Mod idea - Mayacraft

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Does this sound like a good idea?

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    Votes: 4 26.7%
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    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Eh, decent idea, needs improvement

    Votes: 5 33.3%
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    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Needs a lot of improvement

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • It's bad

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 1 6.7%

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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
So, I was going to post this in the stickied mod suggestion thread, but, this will be more practical.

So I had this idea while thinking about the Mayans and the Aztecs, and all the culture they had, particularly the sacrifices and the popular myths of the end of the world and ancient technology. I thought that that could make quite a cool mod to play around with. I'm not going to lie, half the reason I wanted to do this was because of how many people will have their brains melted trying to pronounce some words.

So, the first thing you would do would be to trap an animal in a sacrifice cage. This is a block which you have to place down, then when activated by redstone, it will close, trapping the mob. You then can break it, pick it up, and take the cage and put it on top of a sacrificial altar.

The altar would be something made of sandstone, a flat topped pyramid, with an altar with a blood collection hole in it, with different tiers having elements like a larger shape, and decoration would be possible, some for aesthetics, some for making the sacrifices different.

You would use a special dagger to kill the animal, and then you would get blood of the animal in the altar's blood collection hole. Using a bucket, or pipes from another mod, you could then take it away. Each species of animal has a different blood value and tier, as in some would be better than others, and some do different things to others.

If blood is mixed somehow, be it through contamination in a pipe, or through crafting buckets together, you would get mixed blood, which can be used but it is the lowest tier of blood.

The tiers would go something like this:

Mixed<chicken<pig<sheep<cow<villager<horse<ocelot<mooshroom<zombie<spider<creeper<enderman<wolf<pigman<blaze<wither skeleton<cave spider<witch<etc, etc.

This blood will be saved for later for specialised crafting of items.

Blowgun: can be loaded with different darts to produce potion effects, fires immediately but has less range
Macuahuitl (Mack-wah-hwee-tul): look it up if you don't know what this is like. It can be crafted using three tiers for its edges: stone, flint, and obsidian. It's much more damaging than a sword, but it is slower. It is also much more effective against Mayan mobs.
Spear - this is a weapon with a strength a small amount less than a sword, with the same tiers as the Macuahuitl, and it can also be thrown fair short distance.
Atlatl (at-la-tul) - this can be used with spears as ammo (yes I know real atlatls used darts, shush you again!), to make them much more long-range much closer to the range of a bow. This takes a moment to draw back.

Quetzalcoatl (Kwet-zal-coat-ul) - the mayan winged serpent, this is a boss only summoned by a very specific ritual. This would involve a wither star, and the blood it drops when killedwould be ichor, for thaumic tinkerer, or if it is not installed, it would drop two wither stars.

Random ideas:
Blood magic support (maybe the whole mod could be an add-on?)
Infusing oneself with blood to get powers
Grinding hearts and such
Hides (e.g. ocelot)
Godly powers

*Ugh* I'll ad more later, suggestions would be awesome!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After just finishing the Central American portion in my Art History class, this sounds hysterical.

Do you actually plan on implementing this yourself or are you just throwing it out there?

And I think it should be QuetzalcoatlCraft instead of Mayacraft. Sounds a lot more epic.
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Surely you could substitute flint instead of iron in the Macuahuitl and spear?
You, sir, get a cookie.

And Democretes, I doubt I would do this it's more just a case of throwing it out there. If a modder wants to make it, then I say go ahead, o what you like with it, just credit me. Although, I have before thought of getting into coding, modding and such, and if this idea gets really popular, heck I may give it a go, although it would likely only be the mayan items for a while.

And no, I am not naming it after a massive pterosaur. Quetzalcoatlae were epic, yes, and they were in S. America, but this mod isn't really about that. Although that gives me an idea for late-game stuff... hrmm...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And no, I am not naming it after a massive pterosaur. Quetzalcoatlae were epic, yes, and they were in S. America, but this mod isn't really about that. Although that gives me an idea for late-game stuff... hrmm...
Erm.. Quetzalcoatl was the feathered-serpent god. If those existed in South America, then I need to start rethinking my religious choices.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Erm.. Quetzalcoatl was the feathered-serpent god. If those existed in South America, then I need to start rethinking my religious choices.
Ah I see... I was more thinking of the pterosaur, presumably name after it. Oh well, beside I don't really like the name Quetzalcoatlcraft, it's a bit long-winded, and doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sounds cool, glad to see that someone is going with that theme (since i never got far with Antiqua xD) :)
The only thing i see as a 'problem', is how it sounds sorta like BM...
Very different, since BM has the soul network, and is a magic mod, but it still has its similarities :p
Even little things like both of them using "Altar".
But yeah, sounds cool \o/


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Sounds cool, glad to see that someone is going with that theme (since i never got far with Antiqua xD) :)
The only thing i see as a 'problem', is how it sounds sorta like BM...
Very different, since BM has the soul network, and is a magic mod, but it still has its similarities :p
Even little things like both of them using "Altar".
But yeah, sounds cool \o/
Yeah I was thinking about Blood Magic as I wrote it, but it's a very different process. You need an individual animal for each sacrifice.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I was thinking about Blood Magic as I wrote it, but it's a very different process. You need an individual animal for each sacrifice.

Maybe it could be made as some kind of expansion to Blood Magic seeing as the API is coming out soon. Maybe it could generate LP and have an alternate altar. Maybe introduce different themed altars. Mixing blood would become a different process, maybe grinding hearts in a bowl? I feel it also needs some Aztec/Mayan magic in there as well. I've been watching Robert Rodriguez's inadvertently hilarious television remake of From Dusk To Dawn, so I've recently gotten into a bit of Aztec mythology. I feel adding vampires and maybe a Chtulu (was that Central American?) might be cool.


Oct 11, 2013
Maybe it could be made as some kind of expansion to Blood Magic seeing as the API is coming out soon. Maybe it could generate LP and have an alternate altar. Maybe introduce different themed altars. Mixing blood would become a different process, maybe grinding hearts in a bowl? I feel it also needs some Aztec/Mayan magic in there as well. I've been watching Robert Rodriguez's inadvertently hilarious television remake of From Dusk To Dawn, so I've recently gotten into a bit of Aztec mythology. I feel adding vampires and maybe a Chtulu (was that Central American?) might be cool.
Or maybe you could do blood infusions on yourself and make your blood worth more. Your blood would be worth more to the gods until you reached "god tier" where your blood is ichor and then you could have integration with thaumic tinkerer


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Maybe it could be made as some kind of expansion to Blood Magic seeing as the API is coming out soon. Maybe it could generate LP and have an alternate altar. Maybe introduce different themed altars. Mixing blood would become a different process, maybe grinding hearts in a bowl? I feel it also needs some Aztec/Mayan magic in there as well. I've been watching Robert Rodriguez's inadvertently hilarious television remake of From Dusk To Dawn, so I've recently gotten into a bit of Aztec mythology. I feel adding vampires and maybe a Chtulu (was that Central American?) might be cool.
Or maybe you could do blood infusions on yourself and make your blood worth more. Your blood would be worth more to the gods until you reached "god tier" where your blood is ichor and then you could have integration with thaumic tinkerer


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the idea of caging mobs then transporting them to altar for blood donation sounds nice, however what about leads?
i'm sure it would be more appropriate to use lead in order to drag your sacrifice to altar, tie to a post and accept their donation.
you could also use drugged darts with blowgun to make hostile mobs and villagers susceptible to being tied up with a lead.

but why only blood donations? i remember they also donated hearts and wiki says heads as well.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
the idea of caging mobs then transporting them to altar for blood donation sounds nice, however what about leads?
i'm sure it would be more appropriate to use lead in order to drag your sacrifice to altar, tie to a post and accept their donation.
you could also use drugged darts with blowgun to make hostile mobs and villagers susceptible to being tied up with a lead.

but why only blood donations? i remember they also donated hearts and wiki says heads as well.
I suppose I could do that. I did sort of mention it in the random ideas section. Mob heads would be fairly easy to implement...
And blood is what you get out. You might well get other things like blessings as well, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
perhaps you could also add some world generation structures that could be altars used in the past which are now abandoned, with some rare loot in it that could perhaps boost your own sacrificial altar or has some items left that could've been used in a ritual
would be kind of funny if you could sacrifice yourself on an altar... well, not really sacrifice, but you'd be laying on the altar, you stab yourself for some blood, which fills the altar and mixes with any other type of blood you provide, and you can add certain items and such to the altar which would imbue the blood with certain effects, and after the sacrificial ritual you'd gain certain abilities. perhaps also have a ritual where you would actually transform into one of the gods that would be added by this mod, or make a potion that you could drink that would do that. each god transformation could give you different kind of effects


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
perhaps you could also add some world generation structures that could be altars used in the past which are now abandoned, with some rare loot in it that could perhaps boost your own sacrificial altar or has some items left that could've been used in a ritual
would be kind of funny if you could sacrifice yourself on an altar... well, not really sacrifice, but you'd be laying on the altar, you stab yourself for some blood, which fills the altar and mixes with any other type of blood you provide, and you can add certain items and such to the altar which would imbue the blood with certain effects, and after the sacrificial ritual you'd gain certain abilities. perhaps also have a ritual where you would actually transform into one of the gods that would be added by this mod, or make a potion that you could drink that would do that. each god transformation could give you different kind of effects
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