FTAO Technic Forum Users

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Team Member
FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
Response to Kakermix

Ok so I want to write a post that is in response to Kakermix's reply on the following thread.


I would not normally post things like this on my forum, however I feel I have been forced to do so, as my posting rights on the technic forums have now been removed for some unknown rule infraction. Having this post here means that Kakermix cannot delete or otherwise control my response. This post is primarily aimed at those users who frequent both the FTB and the Technic forums.

The points I wish to address on the past start with Kakermix's assertion that I wish to be 'top dog'. Now I have no idea if he is referring to me personally or the FTB pack. I want to ensure that everyone knows that pretty much the entire time that we were working on FTB, everyone said to me we were going to be a tekkit/technic killer etc. I always asserted that was never going to happen due to the fact that no matter what we did, Tekkit would always have Yogscast and that was 1.5 million people we would never have. Not only that I have never approached a single youtuber to the best of my memory and asked or encouraged them to use the FTB mod pack or launcher. Every single mainstream youtuber approached us. This includes direwolf20 (originally he had no intention of using our launcher and wanted to carry on the way he was) DocM and then the Mindcrack team came to us through one of the mod developers and now Voxel box and others are coming to us.

I think kakermix has an absolute cheek to use the line

"I am not the star, neither is slowpoke, it's the modders that are."

Considering the fact he spent god knows how long stating he could care less what the mod developers thought. The reason why all of these youtubers are coming over to FTB is because from Day 1, FTB treated the developers with the same respect that we gave the end users.

Moving on

"Technic is directly responsible for the FTB modpack"

Sorry Kaker, when FTB was created I had never even heard of Technic. The modpack exists because it was made for a map I created. The origins of that modpack were based on the Direwolf20 youtube series. The Launcher was created because I wanted an easy way for people to play the FTB Maps. Technic never came into the equation, sorry.

"Technic is responsible for shoving these mods into literally tens of millions of players' hands, and helped popularize the names of Industrial Craft, RedPower, ComputerCraft etc outside of the Minecraft Modding community itself. "

Again totally inaccurate, as has been stated on your forums, technicpack was originally created to be a small pack aimed at users of the SomethingAweful Forums. It was the Yogscast that started to feature these mods, on an individual level and then later with the tekkit pack. The point is, you have done absolutely nothing to promote the use of mod or to highlight mod developers. That is down to the hard work of other people including Yogscast. They did this despite you, not because of you.

"Basically I did what I set out to do and I'm not worried what happens to the ~modpack market~ because there is no personal loss for me when Technic dies"

I thought the only thing you set out to do was create a small private mod pack for a few people on the SomethingAweful forums, or are you now saying you set out to do more than that.

Whilst I am here I want to clarify the details of the launcher. In the past we have had several groups working on the launcher. Initially it started with Forkk but due to time constraints he wasnt able to do more than get the project started. Finally I got a group of 4 people who worked pretty solid for several weeks to build the launcher. Since then a couple more people have joined the team. The point is, the FTB launcher is a completely custom launcher built from the ground up. Certain decisions with regards to the way the launcher does things is by design. We wanted the launcher to be completely compatable with MultiMC, especially as Forkk is a friend (even if he is annoying at times :p ).

I can assure you our code is not remotely a reskinned version of MultiMC. They are 2 different programs that do 2 totally different things. I want to also make it very clear that building our launcher was not the original preferred option. There was a time that I would have quite happily used the technic launcher for FTB maps. Twice I approached the team there and offered to help them make the changes that 'our' side of the community demanded. Once in private and once in public. The first time I was rebuked by Kakermix and the second time the conversation suddenly ended once Kakermix returned from his vacation.

Again I want to make the following points very clear. I like the idea of the Technic Launcher, thats the one thing we all agree on, anything that makes life easier for the end user is a good thing. I have no problem with people who use the technic launcher. I think choices are a good thing. For the most part I like most of the staff who work on the Technic Team. I may not agree with everything that they say, but I genuinely beleive for the most part they wanted the same thing that we want. So much so that I would be happy to have with only one obvious exception, any of the technic team working on the FTB team.

I would ask anyone that reads this thread and this includes myself. Can we no longer attack technic, technic users or anyone else connected with the technic launcher. It no longer serves any purpose and only helps to create divides in a community that no longer needs divides. There are 2 functional mainstream launchers out there now. This gives people the chance to choose which launcher to use or even both. At the end of the day we are all just here to play Minecraft, whether thats Vanilla, Modded, With maps, without maps etc etc. Choices are a good thing for everyone. Let us respect those choices and peoples right to make them.


p.s. As a final note.

As this post is aimed at Technic Forum Users, I know that some of you have questioned why I was banned from posting on their forums, I cannot say for sure, I can however tell you that the last post I made on the forums, I was responding to certain people on the forums complaining about all the youtubers and other going on and on about permissions etc and Cheap Shot I believe it was commenting on the fact that they now had all permissions etc. I made the comment that they really shouldnt complain about what people were saying and that they couldnt blame people questioning this statement. I then went on to point out that whilst I knew that lately mod developers had been approached, there were certain mods, like Optifine and MoCreatures (both mods which Technic claim to have permissions for) had licences on their minecraft forum threads which seemed to contradict this. I never made any accustaions and made it extremely clear that I did not know whether they had permissions for these mods or not. I only said that there was nothing to be found anywhere that backed up Technics statement that they had permissions for both of these mods and that was bound to raise questions. The next time I tried to log in a little later I was perma banned.

Oh and I double checked, our moderators are not instructed to remove posts about Technic, in fact the only ones we tend to remove is those posts that are rude about Technic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I was worried this would end up as a mini war when I heard about the FTB pack. =/ cant we all just get along?

Stephen Baynham

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We can, I certainly hope there's not some kind of weird fanboy war here, I just wanted to clear things up, since I remember that whole hullabaloo and thought it was kind of weird that slowpoke didn't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
man this drama needs to stop, at first I would have been all over something like this, collecting friends picking up my torches and pitch forks and running out to battle. But now? Eh this has gone on way longer then it should have. People are being stupid. so many people don't have accurate knowledge about either side, in fact dare I say it. Know one has all the facts from both sides. People need to learn to make there decisions based on personal preference and leave everyone else out of it. Fact of the matter is there is 2 mod packs, 2 pretty good mod packs tbh, 2 very different mod packs with 2 very different communities. Pick which one you want and don't go running around like your part of some church trying to convert everyone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I doubt there would be any serious flaming going on. Honestly I just wanted an excuse to make my first post on these forums >w>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This pissing contest that seems to be taking part on the other side needs to end.

Tekkit, Technik, FTB or any other modpack, why fight over who is what? They all here to provide easy acces to mods. And if some people choose Tekkit over FTB, so be it. If they do the other way around, so be it.
The point is, the Minecraft community has bin fighting and snageling far to long, this needs to end right here and right now. And i am not only talking about things like this, there are tons of other communitys within minecraft that just want to strangle eachoder. As a global community with a common goal, stop this madnes and work together! is that not what minecraft SSP is about ?

Like slow sed, giving people the choice between packs makes for a good competition between the packs, now both packs will do there best to be on top and hopefully the quallity will improve, and that includes social interaction between the 2 communitys ! If everyone is gone start picking of eachoder personally then the Minecraft community just die'd.

And like kakermix stated, at the end it is about the modders, but what did he forgot to mention ?
Its more about the community ! Without the community there wont be modders creating these awsome things, there wont be packs to maintan, there wont be forums to talk on or fight over. Without community's minecraft would have never become what it is today.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Before this thread gets any bigger I would like to remind all members of the rules.
  1. Be respectful. No racist, sexist or homophobic comments will be tolerated.
  2. Be polite do not use obscenities or engage in name-calling.
this does not only include members of our own communities but all so members of other communities as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think really most people using FTB used tekkit or some variation at one point or another. So I doubt anyone but hardcore fans are really going to be all that rude. truth be told I think the worst we could see if the people behind the mod packs having a pissing contest. Which from what Ive seen slowpoke has done a pretty good job of doing the opposite, =P I dont think it will be a problem. However it is nice to know someone is reading the fourms to keep that kinda thing out so good job on that!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Twice I approached the team there and offered to help them make the changes that 'our' side of the community demanded. Once in private and once in public. The first time I was rebuked by Kakermix and the second time the conversation suddenly ended once Kakermix returned from his vacation.

So im legitimately curious, because was all that before or after publically railing against the idea of mod packs, specifically tekkit, one of direwolfs early ftb vids? or all those times you said you specifically made sure your configs werent compatable with tekkits because you didnt want those players playing your modpack?

i mean, i can't even imagine why kakermix would have rebuked you!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So im legitimately curious, because was all that before or after publically railing against the idea of mod packs, specifically tekkit, one of direwolfs early ftb vids? or all those times you said you specifically made sure your configs werent compatable with tekkits because you didnt want those players playing your modpack?

i mean, i can't even imagine why kakermix would have rebuked you!
Don't expect any good response, unless you post sources so people can make up their own mind about it. Your post doesn't exactly sound neutral, but more like an attempt to put dirt on slowpoke out of nothing.

Stephen Baynham

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So im legitimately curious, because was all that before or after publically railing against the idea of mod packs, specifically tekkit, one of direwolfs early ftb vids? or all those times you said you specifically made sure your configs werent compatable with tekkits because you didnt want those players playing your modpack?

i mean, i can't even imagine why kakermix would have rebuked you!

Hi senae, most likely this occurred afterward. The link I posted above is from a couple months ago, and is the second time that slowpoke approached the tekkit team.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We should make T-Shirts "Let's end the FTB Technic Wars", maybe even have a music festival, we could call it "Minestock".

On a serious note, I've never had an issue with Technic and was bitterly disappointed to hear that Tekkit may begin to disappear and was so overjoyed to discover FTB, and am so appreciative of all the hard work of SlowPoke and everyone on the FTB team, and if even of you ever need somewhere to stay in the East of England then I'll happily point you to a decent Hotel :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a technic moderator but from what I can tell, you got banned for stirring up too much public drama about the whole permission issue and other things. Which have always been touchy subjects over on the technic boards which are preferred to be handled in private due to all the very heated opinions on both sides of the issue.

Stephen Baynham

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not a technic moderator but from what I was able to dig up, you got banned for stirring up too much public drama about the whole permission issue. Which has always been a very touchy subject over on the technic boards which is preferred to be handled in private due to all the very heated opinions on both sides of it.

Well, it was more than that. He actually was involved in a really productive discussion about the issue and seemed to be making peace with the tekkit crew, but then got baited into a youtube argument by some 13 year old, and it was like the part of the movie where the snobby rich guy accidentally reveals the contempt he has for the protagonists on camera or whatever. He said a lot of things he ultimately regretted, and then repeated them in the technic forums in a separate thread to the one where he was trying to act reasonable. This occurred at the same time as kakermix came back from vacation, so I suppose slowpoke is blaming kakermix for those talks falling through instead of his own behavior. Here's what Cheap Shot, who was the guy who slowpoke had been interacting with reasonably, had to say at the time:

Slowpoke, shame on you for letting some random on the internet bait you into something like the above. Apparently they weren't even doing it here, they were doing it youtube (???) of all places? I thought everone understood that youtube comments are a cesspit and should be avoided. One person unconnected to anything trolling you means you're willing to throw out everything I've said, and all the talk you've layed down about being fair and reasonable and working toward something productive? It just makes your words seem hollow, and is frankly an insult to me, considering I took the effort to take you seriously and gave you quite a bit of my time. Looking at your feed the beast forum thread about us linked earlier shows that you've made no effort to stop the anti-technic echo chamber. There are downright lies and harmful rumors in there and no effort to correct them or calm them, even after the discussions we've held here where I have gone out of my way to make sure things stay fair and orderly. I am disappointed.
We're still going to go ahead with the plans to discuss as our team our relationship with the modders, and do everything we can to make positive change. I just thought your words to me were more genuine and it's disheartening so see that maybe they weren't. I hope I am wrong in that. We want to make positive change happen, and you're in a position where many of the mod makers who think negatively of us respect and like you. Both sides need to want positive change for any to happen. Please remember that one youtube troll does not equal the Technic team. One guy having some fun stirring shit on the internet does not equal all the productive and reasonable effort I have put forward.
Ultimately slowpoke apologized to kakermix & cheap shot for his behavior via PM, but they still banned him because he stirs up drama like that every time he interacts with the technic guys, which I think this thread is great evidence of. It is kind of frustrating the way slowpoke characterized that event in the OP of this thread, though. It's somewhat dishonest, which you can see by reading the thread I linked above.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My my... it's like I'm watching a boring badminton match between 2 forums.
A few notes I'd like to point out, without being rude:
Hi, Slowpoke, I'm not sure why you're confused about your ban, but you were banned for your behavior in this thread, as well as the thread linked at the end of this one: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/slowpoke-feed-the-beast-creator-on-the-technic-pack.22562
No, he got warned. But not banned. Slow got banned a week ago, that thread your linking is a month old.

on about permissions
This is why he got banned. To quote a moderator over from technic:

IT was basically "I'm not here to argue permissions but..." and then proceeded to try and say we didn't have permissions.

When asked if it was a temp or permban:

Permanent. I know you're eager to start a mob with pitchforks and torches in hand about to get excited and wild about the latest rumors of what he said she said and burn down houses and kill suspected witches and warlocks all based on hearsay, but that's exactly what we don't want stirred up here.

The thread got deleted, so what EXACTLY happened, well. We can only take Slowpoke's word for what happened.
I'm not part of the technic team, so don't take me super-seriously here.
Slowpoke has got a point.
Kakermix has got a point.

I could care less who is right or wrong. I've stopped playing MC for a long time. And I have never used the technic launcher (except that one time I got invited by bride to Protech server). I only stay in both these forums because I don't get censored and banned for uttering the word technic/FTB.
And I like the moderators on both sites.
I'm starting to suspect that they are more humans than bots :p

Edit. Forgive me Stephen. You seem to be on top of your game here, I'm dim :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, it was more than that. He actually was involved in a really productive discussion about the issue and seemed to be making peace with the tekkit crew, but then got baited into a youtube argument by some 13 year old, and it was like the part of the movie where the snobby rich guy accidentally reveals the contempt he has for the protagonists on camera or whatever. He said a lot of things he ultimately regretted, and then repeated them in the technic forums in a separate thread to the one where he was trying to act reasonable. This occurred at the same time as kakermix came back from vacation, so I suppose slowpoke is blaming kakermix for those talks falling through instead of his own behavior.

For those wondering this had no barring on it as he was not banned for that and posted many times after that issue. The thread he got banned in was deleted at the same time he was banned due to the all the drama it contained.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to point out to anyone reading this: every user from technic forums aren't all necessary evil trolls (except maybe me :p)
Ashzification has been a busy bee, helping and welcoming everyone to this forum. And she is still a frequent technic user.
I have not been exactly that helpful, but instead added humour and comedy wherever I go. I've also trolled and made funny comments about Kaker, whenever I can. But the guy is like a wall, no response :(


Team Member
FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
from Cheap Shot
"We'll I can safely say I wont be stepping up to the plate to diplomatically chat with him on this one. Don't want to dignify all that. I will say my opinion though because I don't want to be misrepresented. That guy needs to relax. That "second time" didn't end when Kaker came back from vacation, it ended after about a week of me very respectfully conversing with him trying to be constructive, and he had a melt down and threw all our hard work and progress out the window because of one kid trolling him in youtube comments. KakerMix closed it because the thread was ruined. Slowpoke apologised to me for his behaviour and we felt it was best to end it and move on before it lost its value as a productive discussion.

I thought maybe it was a one time thing, and the stress of that week had just gotten to him. It was certainly hard on me. I can be understanding. His behaviour on a few occasions after that made me suspect I was wrong. You can only stir drama and insult someone on their own site so many times before they ban you. I don't get how that is confusing. Reading that post it sounds like he's going off the deep end again however, and coming from me that means something. I hope he is able to take a step back and breath. Overreacting and calling for drama is not what he should be doing if he intends to be a community leader. And it shouldn't have taken him this long to"put his foot down" and tell his users to bury the hatchet. FTB users have been regging here and spamming hate messages and trying to stir trouble since FTB came out. Disgusing behaviour. I don't want to see any of our users doing that, understand?"

Where do I start. Of course you wont try to talk diplomatically to me because there is no possible defence. I want to point that after you banned me from your forums, I didnt say a single word. Even when people asked about the ban I just kept my mouth shut. I was done with it totally and was happy just to carry on as we were. I dont see you or anyone else here berating Kakermix for stirring up shit or just plain talking a load of garbage. No your just accusing me of going off the deep end, well yeah guess what every time you or anyone else decides to attack me, I am going to defend myself.

Deal with it.

So lets talk about that constructive thread and the closing down of it. Thats you decision to do that. I have to applaud you deciding to cut off the only line of communication you had with 'our side' You know I knew that what I had said to that idiot was wrong and I clearly apologised for it as you acknowledge. Maybe you did need to close that particular thread down. But at no point since then did you try to resume the dialog in any way whatsoever. You continue to stick to your policy of refusing to publish permissions and that is completely fine. But you dont get to cry about it when everyone questions the way you go about things.

So again lets talk about the banning itself. You maintain that someone "can only stir drama and insult someone on their own site so many times before they ban you"

Let me ask you, did you ever even once ask me to stop, or change the way I was speaking or issue me a warning or anything even remotely close to that? No it was a straight up, without warning perma ban and not only that, you wouldnt even leave the thread up for members to read for themselves. No you had to delete the entire thing.

As to FTB members spamming hate messages, well I have now clearly and publically asked them to stop that. As long as you guys keep me and FTB off your forums then we will have no issue. But every time you see Kakermix in any way attacking me or anyone else involved in FTB, then come take a look on my forums and I will have responded. I wont be starting shit with you guys, but I am happy to finish it.
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