Is FTB is a Slow Launcher?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im revisiting FTB after some time of hiatus. Its exciting to return to my first favorite launcher pack (previously i was with Techic launcher and switched to FTB when FTB set out to make it easy for users to easily host their own packs and use the FTB launcher for distribution... before then my first experiences into Minecraft came through SKcraft Launcher *a little private launcher hosted by the Legendary Sk89q the maker of some of the most popular utility mods known to Minecraft Modding... one in particular would be World Edit to my reckoning.)

However some time ago i saw a new launcher come onto the scene called ATLauncher. it set out to be like FTB but faster. ive been enjoying using ATLauncher for some time but recently came across a similar modpack to the one ive be hosting there... this mod pack *TolkienCraftII* is incredible but only availible through FTB! Similar to the one ive been using, it is built around the MiddleEarth mod. As such i set out to eagerly play test it to see if the TolkienCraft II mod pack could replace my Pack that uses the Middle Earth Mod. As i expected, TolkienCraft II does use the base assets that i have in my own Middle earth-base mod pack just with more detail as it has a newer, more beefy version in it. The Tolkiencraft II experience isnt simply just a mod however. its an entire Pack built to work within the style of the MiddleEarth mod experience.

But here in lies the problem. ATL is still way faster of a launcher then FTB. but Tolkiencraft and the middle earth mod it self isnt availible in any form through ATLauncher. its availible on Techic Launcher which is sad... that's where good mod packs go to die. Im wanting to put the Tolkiencraft II Modpack on ATL for private use at least for now because i dont like waiting 2 min for FTB to open... followed by another 2+ for Tolkiencraft to load... this is further exacerbated by configuring a Sphax texture pack with the TolkiencraftII mod textures which was recommended for the modpack which increased my max load time to over 6min. So if the load times could be about 6+ min for my high end PC... imagine the 10+ to upwards of 20 min load times for players using more casually built systems. Perhaps this is the reason the Primary server hosted by the pack Author is empty?

I intend to rip the TolkiencraftII Mod Pack and put it on ATLauncher for my own individual use so i can then play it from there... i wont make it availible for distibution out of respect to the mod author... but i would ask the FTB staff to consider reworking the FTB Launcher to load faster... ATL can Load my own Mod pack hosting 215 mods in 30 - 45 sec while FTB takes nearly 6 min to load TolkiencraftII hosting only 174 mods of which only 173 are active. Accounting for the complexity of some mods, one could say that TolkiencraftII simply is a Hugely complex modpack. After play-testing it a little bit i can agree. but i find it difficult to contemplate reasoning that my 215 mod pack hosting almost an identical mod list (with an older version of the Middle-Earth mod) as the TolkiencraftII mod pack loads as fast as 30 - 45seconds while on ftb it taks over 6 min. (this included opening the ATLauncher or FTB and the vanilla startup even before launching the pack/instance) i also have to mention that my mod pack hosts 6 additional worlds and no Mystcraft isnt one... that mod is simply broken and not recommended for open availability when hosting a server as each world a player makes vastly increases the load for the server. though it is great for admin use when creating custom world content... BEFORE the users begin joining your world.

FTB is a beautiful Launcher and considering how it broke away from the highly restrictive design of the Techic launcher from yesterday... i would hate for it to fail simply for being too much of a beast. Tighten that belt. FTB shouldnt only be Huge, it should also be Fast... more like a Nimble tiger rather then a Lumbering and stupid bear.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im a fan of FTB and write this out of respect for the FTB team in clear recommendation that they continue to improve their incredible launcher experience. My frustration with this mod pack being exclusive to FTB aside, sense it is a 3rd party mod pack and other versions are already available through Techic i am to assume that i can Rip this pack off FTB and stick on on the much faster ATlauncher. Thus i will do so... however i will not be distributing the pack as i equally assume the author would have put it on AtLauncher if he/she intended it to go there. But for my own use i cant wait forever for the beast to wake up so i can enjoy the content presented by its users. Dont kill the Beast... just make it faster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Did you tried curse launcher?
It might take a while to Start But it uses the normal launcher for modpacks. Try it Out


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, the FTB launcher tends to take a while to launch packs. MultiMC also tends to have the same issue. The only reason I actually use it is because of the custom ability with it. If you are going to play FTB packs, just port them to ATLauncher or play them of CurseVoice.
Nice Essay btw
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no ATL offers all the same accessibility of FTB without the lagface or slowness of its launcher & packs. only reason i came back to FTB and yes i came back excited to be trying out one of my all time favorite launchers... was because the Tolkiencraft 2 mod pack is only available through FTB. ive tried ripping the pack off FTB but it is giving me a ton of issues. there are some core files that seem to be locked to FTB and it would break the Author's intended mod integrity if i were to work around them which ultimately would break the tended experience of the pack. i also recommend NOT playing the latest version of the pack as it seems to run very poorly and i dont have a weak machine. as to which version of the pack actually runs best im about to attempt a test to find out.

im still going to try and port the pack over to ATlauncher but if i work around those core files ime likely to break an exaustive id index as well as the quests and NPCs that are core to the experience.

but after my play test i dont even want to look at the mod or minecraft for that matter. going to watch some anime till im less pissed with this otherwise awesome pack.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
It used to be significantly faster. Then they updated to a new style of launcher and load times doubled if not more.