Hey guys, My name is Ant I am a new Youtuber. I have a Lets Play Minecraft Regrowth series
and I would love some feedback I am coming up to 10 episodes in (6 of them are published) and I am loving the Pack. I am slowly learning new tricks with the editing software so each video is getting better and better in my opinion.
I am trying hard to make 5 videos a week which is a feat for me because of my silly hours of work but I am coping and it seems to be getting easier as I go.
I do have a fowl mouth and I apologize for that I try to keep it to a minimum and do the old swap the swear word for similar sounding words trick when I catch myself.
well here is episode 1 I admit it does start off a bit slow but like I said I think it is getting better as I go but I do hope you like it
and I would love some feedback I am coming up to 10 episodes in (6 of them are published) and I am loving the Pack. I am slowly learning new tricks with the editing software so each video is getting better and better in my opinion.
I am trying hard to make 5 videos a week which is a feat for me because of my silly hours of work but I am coping and it seems to be getting easier as I go.
I do have a fowl mouth and I apologize for that I try to keep it to a minimum and do the old swap the swear word for similar sounding words trick when I catch myself.
well here is episode 1 I admit it does start off a bit slow but like I said I think it is getting better as I go but I do hope you like it