[LISTED][1.7.10]BlastOff! [Hardcore/EasyCore, HQM][170++Quests] version 1.3.3STABLE

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For those who want to prune their map so they get new terrain generation, to make sure it works you will need to take the following steps:

Before you do anything, make sure you are in your base or you might fall into a lava pool like BrowserXL did. Link

First, prune the savefile so that only the chunks that you want are saved.
Then you need to delete the following files within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\(yoursavefile)\" directory:
(example: within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\saves\EzCore1.2.8" directory)
AE2\compass (the entire directory)
AE2\spawndata (the entire directory)
weather2\VolcanoData.dat (and all of the backup files for VolcanoData.dat)

And if you really want to make sure that you get random terrain generation, repeat all of the above for the savefile within the "ftblauncher\BlastOff\minecraft\template" directory. (Pruning of the map and deleting of the files and directories listed above.)

Thanks, worked for me. For anyone who is struggling still, go download mcedit, make sure it's the 1.3 version, not 2.0. The 2.0 one seems to be lacking in every way. Load up your world, select your base and click on select chunks. Then go to chunk controls (second to last on the "hotbar" menu in the bottom) and click prune on the left menu. Save up and do what Prom wrote. Make sure you backup beforehand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks, worked for me. For anyone who is struggling still, go download mcedit, make sure it's the 1.3 version, not 2.0. The 2.0 one seems to be lacking in every way. Load up your world, select your base and click on select chunks. Then go to chunk controls (second to last on the "hotbar" menu in the bottom) and click prune on the left menu. Save up and do what Prom wrote. Make sure you backup beforehand.
TY ! I did it :) and i have a super close town spawn : >


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found a volcano, and to put it shortly, they seem IMPOSSIBLE. when you dig to the bottom, there are thousands of lava sources. I like a challenge, but this just seems impossible. Maybe reduce it to a couple hundred instead of a couple thousand?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found a volcano, and to put it shortly, they seem IMPOSSIBLE. when you dig to the bottom, there are thousands of lava sources. I like a challenge, but this just seems impossible. Maybe reduce it to a couple hundred instead of a couple thousand?
Are there any items that suck up liquids?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I found a volcano, and to put it shortly, they seem IMPOSSIBLE. when you dig to the bottom, there are thousands of lava sources. I like a challenge, but this just seems impossible. Maybe reduce it to a couple hundred instead of a couple thousand?
Is there treasure at the bottom? When I climbed a volcano yesterday my magnetic armor sucked a redstone clock, redstone torch and 2xblock placers from the volcano, items must have been knocked off by lava.

Is there a 1.3.X change log available?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I went in creative and placed several pumps.... took like half an hour and i had to re position the pumps lower and lower. Maybe its just me but it seems too hard to do


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there treasure at the bottom? When I climbed a volcano yesterday my magnetic armor sucked a redstone clock, redstone torch and 2xblock placers from the volcano, items must have been knocked off by lava.

Is there a 1.3.X change log available?

Same. I was doing a fly-by to check out changes to world gen and found some destroyed machinery on top of volcano, it would probably be despawned by the time you'll reach the top. Also found 2 blocks of bright red liquid/gas there, gave me no effects when I walked in, but I didn't had time to investigate that further. Looked very much out of place though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey, @karmarcharger! As i said before, the BlastOff is the most hardcore pack i ever playing. I'm just doing my best to be useful to minecraft community. I'm constantly read the blastoff thread and i was totally wrecked when i can't be able to update the map, where i play since 1.1.7 update. Maybe you remember our conversation about migration from old map to the newly generated with all of player's stuff and buildings. I tried a lot of recipes - world\inventory editors, spatial storage migration, ruins mod templates (thanks for the tips about it),in-game world editing with worldedit CUI, tricks with level.dat, etc... But nothing helped me then...
And now i have something to being ready for new 1.3.0 update with volcanoes and the cities. I Made a video tutorial in english and russian language, where i showing how to update or re-generate old map in the new version of the modpack. It's very easy and my grandma can do that with my help, of course.

I have to say I quite enjoyed the video.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldnt do that, because the enchanted items render more magical wood then 1...thus costing less gold and bookcases. I will try to enchant wooden boots with lvl 1 enchants and see if i still get more magical wood from it... I'll be back!!

Magical wood result is dependant on the levels of the enchants, an item with more than 1 enchantment on it may be better to do that with but on anything with only 1 enchant you are paying 1 book to get the item that the enchant is on


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering about all this pruning talk. I decided to try this pack AGAIN.. I know, I know I suck at it, but even though I can't get very far it doesn't change the fact that it is good. I just wish there were slightly bigger compromises here & there, instead off more & more hard things added:) Any ways I digress. I installed V1.3.0 but noticed the Softcore/Hardcore V.1.2.8 save files. I know there was a few things added to the world gen, and that V1.3.1 will just update 1 mod & fix a bug that I don't know what it was, so starting now isn't an issue. I just wanted to know if there is a V1.3.0 save file I should get, or will starting the one provided will still have the new world gen?

Or would it be a good idea to prune as close to the starting base so I don't have to walk miles to see something new? The thing is I don't know how much is pre-gen around the bunker.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-Major exploit fix @Xolan
-Updated Flaxbeard ... Easier automation!

Taking a break for a while after this :3
Does this mean you are working on it or it should be on the FTB launcher soon?

BTW awesome pack. Is a grind but fun. Not doing everything the same old method is a nice change. Never used Steve's Carts until this mod. Can't wait to automate brass!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might that be the air quality thing from enviromine? I haven't gone that deep yet myself, but I remember reading up on that.

These are places I've already been and placed leaves for air. None of my bars were even near the danger zones. I just start taking damage at y12, if I move up a block it stops. It happened first where I mined down to get lava for the 20 lava bucket quest. So I went to the bottom level of the closest dungeon and it does the same. I thought it might be another event type thing like the grue on Friday the 13th. But if no one else is having the problem then it must be something with my save?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering about all this pruning talk [...]
Or would it be a good idea to prune as close to the starting base so I don't have to walk miles to see something new? The thing is I don't know how much is pre-gen around the bunker.

Well I did decide to prune my world, since I had quite an area covered already, so that seeing a new structure would have resulted a two days march, to have a chance to get them. Now I have a nice volcano which I can see from my home, which is pretty awesome.
In the end it depends on your taste.
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