have one major problem, they carry their protections across dimensions. I have mystcraft worlds for donators and my donators were having problems with protections popping up in their worlds. Also idk how many of the permission nodes are working on bukkitforge but I know for a fact mcperms has block place/destroy/interact and item nodes working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
groupmanager is, by default, configured per-world. though, i have not tested that functionality across multiple FTB worlds.

i used to set up all my perms per-map that way with the default bukkit plugin, but again, have not done so with this FTB server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Its not worlds its dimensions. You would need working dimension specific perms and protections which sadly is not working.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ah, i see....

are mystcraft maps designated in another way than additional standard minecraft maps, or "worlds" ?

that would definitely change things...

but, in theory, if the mystcraft dimensions are just additional worlds or maps, you would be able to apply standard permissions to them. the permissions interact with the plugin API and not actually the map file itself. all the plugin needs is a way to designate a specific map for use...

alas, i have not used mystcraft so i have no idea how those worlds are managed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
while i love mystcraft I wouldnt recomend it for large servers atleast not currently, one you have the issue of permissions issues but since any permission's atm is still an issue I wouldnt narrow it to mystcraft and I am sure that support can probly be added pretty easily, but the other issue is, watch your cpu usage when you teleport between worlds, if on ubuntu use atop, you cpu SPIKES anytime you tp between worlds


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
isn't that pretty standard any time you change maps? At least from my experience...

I shied away from mystcraft because of issues i have had in the past; on my old bukkit server we would run multiple maps (surv, creative, towny, etc) and had problems with the server keeping up with so many people on diff. maps

i automatically assumed having a shit ton of worlds running, with people on each world, would strain the crap out of my resources..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I shied away from mystcraft because of issues i have had in the past; on my old bukkit server we would run multiple maps (surv, creative, towny, etc) and had problems with the server keeping up with so many people on diff. maps

i automatically assumed having a shit ton of worlds running, with people on each world, would strain the crap out of my resources..
It doesn't really work that way, though. With the same number of players online, the same number of chunks (more or less) will always be loaded regardless of the world (unless the players are all in the same places sharing chunks). With no players in the rest of the chunks of all those worlds, the files will lie dormant on the disk until a player visits them, at which time the chunks they were previously in will be unloaded.

For example, one of my servers has a world map which is currently at over 12gb in size, but performance is only affected by the number of players online at the same time (and thus the number of chunks and entities loaded) not by the size of the map on disk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't really work that way, though. With the same number of players online, the same number of chunks (more or less) will always be loaded regardless of the world (unless the players are all in the same places sharing chunks). With no players in the rest of the chunks of all those worlds, the files will lie dormant on the disk until a player visits them, at which time the chunks they were previously in will be unloaded.

For example, one of my servers has a world map which is currently at over 12gb in size, but performance is only affected by the number of players online at the same time (and thus the number of chunks and entities loaded) not by the size of the map on disk.
unless you run a ramdisk, then it really sucks XD