JamPacked Submissions/Judging:
Submissions are now open!
Your modpack must be a MultiMC instance containing only the files necessary to make your pack work. >HERE< is an example of how your submission zip should look.
Fill out >THIS SUBMISSION FORM< with the necessary details.
As a reminder, the competition closes 11:59pm UTC on the 15th May 2015.
We will have two rounds of judging. The first round will consist of volunteer judges from the community. Each modpack will be played by several people and scored on several different criteria. The packs who score well will move to a second round of judging by FTB staff who will pick the final winners.
We need your help for the first round. Fill out >THIS APPLICATION FORM< if you want to volunteer to be an impartial judge. We will contact you when we are ready to begin judging.