If you are running a FTB server...

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I ask your feedback please on how it's going, if you don't want to post the answers here you can PM me them.

No of Players:
Average No of players connected:
Mods disabled:
Items disabled:
Host (if you host from home put "self"):
RAM in server:
CPU's in server:
Lag Scale (See below):
Comments (your experience so far):

For Lag Scale - 1 is no lag whatsoever by any player, 10 is unplayable, score yourself 5 or less if you can break blocks with no delay. Only score yourself a 2 or less if no one who plays on your server ever complains of lag.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 50+ total players so far
Average No of players connected: Around 15
Mods disabled: None
Items disabled: None
Host (if you host from home put "self"): Multiminecraft.com
RAM in server: 1.5g
CPU's in server: Unknown
Lag Scale (See below): 2
Comments (your experience so far): So far positive. We have had a few people complain about gregtech recipes not showing up in game but I just tell them to go to the gregtech forums for the recipes. I have had a few people ragequit my server because I won't teleport them out of a lost mystcraft world.. but meh... its a Hard mode server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I ask your feedback please on how it's going, if you don't want to post the answers here you can PM me them.

No of Players:
Average No of players connected:
Mods disabled:
Items disabled:
Host (if you host from home put "self"):
RAM in server:
CPU's in server:
Lag Scale (See below):
Comments (your experience so far):

For Lag Scale - 1 is no lag whatsoever by any player, 10 is unplayable, score yourself 5 or less if you can break blocks with no delay. Only score yourself a 2 or less if no one who plays on your server ever complains of lag.

Could you add some more depth into this? Images of server, description of plans or something along those lines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys this is not the server promo section. I can see sharing spec info and stability info. But now what build one is having on his server. Also be careful on promoting 3th party server host providers.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Guys this is not the server promo section. I can see sharing spec info and stability info. But now what build one is having on his server. Also be careful on promoting 3th party server host providers.
I am not sure what limiting us promoting 3rd party server providers accomplishes? I have had 4 hosting providers in the past year, of which the previous 3 to my current host were HORRIBLE. I think it would be beneficial to share our mutual experience with other potential SMP hosts. These opinions don't reflect FTB's opinions.. which I assume is FTB's concern due to partnerships you have in place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am not sure what limiting us promoting 3rd party server providers accomplishes? I have had 4 hosting providers in the past year, of which the previous 3 to my current host were HORRIBLE. I think it would be beneficial to share our mutual experience with other potential SMP hosts. These opinions don't reflect FTB's opinions.. which I assume is FTB's concern due to partnerships you have in place.


8. No buy selling or advertising of items or services on the forums.

These rules are in place and we have to follow them. You or me have no say in how FTB is ran, we can only follow and assume it is in the good of FTB. I would kindly ask not to promote 3th part services as well as not to argue about the rules that stand.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

8. No buy selling or advertising of items or services on the forums.

These rules are in place and we have to follow them. You or me have no say in how FTB is ran, we can only follow and assume it is in the good of FTB. I would kindly ask not to promote 3th part services as well as not to argue with me or any admin about the rules that stand.
I interpreted this as I cannot come on here and make a forum post saying "Hey guys, buy services from X. They are great!" as an affiliate of that company. Advertising is not saying "My experience with host X was good by host Y offered more services". In fact, here is the legal definition of advertising:
The term advertising generally refers to paid forms of communication that are distributed at the initiative of economic operators (by means of television, radio, newspapers, banners, mail, Internet, etc.) as part of an intentional and systematic effort to affect individual attitudes and choices in relation to the consumption of goods and services.
You are confusing editorialization with advertisement.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greedseed the purpose of the thread was not to promote servers or server providers but to get an idea of what is an acceptable server spec per player and who amongst the server providers can provide such a server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greedseed the purpose of the thread was not to promote servers or server providers but to get an idea of what is an acceptable server spec per player and who amongst the server providers can provide such a server.

I Know, that's why i leave the thread up in this section. :) I was replying to the question of judgebot, He was asking for screenshots and plans. Just making it clear.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After a second look and some discussion, I believe there has been some misunderstanding of the rules. You may not advertise for services. However I do not see any advertisement in these posts. A question was asked and answered. And we are not going to stop people from telling who they use. Or other information of that sort. Its advertisement only if its unsolicited or the person is obviously trying to push people towards one service in particular. There was further some disagreement as to what constitutes arguing with and or disrespecting a moderator. An open discussion asking for clarifications does not violate any rules. We like discussion as long as its polite and respectful as this one seems to be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I ask your feedback please on how it's going, if you don't want to post the answers here you can PM me them.

No of Players: 25
Average No of players connected: 4
Mods disabled: Gregtech
Items disabled: Na
Host (if you host from home put "self"): Multiplay.co.uk
RAM in server: 1Gb
CPU's in server: 2
Lag Scale (See below): 2-3
Comments (your experience so far): Only postive experiences sofar, before FTB we ran close to the same mods on this server, and its been up for a little over 2 years now, Lag is very rare but it can happend if there is to many anchors around or multiple players in multiple instances. We have disabled gregtech only cause of the recipe changes, might enabled it again once i got the entire config set so it wont change / inflictchanges on the other mods from the modpack.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 20
Average No of players connected: 2
Mods disabled: Gregtech
Items disabled: None.
Host (if you host from home put "self"): ChicagoVPS
RAM in server: 2Gb
CPU's in server: 1, but its a quad core shared. its pretty fast, Mkay.
Lag Scale (See below): 3, unless under load from the other VPSes, and i don't count that.
Comments (your experience so far): Biggest issue so far has been some invisible blocks. not a clue whats causing it, but it seems to be pretty common. going to try putting the world on a ramdisk tonight and see if that improves world loading.

Would you guys want a guide on ramdisks?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 10
Average No of players connected: 8
Mods disabled: None
Items disabled: None
Host: self
RAM in server: 512MB (allocated, total 4GB, to be used in emergencies, like creating ages)
CPU's in server: 1 (allocated, total 6, see above)
Lag Scale: 4-6 (due to some players having an internet connection made out of beech wood ;) )
Comments: Because of the emergency allocations, the server runs perfectly fine for me and players nearby, however drops quickly after around 80km (~60 miles).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 855 so far been on the server (player .dat files in player folder)
Average No of players connected: 20-30 (it really depends)
Mods disabled: CC, MystCraft, Twilight Forest
Items disabled: IC2 nukes, picking up blocks with portalgun, chunkloading in Forge configs, Railcraft chunkloaders
Host (if you host from home put "self"): N/A (not selfe, its dedicated)
RAM in server: 8 gig atm allocated to the server
CPU's in server: 8 in total (2 used for the server)
Lag Scale (See below): 6-8
Comments (your experience so far):

I wont lie, we have real bad lagissues pretty often. What bothers me is that is sometimes seems impossible to remotlely try to think about what the issue is. No players have any bad machinesetups (bad as in 1.2.5 known bad), nor seem to be dropping entities as with quarries etc. Atm we "lack" some real profilingtools, but hopefully we will get that soon, so its actually possible to locate the lagsources around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pretty sure it is the LAN and/or WAN connection, you might want to go here and try some congested areas of your players.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If that was refering to my post, its real CPU load thats making the lag, tickrate drops like a bomb, down to 3-6 TPS (2 in worst cases). Average seems to be stuck at 15ish on good days however. We have used this host for other stuff, without issues at all. Seems like its this pack thats making something not acting up right.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 50 slots 39 on whitelist so far
Average No of players connected: 10-15
Mods disabled: Extra Bees, Twilight forest, and Portal Gun
Items disabled:All Mystcraft item crafting is disabled, NukesHost (if you host from home put "self"):creeperhost.net
RAM in server: 5GB
CPU's in server: Xeon L5420
Lag Scale (See below): 3 - some players complaining lag but appears to be mostly client based. So far no block lag at all
Comments (your experience so far): Good so far. Getting occasional crashes from Adv Machines null pointer exception errors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 6
Average No of players connected: 4
Mods disabled: None
Items disabled: Descriptive Book, Notebook, Writing Desk (restricted to admins)
Host (if you host from home put "self"): Eidolonhost
RAM in server: 2 GB
CPU's in server:
Lag Scale (See below):3 - We had a lag issue on the server end due to random other issues that were directly addressed by the webhost owner and were resolved rather swiftly. Once those were resolved, things ran rather well
Comments (your experience so far): Very good expirence. I enjoy being able to run the server securly and being able to work on stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 24 slots, 100+ players
Average No of players connected: 15
Mods disabled: n/a
Items disabled: n/a
Host (if you host from home put "self"): vps4less.co.uk
RAM in server: 2 gigs
CPU's in server: 2
Lag Scale (See below): 4 Server is in US, I am in UK
Comments (your experience so far): Good, not too many bugs. Nothing fatal :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No of Players: 5
Average No of players connected: 1.5
Mods disabled: None
Items disabled: World Anchor
Host (if you host from home put "self"): ens-ltd
RAM in server: 512
CPU's in server: 1
Lag Scale (See below): 3
Comments (your experience so far): Good until the most recent update fiasco; Occasional crashes due to loading being hit by multiple meteors or the Age Zero mystcraft bugs. Stable and working well until today.