how to permanent pover a rubber tree farm ?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, first sorry for my bad english, if you can keep it short and easy to understand i will appreciate ^^

I want to make a rubber tree farm, simple like the one in Docm77 show, but i don't want to use steam engine because it's using coal for run.

I need a permanent source of energy, but i dont know well this mod and how to make it simple, small and not too expansive (but i can if its needed)

thx a lot


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could always use an electric engine and power it with solar panels. Or use charcoal instead of coal if you want to use steam.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know the show or the design you refer to, but is it a Forestry tree farm planting rubber saplings?

If so, use a Forestry electric engine with an advanced solar panel. The panel generates 8 EU/t per day and 1 EU/t at night, and has integrated storage (almost a batbox's worth). With the electric engine drawing 6 EU/t, the panel will charge up over the day and continue running a fair ways into the night. Probably not the entire night, but that's okay, trees don't grow at night either.

The panel is moderately expensive (2x advanced circuits, advanced machineblock, advanced alloy), but it's a set-down-and-forget solution. You'll never again have to worry about fuel for the farm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use those to power my place and forget quarries, they work very well and I've never had energy problems. The only draw back is you cant boost your engines with circuits otherwise the draw is too much.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One thing about the tree farm is that it produces wood (of course) and has extra saplings. Both the wood (as wood planks) and saplings can be used as fuel to create charcoal for the engines to run on. So with a bit more complicated setup, you can have the farm fuel itself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know the show or the design you refer to, but is it a Forestry tree farm planting rubber saplings?

If so, use a Forestry electric engine with an advanced solar panel. The panel generates 8 EU/t per day and 1 EU/t at night, and has integrated storage (almost a batbox's worth). With the electric engine drawing 6 EU/t, the panel will charge up over the day and continue running a fair ways into the night. Probably not the entire night, but that's okay, trees don't grow at night either.

The panel is moderately expensive (2x advanced circuits, advanced machineblock, advanced alloy), but it's a set-down-and-forget solution. You'll never again have to worry about fuel for the farm.

The FTB pack uses the default Gregtech config so the Adv Solar Panel is probably out of reach, without a centrifuge (and in the next version it is out of reach without a blast furnace) so I would personally suggest using peat engines to power both a peat farm and a tree farm the engines are cheap to make and peat burns for a very long time. You can make the bog earth and manually set it out (3x3, water block in the middle) to mature for your initial peat to power the farm\turbary after the peat farm is running it will produce enough peat to keep 8 or so peat engines happily fed as long as you keep making bog earth which is easily automated as the tree farm produces sand and the peat farm itself doesn't use up the dirt.

Also trees do grow at night if you keep the light level high enough with torches etc :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a nice setup, thenks to you guys ! So 3 electric engine for treetap/logger/arborteum, pover by advanced solar panel (someone help me with the centrifuge^^) and connect with glass fibre.
When i was testing in my solo world, engines was running to fast sometimes and stop for few seconds (to hot), so i put in small card and now its running a bit to slow so i need to make medium card (carpenter).

Also i have 2 diamond pipe for direction, resin go into a exctractor pover by hv transformer, and then go back to pipes, sappling go back to arboreteum and wood/cook resin go to my base.

One thing isn't worling is facade, i can't craft it for hide my wire :(
This isn't working for some reason


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Facade needs to be crafted on the assembly table. You'll also need lasers and more engines for that, so you may want to hold off on the facades for a while.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would personally suggest using peat engines to power both a peat farm and a tree farm the engines are cheap to make and peat burns for a very long time. You can make the bog earth and manually set it out (3x3, water block in the middle) to mature for your initial peat to power the farm\turbary after the peat farm is running it will produce enough peat to keep 8 or so peat engines happily fed as long as you keep making bog earth which is easily automated as the tree farm produces sand and the peat farm itself doesn't use up the dirt.

I would make multiple tree farms with this setup though. I have a single peat farm with a single tree farm and the bottleneck in the entire process is the tree farm doesn't produce enough sand to keep up with the dirt. So you would either need to manually add sand on a fairly regular basis or have multiple tree farms to speed up the production of sand.

The tree farms and peat farms will produce way more peat than is necessary to run them though.

I haven't been able to find out the actual power requirements to run the farms but I believe I read somewhere that 1 engine is enough to run any of the farms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Help with the industrial centrifuge? They're pretty easy so long as you have some basic infrastructure. You'll need to use a rolling machine, a compressor and a macerator to produce the base components.

- Craft an extractor.
- (Macerator) Grind 32 coal into coal dust. Make 4 carbon meshes out of that.
- (Rolling Machine) Make 4 mixed metal ingots (a total of 6 refined iron, 6 bronze, 6 tin required).
- (Compressor) Turn your carbon meshes into carbon plates and your mixed metal ingots into advanced alloy.
- Make 2 advanced machine blocks using the carbon plates and alloy.
- Craft 2 electric circuits and upgrade them to advanced circuits. This is the only step that requires exotic materials (4 lapis lazuli and 4 glowstone dust).
- Upgrade your extractor to an industrial centrifuge using the ingame recipe.
- Hook up your new centrifuge to a low voltage power source - a normal batbox works great.

- Collect clay from a nearby river or shore. Recombine it into 24 clay blocks. Toss the clay blocks into the macerator to receive 48 clay dust.
- While you wait for that to finish, grab 12 tin bars and make them into 24 empty cells. Make sure you make "cells", not "cans". Put your cells into the top left slot of the centrifuge.

- Toss the 48 clay dust into the centrifuge. Hurray, you're ready to make solar panels! That wasn't so hard now, was it? ;)

From the centrifuge you will receive 12 silicon cells, which is enough to make 6 solar panels. Each of them can be upgraded to an advanced solar panel using the same infrastructure (macerator, compressor, rolling machine) that you already used to make the centrifuge. You will also receive 12 lithium cells. You can toss them into a generator to make EU, but I recommend that you hold on to them. Once you have some aluminium (a byproduct of various industrial centrifuge recipes), you can craft them into a lithium-batpack, which is a 600,000 EU wearable energy storage that will be very useful if you ever decide to use power tools (mining drill etc).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Solar makes for an expensive tree farm. If your needs are more thrifty (early game), the TE Steam Engine (2MJ/t) will run the farm + a Powered Furnace. Pipe the furnace half the wood from the logger, give or take, pipe the charcoal to the Steam Engine. Minimal fuss.

If you are keen on Electrical Engines (which are a poor return on your power, by design), you can also power them with a standard generator using either charcoal (cooked) or scaffolding (autocrafted) from the logger's output. Too much wooden pipery for my taste, but doable.