In light of several recent events and the sheer vitriol that has shown up on the forums we are instituting a new rule.
Reasonable discussions of current changes to mods are allowed. Polite debates of opposing view points is allowed.
Attacks on mod developers will not be tolerated. This includes bringing up code that used to exist as a defensive or an offensive tactic.
You are allowed to have an opinion. You are allowed to not approve of a decision anyone makes. But the vicious attacks must end. The constant attacks by users against developers they don't agree with are fostering a community in which the "angry mob" tactic is becoming too common.
Mod developers are not always right. They are not inviolate. You may disagree with them, but the point at which it becomes bullying, harassing attacks against someone because you disagree with their choice is the point at which we are drawing the line.
We want the community to be a friendlier place. Allow people to have a different opinion from you without feeling you must convert them to your side. If you cannot have a reasonable discussion without throwing insults, mudslinging and flame-wars the posts will be deleted. Repeated bullying tactics may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the forums.
Moderators are the final judge of if something counts as bullying/attacking. Arguing with a moderator is against forum rules.
No bullying or attacking of anyone on the forums. This includes but is not limited to attacking mod developers over past incidents, name-calling of anyone, insults and mudslinging. This includes but is not limited to attempting to "sic the community" on a person you personally disagree with.
We are done with tolerating drama. We will not be condoning members using the forums as a platform to force their opinion on another person. You cannot make any community nicer by causing wars. You have a right to your opinion. They have a right to theirs. Attempting to force another person to change their opinion is bullying.
Posting closed source code is against forum policy at all times. It is a bannable offense.
Don't agree with a mod author's choices, you can easily disable any mod from the launcher. That's why we put that there. Use it.
TLDR: Bullying in any form whether against a mod author or another member will not be tolerated on the forums. Reasonable polite discussions are always welcome. Moderators decide what is bullying on a case by case basis.
Reasonable discussions of current changes to mods are allowed. Polite debates of opposing view points is allowed.
Attacks on mod developers will not be tolerated. This includes bringing up code that used to exist as a defensive or an offensive tactic.
You are allowed to have an opinion. You are allowed to not approve of a decision anyone makes. But the vicious attacks must end. The constant attacks by users against developers they don't agree with are fostering a community in which the "angry mob" tactic is becoming too common.
Mod developers are not always right. They are not inviolate. You may disagree with them, but the point at which it becomes bullying, harassing attacks against someone because you disagree with their choice is the point at which we are drawing the line.
We want the community to be a friendlier place. Allow people to have a different opinion from you without feeling you must convert them to your side. If you cannot have a reasonable discussion without throwing insults, mudslinging and flame-wars the posts will be deleted. Repeated bullying tactics may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the forums.
Moderators are the final judge of if something counts as bullying/attacking. Arguing with a moderator is against forum rules.
No bullying or attacking of anyone on the forums. This includes but is not limited to attacking mod developers over past incidents, name-calling of anyone, insults and mudslinging. This includes but is not limited to attempting to "sic the community" on a person you personally disagree with.
We are done with tolerating drama. We will not be condoning members using the forums as a platform to force their opinion on another person. You cannot make any community nicer by causing wars. You have a right to your opinion. They have a right to theirs. Attempting to force another person to change their opinion is bullying.
Posting closed source code is against forum policy at all times. It is a bannable offense.
Don't agree with a mod author's choices, you can easily disable any mod from the launcher. That's why we put that there. Use it.
TLDR: Bullying in any form whether against a mod author or another member will not be tolerated on the forums. Reasonable polite discussions are always welcome. Moderators decide what is bullying on a case by case basis.