QubeSpace is a survival/creative multiplayer modpack built around qCraft and Galacticraft. The key focus of the pack is exploration of a diversity of dimensions and dungeons and providing the tools to do so. The modpack contains around 200 mods that vary from biomegen to gameplay tweaks and from technology to magic.
There are two versions of this modpack: QubeSpace (+-200 mods) and QubeSpace Minim (+-160 mods).
A lot of these mods can be found in Feed the Beast and/or Technicpack modpacks, but this is probably the only 1.7.10 modpack that has a stable version of qCraft. For those who do not know qCraft, it was made by dan200 (known from ComputerCraft) and the forum thread by MinecraftTeacher can be found here. Besides its basic functionality to give blocks up to six different quantum states, qCraft can also be used to travel between servers using portals while taking your items with you. Of course this has its security settings.
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.
The version of Inventory Tweaks in this pack is a congregation of unofficial Github builds, with a few personal fixes, composed by me. The version of Tinkers' Construct in this pack is an unofficial build, tweaked by me, where the oreBerries have not been added to the nugget ore dictionaries. Any issues with Inventory Tweaks or TiC should be reported directly to me, rather than be reported on the InvTweaks or TiC Github.
This modpack contains Binnie's Mods, but depending on the stability and vitality of the mod or its Forestry 4 patch, it may bee removed in the future.
This pack does not contain Optifine, by Sph614x, but only because this is not allowed by their licence. It is, however, recommended that you use this mod alongside this pack. We recommend downloading OptiFine 1.7.10 HD U C1 from this page.
Configs (1.0.1)
The biggest single config change in this modpack is the one that adds over a hundred dense ores for modded ores and EnderIO Sagmill recipes for all of these dense ores. Another is that almost all oregen has been taken out of the hands of the individual mods and is done by Thermal Foundation now. Apart from these there are lots of other config changes.
Public modpack permissions have been asked for all mods in the published versions.
You are free to run this modpack on your own server without my consent as long as you do not make money off of the modpack.
Private Server
Currently the QubeSpace Minim modpack is run on a private server owned by Damian_2015. We are looking for testers and other players to help us complete the config files and detect inter-mod incompatibilities.
The IP for this server can be found at Links
If you want to have more permissions than just walking around and opening wooden (trap)doors, you can ask me via PM or ask Michiel, Josean or Mathijs at the QubeSpace facebook group.
Downloads (1.1.4)
This modpack is publicly available on the FTB launcher. The modpack codes are "QubeSpace" and "QubeSpaceMinim".
For the ones who like Voxelmap more than Journeymap, or like to use both, there are separate download links available. QubeSpace 1.1.4 and QubeSpace 1.1.4 Minim.
Each of these downloads contains a completely pre-configured vanilla client. All you should have to do is unzip it, start the launcher and log in. More information is in the README files.
Modpack Developers
You can react to this thread if you have any remarks, questions, issues to report, or requests.
QubeSpace is a survival/creative multiplayer modpack built around qCraft and Galacticraft. The key focus of the pack is exploration of a diversity of dimensions and dungeons and providing the tools to do so. The modpack contains around 200 mods that vary from biomegen to gameplay tweaks and from technology to magic.
There are two versions of this modpack: QubeSpace (+-200 mods) and QubeSpace Minim (+-160 mods).
- Alternate Terrain Generation
- Animation API
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Applied Energistics
- ArmorStatusHUD
- Aroma Backup
- Aroma1997Core
- Ars Magica II
- Atum
- Automagy
- AutoPackager
- BDLib
- BetterTitleScreen
- BiblioCraft
- BiblioWoods
- Big Reactors
- Binnie's Mods (Extra bees and trees)
- Biomes Of Plenty
- Blood Magic (Alchemical Wizardry)
- BluePower
- Botania
- Brandons Core
- BuildCraft
- BuildCraft Compat
- Carpenter'sBlocks
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel 2
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFHCore
- Compact Machines
- ComputerCraft
- CookieCore
- CoroUtil
- Custom NPCs
- DamageIndicators
- DenseOres
- Dimensional Doors
- Draconic Evolution
- Dynmap
- Ender IO
- Ender Storage
- Ender Tech
- Ender Zoo
- EnderCore
- Extra Biomes XL
- Extra Cells 2
- Extra TiC
- Extra Utilities
- Factorization
- Fastcraft
- Flan's Mod
- FlatSigns
- Forbidden Magic
- Forestry
- Forge Essentials
- Forge Multipart Integration
- Funky Locomotion
- Galacticraft
- Galacticraft Planets
- GanysNether
- Gendustry
- Gravity Gun
- Hardcore Ender Expansion
- IC2 Nuclear Control
- iChunUtil
- Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- Immersive Engineering
- IndustrialCraft 2
- INpureCore
- Inventory Tweaks
- IronChest
- Jabba
- Journeymap
- LagFix
- LogisticsPipes
- Looking Glass
- MagicBees
- Mantle
- McJtyLib
- MicDoodleCore
- Mimicry
- MineChem
- Minefactory Reloaded
- MineTweaker
- Moar Peripherals
- MobiusCore
- Mod Tweaker
- Modular Forcefield System
- More Planets
- MumbleLink
- Mystcraft
- Natura
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Items
- Not Enough Keys
- Open Blocks
- OpenEye
- OpenModsLib
- OpenPeripherals
- Opis
- Origin
- Player API
- PneumaticCraft
- Portal Gun
- Practicalities
- qCraft
- QmunityLib
- Railcraft
- Redstone Arsenal
- Render Player API
- Render Player API Enhancer
- Resonant Engine
- RF Tools
- RogueLike Dungeons
- Secret Rooms
- Simply Jetpacks
- Slick Util
- Smart Moving
- Smart Render
- Solar Flux
- Soul Shards Reborn
- SpecialMobs
- Stargatecraft (Greg's)
- StatusEffectHUD
- Steve's Carts
- Steve's Factory Manager
- Sync
- Thaumcraft 4
- Thaumcraft NEI Addon
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thaumic Expansion
- Thaumic Exploration
- Thaumic Horizons
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Tinkers' Construct
- Tinkers' Mechworks
- Tinkers' Steelworks
- Tinkers' Tooltips
- Translocators
- Travellers Gear
- Tropicraft
- Twilight Forest
- Universal Electricity
- UtilityMobs
- Voxelmap
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- Wawla
- Wireless Redstone
- Witchery
- Witching Gadgets
- Alternate Terrain Generation
- Animation API
- Another One Bites the Dust
- Applied Energistics
- ArmorStatusHUD
- Aroma Backup
- Aroma1997Core
- Ars Magica II
- Automagy
- AutoPackager
- BDLib
- BetterTitleScreen
- BiblioCraft
- Big Reactors
- Binnie's Mods (Extra bees and trees)
- Biomes Of Plenty
- Blood Magic (Alchemical Wizardry)
- BluePower
- Botania
- Brandons Core
- BuildCraft
- BuildCraft Compat
- Carpenter'sBlocks
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel 2
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFHCore
- Compact Machines
- ComputerCraft
- DamageIndicators
- DenseOres
- Dimensional Doors
- Draconic Evolution
- Dynmap
- Ender IO
- Ender Storage
- Ender Tech
- EnderCore
- Extra Biomes XL
- Extra Cells 2
- Extra TiC
- Extra Utilities
- Fastcraft
- Forbidden Magic
- Forestry
- Forge Essentials
- Forge Multipart Integration
- Funky Locomotion
- Galacticraft
- Galacticraft Planets
- Gendustry
- Gravity Gun
- Hardcore Ender Expansion
- IC2 Nuclear Control
- iChunUtil
- Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- IndustrialCraft 2
- INpureCore
- Inventory Tweaks
- IronChest
- Jabba
- Journeymap
- LagFix
- LogisticsPipes
- Looking Glass
- MagicBees
- Mantle
- McJtyLib
- MicDoodleCore
- Minefactory Reloaded
- MineTweaker
- Moar Peripherals
- MobiusCore
- Mod Tweaker
- More Planets
- MumbleLink
- Mystcraft
- Natura
- NEI Addons
- NEI Integration
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Items
- Not Enough Keys
- Open Blocks
- OpenEye
- OpenModsLib
- OpenPeripherals
- Opis
- Origin
- PneumaticCraft
- Portal Gun
- Practicalities
- qCraft
- QmunityLib
- Railcraft
- Redstone Arsenal
- RF Tools
- RogueLike Dungeons
- Secret Rooms
- Simply Jetpacks
- Slick Util
- Solar Flux
- Soul Shards Reborn
- Stargatecraft (Greg's)
- StatusEffectHUD
- Steve's Carts
- Steve's Factory Manager
- Thaumcraft 4
- Thaumcraft NEI Addon
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thaumic Expansion
- Thaumic Exploration
- Thaumic Horizons
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Tinkers' Construct
- Tinkers' Mechworks
- Tinkers' Tooltips
- Translocators
- Travellers Gear
- Twilight Forest
- Voxelmap
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
- Wawla
- Wireless Redstone
- Witchery
- Witching Gadgets
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.
The version of Inventory Tweaks in this pack is a congregation of unofficial Github builds, with a few personal fixes, composed by me. The version of Tinkers' Construct in this pack is an unofficial build, tweaked by me, where the oreBerries have not been added to the nugget ore dictionaries. Any issues with Inventory Tweaks or TiC should be reported directly to me, rather than be reported on the InvTweaks or TiC Github.
This modpack contains Binnie's Mods, but depending on the stability and vitality of the mod or its Forestry 4 patch, it may bee removed in the future.
This pack does not contain Optifine, by Sph614x, but only because this is not allowed by their licence. It is, however, recommended that you use this mod alongside this pack. We recommend downloading OptiFine 1.7.10 HD U C1 from this page.
Configs (1.0.1)
The biggest single config change in this modpack is the one that adds over a hundred dense ores for modded ores and EnderIO Sagmill recipes for all of these dense ores. Another is that almost all oregen has been taken out of the hands of the individual mods and is done by Thermal Foundation now. Apart from these there are lots of other config changes.
Alternate Terrain Generation
-changed biome ID's to 210->217
-made separate configs for climate based and imagemap generation
-distance between north and south pole is 20000 blocks
-north and south are cold poles, middle is tropical
-made poles colder
-bigger biome blob scale
-does not add high altitude ores
-steeper mountains (height multiplier = 1.2)
Applied Energistics
-Changed Biome ID to 252
-changed energy units to RF
-set default search method to NEI Autosearch
-changed default terminal values to 1, 16, 64 and 1024
-enabled coloured cable recipes in NEI
-added Tungsten to grindstone
-added Galacticraft Moon and Twilight Forest to meteorite dimensions
-added Galacticraft Silicon to Inscriber press
Aroma Backup
-changed backup interval to 90 minutes
-changed number of backups to keep to 10
Ars Magica 2
-now notifies players of its outdatedness directly
-changed biome ID to 251
-changed biomes to blacklist worldgen
-showing HUD only when spell equipped
-showing numeric values in HUD
-changed biome ID
-changed biome ID to 128
-Message has been adapted for QubeSpace
-Hid all additional Information
-added “record” to disc rask words
-enabled lock and key recipe
-now renders shadow of text of bibliocraft machines when wearing reading glasses or monocle
Biomes O’ Plenty
-remapped all biome IDs to 40-123
-Disabled the villages’ ability to spawn in terrain with altitude changes. (mostly extreme
-Disabled Ocean biomes vanilla override to prevent Default Vanilla worldgen to mostly consist of Mushroom Island biomes
-Disabled Nether wasp hives
-disabled silver and copper oregen
-remapped biome IDs to 250 and 251
-extra oil generation in WASTELAND biomes
Carpenters blocks
-disabled collapsible block
-non-OP players now have to be logged on to the server in order for their chunk loaders to function
-Ops can now alter chunkloaders placed by other players.
-Mystcraft dimensions will not automatically be reloaded on server restart (not even with chunkloaders there)
Chisel 2
-mossy cobble cannot be chiseled from cobble anymore
-inside corners of connected texture blocks now connect
-in survival, players can left-click a block to chisel it
-Creepers will not destroy blocks (only works in Minim, as it doesn’t contain Special Mobs)
-showing large quantities in stacks rather than item
-ops can access secure blocks
-flat bedrock enabled
-CoFH now handles vanilla oregen
Compact Machines
-Only load insides of machines if machine block is in loaded chunk.
-Compact Machine drops maximum of 1024 stack when broken
-Compact Machine Interfaces can now transport Botania mana
-LookingGlass mod is used to render the inside of Compact Machines
-Set enable Command Block peripheral support to true
-Changed default NPC message
-NPC’s can use OP commands.
-Set Only Ops can create NPC’s to true.
-Disabled Customnpc’s guns.
Damage Indicators
-Mob in portrait will turn like it is in-game
-Will only notify when outdated
Dense Ores
-Added most modded ores (this is the biggest single config change thus far)
Dimensional Doors
-Disabled rift griefing
-Changed Biome IDs to 253 and 254
-Monoliths can no longer teleport players to Limbo
Ender Core
-Turned off turning off void fog (Optifine can already do this)
-Showing item meta tooltip only when shift is pressed
Ender IO
-Removed Villager from spawner blacklist
-Dark Steel Glider upgrade costs 30 levels of exp
-Farms can harvest mana beans
-Can now teleport players in minecarts on endertrack (memory leak material?)
-Staff of travel cannot go through DimDoors permanent fabric of reality
-Added extra dense ores to sagmill recipes
Ender Storage
-disabled vanilla ender chest crafting (on top of placement)
Ender Tech
-Renders gases in tanks from the top to the bottom
Ender Zoo
-More damage on Hard mode (universal)
-Less damage on Easy mode (universal)
-EnderMinies will not only spawn on grass
-changed biome ID's to 124-126, 168-190
-Noticed that the Marsh biome is automatically disabled
-Fir and Redwood trees will now drop less saplings, which is more balanced
-Jaded version enabled
-Changed remove key in pocket crafting table from x to y
-Barrel contents do no longer render when player is far away.
-Disabled silver oregen
-Enderman griefing turned off
-Lacerator cannot break TC4 Warded blocks or DimDoors Fabric of Reality anymore
Flan’s Mod
-removed extra crafting recipe
Forbidden Magic
-Spork of Doom now enabled
-Disabled shapeless bronze crafting recipe
-Changed preferred gamemode to NORMAL
-genetics module set to automatically delete invalid bee alleles
-Farms are now square instead of diamond
-Turned off copper and tin oregen
-Changed butterfly spawn limit to 500
-Added and removed several plants that bees can use
-Added all kinds of ores and mobdrops to backpacks
-Spawnfuz radius set to 5 blocks
-Climbing ladders now works differently
-Set dormant chunk cache to 100 chunks
Forge Multipart Integration
-disabled Gany’s Nether and QmunityLib multiparts, because otherwise clients wouldn’t be able to connect to servers anymore, because of missing items.
-Rockets cannot be launched from the deep dark, mirror, or torment dimensions.
-Oxygen gauge is now on the left instead of the right.
-Galacticraft machines' power is now shown in RF
-going to somebody else’s spacestation requires permission
-disabled tin and copper ore generation in the overworld
-enabled tin and copper ore generation on the moon
-enabled CofhCore oregen on planets and moons
-Added several modded sealable glass panes
-Added ores to sensor goggles
-increased difficulty enabled (see GC forum for more info)
-Made meteor spawn chance higher (don’t know if that really works)
-Disabled biome ID registration
-Disabled oil-gen (handled by Buildcraft)
-If you die in a Galacticraft dimension, you will now respawn on earth.
Galacticraft Planets
-changed Mars ore textures from 32x32 pixels to 16x16 pixels to support DenseOres
-Disabled ability to grab chest-like blocks (item entities) to prevent item loss
Hardcore Ender Expansion
-The End now has overpowered mobs
-More endermen spawn in the Overworld
-version notification frequency to once a day.
-Enabled paper tough rods
-Changed mobhead drop chance from 5% to 1%
-Changed added mobhead drop chance per beheading level from 2% to 5%
-enabled stencil reuse
-disabled non-tinkers’ hoes
-get random modifiers on more tool levels
-get extra modifiers on more tool levels
Immersive Engineering
-Disabled Bauxite, Copper, Nickel, SIlver and Lead oregen
-Changed ore priority. Put Thermal Foundation before Immersive Engineering
Industrialcraft 2
-Enabled picking up machines with a pickaxe
-turned off copper, lead and tin worldgen
-changed energy storages to retain all of their power when wrenched
-disabled coin crafting (this way, IC2 coins can be used as currency on a server)
In Game Wiki
-Disabled notifying that IGW is not installed
-disabled hiding of Potions in NEI
Logistics Pipes
-Disabled request popup by default
-Enabled beta recipes
-Gave turtles an advanced AI
-Turned off uranium oregen (handled by IC2)
Minefactory Reloaded {
-conveyor belts do not grab Thaumcraft golems
-removed "VillagerGolem" from the auto spawner blacklist
-enabled TE and EIO style crafting recipes and disabled vanilla ones
-Minefactory Reloaded:
-Added Thaumcraft ores to the mining laser
-Made Galacticraft silicon usable in other mods’ recipes
-Draconic Evolution
-Greatly nerfed the crafting of Draconic Evolution cores by using Botania Gaia spirits
-Display chatbox message coordinates.
-mod update messages are only shown in the log
More Planets
-Enabled candy tools in all colours
-Changed Biome IDs to 190->209
-Changed Dimension IDs to -60->-42
-Disabled MP Main Menu Theme
-Vanilla mob spawning on Fronos
-Enabled meteor spawning command x 2
-enabled balance config template gen x 2
-disabled acceleration
-Set Sea level to 72 (Only influences default level-type)
-No cloud spawning in Overworld to prevent GC Rockets from colliding with them
Not Enough Items Addons
-Added Forestry combs to search
-Now showing secret Forestry mutations
Not Enough Items Integration
-Showing burn time for fuel items when SHIFT is held
-Showing internal name of items when SHIFT is held
-Showing unlocalized name of items in advanced tooltips mode (F3+H)
-you can now **** bricks
-elevators do not cost experience
-elevators will ignore half blocks they are passing through
-turned on experimental functions (may cause crashes)
-disabled intro book, because no-one ever reads it anyway.
-only allow Flimflams that don’t cause death
Opis {
-Changed Opis usage access levels
Pneumaticcraft {
-Drones can no longer suffocate
-Use fancy pneumatic helmet
-Disabled oil-gen (handled by Galacticraft and Buildcraft)
-Disabled Portal gun & portal spawner in loot chests.
-Added some extra portal gun loot locations
-Enabled the christmasPotatOS
-turned off residual heat
-did not turn off poor copper and tin worldgen
-(re)enabled furnace cart
-changed cart stack size to 8
-changed cost values for some Molten TiC alloy fluids.
-set cavern height limit to 256
-(unopped) players can delete their own dimensions
-dimensions will have random seeds
-If an RF tools dimension runs out of energy, it will kick you from the dimension
-if kicked out of an RF tools dimension you will respawn in Limbo
-mobs in strong mobs dimensions are now 5 times as strong
Secret Rooms
-Turned on Waila Compat
-Log stargate events set to true
-One way travel set to true (if you try to return through the open event horizon you just travelled through, you should die)
-Changed naquadah ore texture to support dense ores
-Reduced the time Stargates remain linked from 5 minutes to 3.
Solar Flux
-Made solar panels flatter
-Enabled solar panel tier 6
-turned off extra spawning for Overworld Ghast mount
-game will create spawn eggs for all different mobs
-turned off enderman griefing
-no zombie pigman will spawn aggressive
-allowed all vanilla mobs (for TiC drops)
Status Effect HUD
-Set potion effect ending blinking to last 5 seconds only
Steve's Carts
-carts can shoot fire charges
Sync {
-more damage on start of sync construction
-shellstorages require 1 RF per tick to keep your clone alive
-Changed Biome IDs to 245->248
-Made biomes more likely to spawn in non-ATG worlds (weight 40 and 18)
-Blacklisted some additional blocks the portable hole is not allowed to phase through
-enabled thaumonomicon cheatsheet in creative
-set research aspect cap (per aspect) to 500
Thaumic Exploration
-Enabled Thaumic Frenchurgy
Thaumic Tinkerer
-Can repair Tinker's Construct tools
Thermal Dynamics
-Basic servos cannot be controlled by redstone
Thermal Expansion
-Tesseract uses alternative shader
-Block breaker requires diamond pickaxe
-basic, hardened and reinforced machines available in creative and NEI
-Netherbrick can be made in the Liquid transposer
Thermal Foundation
-Blizzes spawn at light levels of 12 and under
-Ender devices are a bit more Cagey
-no dirt under y level 30
-no gravel under y level 20
-disabled generation of certain ores on certain planets
Tinkers’ Construct
-do not keep hunger on death
-Smelteries will not always cast TiC ingots
-Set sea level to 72
-Making bronze in the smeltery is 12,5% more efficient (2 tin + 6 copper = 9 bronze)
-players drop their head when killed
-made cobalt a little bit less rare in the Overworld
-turned off copper, tin and aluminium oregen
Tinkers’ Steelworks
-Added Chisel2 glass types to deep tank structure blocks
-Enabled High Oven to suck in items
-Enabled Botania Exoflame to boost High Oven
-Enabled hardcore Anvil and Flint & Steel.
-Changed Biome IDs to 237->245
Twilight Forest
-Changed Biome IDs to 218->236
-all utility mobs hostile to (other) players
-config is in mods folder
- show harvestability on unharvestable blocks only to true. (reduces distraction a bit.)
-can’t see silverfish blocks with Waila
Wireless Redstone
-set check updates to false to prevent codechickencore.update message on login
Witching Gadgets
-disabled transmutations to prevent crashes
-Added Yellorium and removed Aluminum to and from Cluster list.
-changed biome ID's to 210->217
-made separate configs for climate based and imagemap generation
-distance between north and south pole is 20000 blocks
-north and south are cold poles, middle is tropical
-made poles colder
-bigger biome blob scale
-does not add high altitude ores
-steeper mountains (height multiplier = 1.2)
Applied Energistics
-Changed Biome ID to 252
-changed energy units to RF
-set default search method to NEI Autosearch
-changed default terminal values to 1, 16, 64 and 1024
-enabled coloured cable recipes in NEI
-added Tungsten to grindstone
-added Galacticraft Moon and Twilight Forest to meteorite dimensions
-added Galacticraft Silicon to Inscriber press
Aroma Backup
-changed backup interval to 90 minutes
-changed number of backups to keep to 10
Ars Magica 2
-now notifies players of its outdatedness directly
-changed biome ID to 251
-changed biomes to blacklist worldgen
-showing HUD only when spell equipped
-showing numeric values in HUD
-changed biome ID
-changed biome ID to 128
-Message has been adapted for QubeSpace
-Hid all additional Information
-added “record” to disc rask words
-enabled lock and key recipe
-now renders shadow of text of bibliocraft machines when wearing reading glasses or monocle
Biomes O’ Plenty
-remapped all biome IDs to 40-123
-Disabled the villages’ ability to spawn in terrain with altitude changes. (mostly extreme
-Disabled Ocean biomes vanilla override to prevent Default Vanilla worldgen to mostly consist of Mushroom Island biomes
-Disabled Nether wasp hives
-disabled silver and copper oregen
-remapped biome IDs to 250 and 251
-extra oil generation in WASTELAND biomes
Carpenters blocks
-disabled collapsible block
-non-OP players now have to be logged on to the server in order for their chunk loaders to function
-Ops can now alter chunkloaders placed by other players.
-Mystcraft dimensions will not automatically be reloaded on server restart (not even with chunkloaders there)
Chisel 2
-mossy cobble cannot be chiseled from cobble anymore
-inside corners of connected texture blocks now connect
-in survival, players can left-click a block to chisel it
-Creepers will not destroy blocks (only works in Minim, as it doesn’t contain Special Mobs)
-showing large quantities in stacks rather than item
-ops can access secure blocks
-flat bedrock enabled
-CoFH now handles vanilla oregen
Compact Machines
-Only load insides of machines if machine block is in loaded chunk.
-Compact Machine drops maximum of 1024 stack when broken
-Compact Machine Interfaces can now transport Botania mana
-LookingGlass mod is used to render the inside of Compact Machines
-Set enable Command Block peripheral support to true
-Changed default NPC message
-NPC’s can use OP commands.
-Set Only Ops can create NPC’s to true.
-Disabled Customnpc’s guns.
Damage Indicators
-Mob in portrait will turn like it is in-game
-Will only notify when outdated
Dense Ores
-Added most modded ores (this is the biggest single config change thus far)
Dimensional Doors
-Disabled rift griefing
-Changed Biome IDs to 253 and 254
-Monoliths can no longer teleport players to Limbo
Ender Core
-Turned off turning off void fog (Optifine can already do this)
-Showing item meta tooltip only when shift is pressed
Ender IO
-Removed Villager from spawner blacklist
-Dark Steel Glider upgrade costs 30 levels of exp
-Farms can harvest mana beans
-Can now teleport players in minecarts on endertrack (memory leak material?)
-Staff of travel cannot go through DimDoors permanent fabric of reality
-Added extra dense ores to sagmill recipes
Ender Storage
-disabled vanilla ender chest crafting (on top of placement)
Ender Tech
-Renders gases in tanks from the top to the bottom
Ender Zoo
-More damage on Hard mode (universal)
-Less damage on Easy mode (universal)
-EnderMinies will not only spawn on grass
-changed biome ID's to 124-126, 168-190
-Noticed that the Marsh biome is automatically disabled
-Fir and Redwood trees will now drop less saplings, which is more balanced
-Jaded version enabled
-Changed remove key in pocket crafting table from x to y
-Barrel contents do no longer render when player is far away.
-Disabled silver oregen
-Enderman griefing turned off
-Lacerator cannot break TC4 Warded blocks or DimDoors Fabric of Reality anymore
Flan’s Mod
-removed extra crafting recipe
Forbidden Magic
-Spork of Doom now enabled
-Disabled shapeless bronze crafting recipe
-Changed preferred gamemode to NORMAL
-genetics module set to automatically delete invalid bee alleles
-Farms are now square instead of diamond
-Turned off copper and tin oregen
-Changed butterfly spawn limit to 500
-Added and removed several plants that bees can use
-Added all kinds of ores and mobdrops to backpacks
-Spawnfuz radius set to 5 blocks
-Climbing ladders now works differently
-Set dormant chunk cache to 100 chunks
Forge Multipart Integration
-disabled Gany’s Nether and QmunityLib multiparts, because otherwise clients wouldn’t be able to connect to servers anymore, because of missing items.
-Rockets cannot be launched from the deep dark, mirror, or torment dimensions.
-Oxygen gauge is now on the left instead of the right.
-Galacticraft machines' power is now shown in RF
-going to somebody else’s spacestation requires permission
-disabled tin and copper ore generation in the overworld
-enabled tin and copper ore generation on the moon
-enabled CofhCore oregen on planets and moons
-Added several modded sealable glass panes
-Added ores to sensor goggles
-increased difficulty enabled (see GC forum for more info)
-Made meteor spawn chance higher (don’t know if that really works)
-Disabled biome ID registration
-Disabled oil-gen (handled by Buildcraft)
-If you die in a Galacticraft dimension, you will now respawn on earth.
Galacticraft Planets
-changed Mars ore textures from 32x32 pixels to 16x16 pixels to support DenseOres
-Disabled ability to grab chest-like blocks (item entities) to prevent item loss
Hardcore Ender Expansion
-The End now has overpowered mobs
-More endermen spawn in the Overworld
-version notification frequency to once a day.
-Enabled paper tough rods
-Changed mobhead drop chance from 5% to 1%
-Changed added mobhead drop chance per beheading level from 2% to 5%
-enabled stencil reuse
-disabled non-tinkers’ hoes
-get random modifiers on more tool levels
-get extra modifiers on more tool levels
Immersive Engineering
-Disabled Bauxite, Copper, Nickel, SIlver and Lead oregen
-Changed ore priority. Put Thermal Foundation before Immersive Engineering
Industrialcraft 2
-Enabled picking up machines with a pickaxe
-turned off copper, lead and tin worldgen
-changed energy storages to retain all of their power when wrenched
-disabled coin crafting (this way, IC2 coins can be used as currency on a server)
In Game Wiki
-Disabled notifying that IGW is not installed
-disabled hiding of Potions in NEI
Logistics Pipes
-Disabled request popup by default
-Enabled beta recipes
-Gave turtles an advanced AI
-Turned off uranium oregen (handled by IC2)
Minefactory Reloaded {
-conveyor belts do not grab Thaumcraft golems
-removed "VillagerGolem" from the auto spawner blacklist
-enabled TE and EIO style crafting recipes and disabled vanilla ones
-Minefactory Reloaded:
-Added Thaumcraft ores to the mining laser
-Made Galacticraft silicon usable in other mods’ recipes
-Draconic Evolution
-Greatly nerfed the crafting of Draconic Evolution cores by using Botania Gaia spirits
-Display chatbox message coordinates.
-mod update messages are only shown in the log
More Planets
-Enabled candy tools in all colours
-Changed Biome IDs to 190->209
-Changed Dimension IDs to -60->-42
-Disabled MP Main Menu Theme
-Vanilla mob spawning on Fronos
-Enabled meteor spawning command x 2
-enabled balance config template gen x 2
-disabled acceleration
-Set Sea level to 72 (Only influences default level-type)
-No cloud spawning in Overworld to prevent GC Rockets from colliding with them
Not Enough Items Addons
-Added Forestry combs to search
-Now showing secret Forestry mutations
Not Enough Items Integration
-Showing burn time for fuel items when SHIFT is held
-Showing internal name of items when SHIFT is held
-Showing unlocalized name of items in advanced tooltips mode (F3+H)
-you can now **** bricks

-elevators do not cost experience
-elevators will ignore half blocks they are passing through
-turned on experimental functions (may cause crashes)
-disabled intro book, because no-one ever reads it anyway.
-only allow Flimflams that don’t cause death
Opis {
-Changed Opis usage access levels
Pneumaticcraft {
-Drones can no longer suffocate
-Use fancy pneumatic helmet
-Disabled oil-gen (handled by Galacticraft and Buildcraft)
-Disabled Portal gun & portal spawner in loot chests.
-Added some extra portal gun loot locations
-Enabled the christmasPotatOS
-turned off residual heat
-did not turn off poor copper and tin worldgen
-(re)enabled furnace cart
-changed cart stack size to 8
-changed cost values for some Molten TiC alloy fluids.
-set cavern height limit to 256
-(unopped) players can delete their own dimensions
-dimensions will have random seeds
-If an RF tools dimension runs out of energy, it will kick you from the dimension
-if kicked out of an RF tools dimension you will respawn in Limbo
-mobs in strong mobs dimensions are now 5 times as strong
Secret Rooms
-Turned on Waila Compat
-Log stargate events set to true
-One way travel set to true (if you try to return through the open event horizon you just travelled through, you should die)
-Changed naquadah ore texture to support dense ores
-Reduced the time Stargates remain linked from 5 minutes to 3.
Solar Flux
-Made solar panels flatter
-Enabled solar panel tier 6
-turned off extra spawning for Overworld Ghast mount
-game will create spawn eggs for all different mobs
-turned off enderman griefing
-no zombie pigman will spawn aggressive
-allowed all vanilla mobs (for TiC drops)
Status Effect HUD
-Set potion effect ending blinking to last 5 seconds only
Steve's Carts
-carts can shoot fire charges
Sync {
-more damage on start of sync construction
-shellstorages require 1 RF per tick to keep your clone alive
-Changed Biome IDs to 245->248
-Made biomes more likely to spawn in non-ATG worlds (weight 40 and 18)
-Blacklisted some additional blocks the portable hole is not allowed to phase through
-enabled thaumonomicon cheatsheet in creative
-set research aspect cap (per aspect) to 500
Thaumic Exploration
-Enabled Thaumic Frenchurgy
Thaumic Tinkerer
-Can repair Tinker's Construct tools
Thermal Dynamics
-Basic servos cannot be controlled by redstone
Thermal Expansion
-Tesseract uses alternative shader
-Block breaker requires diamond pickaxe
-basic, hardened and reinforced machines available in creative and NEI
-Netherbrick can be made in the Liquid transposer
Thermal Foundation
-Blizzes spawn at light levels of 12 and under
-Ender devices are a bit more Cagey

-no dirt under y level 30
-no gravel under y level 20
-disabled generation of certain ores on certain planets
Tinkers’ Construct
-do not keep hunger on death
-Smelteries will not always cast TiC ingots
-Set sea level to 72
-Making bronze in the smeltery is 12,5% more efficient (2 tin + 6 copper = 9 bronze)
-players drop their head when killed
-made cobalt a little bit less rare in the Overworld
-turned off copper, tin and aluminium oregen
Tinkers’ Steelworks
-Added Chisel2 glass types to deep tank structure blocks
-Enabled High Oven to suck in items
-Enabled Botania Exoflame to boost High Oven
-Enabled hardcore Anvil and Flint & Steel.
-Changed Biome IDs to 237->245
Twilight Forest
-Changed Biome IDs to 218->236
-all utility mobs hostile to (other) players
-config is in mods folder
- show harvestability on unharvestable blocks only to true. (reduces distraction a bit.)
-can’t see silverfish blocks with Waila
Wireless Redstone
-set check updates to false to prevent codechickencore.update message on login
Witching Gadgets
-disabled transmutations to prevent crashes
-Added Yellorium and removed Aluminum to and from Cluster list.
Public modpack permissions have been asked for all mods in the published versions.
You are free to run this modpack on your own server without my consent as long as you do not make money off of the modpack.

Private Server
Currently the QubeSpace Minim modpack is run on a private server owned by Damian_2015. We are looking for testers and other players to help us complete the config files and detect inter-mod incompatibilities.
The IP for this server can be found at Links
If you want to have more permissions than just walking around and opening wooden (trap)doors, you can ask me via PM or ask Michiel, Josean or Mathijs at the QubeSpace facebook group.
Downloads (1.1.4)
This modpack is publicly available on the FTB launcher. The modpack codes are "QubeSpace" and "QubeSpaceMinim".
For the ones who like Voxelmap more than Journeymap, or like to use both, there are separate download links available. QubeSpace 1.1.4 and QubeSpace 1.1.4 Minim.
Each of these downloads contains a completely pre-configured vanilla client. All you should have to do is unzip it, start the launcher and log in. More information is in the README files.
Modpack Developers
- Robijnvogel
- Mc123mp
- Kingkroon
2016-09-23: v1.1.4
Removed Yampst (service discontinued)
Updated 57 mods.
2016-04-19: v1.1.3
Updated Yampst
Fixed mistake on my behalf: leaving the old version of InvTweaks in the mods folder of both QubeSpace client downloads, causing those to be unable to start.
2016-03-29: v1.1.2
Updated Yampst
Updated InvTweaks to a non-official version
Removed NEIPlugins, because the mod was causing crashes and is severely outdated
Turned off the DE fancy armour and tool models in QubeSpace to fix a crash with Draconic Evolution and Smart Render
2016-03-20: v1.1.1
Solving a crash with Greg's SGCraft is the main reason for this update.
Updated Forge Essentials, SGCraft and Yampst
Removed Yampst nbt file
Tweaked Forestry's settings a little
2016-03-16: v1.1.0
Updated 36 mods
Added Yampst
Added Minetweaker script to:
-craft the Thermal Expansion Terrain Smasher with an Alumite pickaxe head instead of a pickaxe.
-craft TiC green heart canisters and find green hearts as chest loot.
-melt empty canisters back to aluminium.
-add the ExtraUtilities full chest to the chestWood oredictionary
-craft Dimdoors’ world thread using string and a nether star.
Thermal Foundation now handles all overworld oregen (except Ars Magica 2 and Railcraft abyssal)
-Different modded ores of the same type generate mixed in clusters. This makes (automatic) oreprocessing more of a challenge.
-Cinnabar generates in Redstone clusters
-Thaumcraft infused stone generates where the element should logically generate (Order and Entropy generate everywhere)
-Chisel sediments generate in pairs with Botania’s, Bluepower’s and TSteelworks’.
Some modded mobs now shed items too (thanks to Botania)
2016-02-18: v1.0.1
Updated 43 mods
Added Simply Jetpacks
Added Smart Moving, Smart Render, Player API, Render Player API and Render Player API Enhancer to QubeSpace
Added Redstone Arsenal to QubeSpace Minim
Fixed Dense Infused Stone textures
Fixed TiC Oreberry Oredictionaries
Fixed Awakened Draconium ExtraTiC material stats using IguanaTweaks.
Changed some more configs
2016-02-06: v1.0.0
Added Minetweaker script to:
-add Thaumcraft Infused stone to the MFR laser drill.
-add Galacticraft silicon to the ore dictionary
-nerf Draconic Evolution
Removed Optifine and Rei’s Minimap due to lack of public permissions
Removed Infinibows, because functionality is already in EnderIO
Removed Smart Moving, Smart Render, Player API, Render Player API and Render Player API Enhancer due to incompatibility with Galacticraft
Removed Flans Mods and CustomNPC’s from QubeSpace Minim
Updated 71 mods
Added Automagy, Thaumic Expansion (and Origin), Witching Gadgets (and Travellers Gear) and ModTweaker
Changed lots of configs
Changed keybindings (needs a bit more finetuning)
2015-10-01: v0.3.3
Fixed biome ID conflicts between Twilight Forest and More Planets (essentially the reason for this quick update)
Completed adding dense ores and their respective EIO Sag Mill recipes.
2015-09-25: v0.3.2
Added Mods:
-More Planets
-Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Buildcraft Compat
-Waila Harvestability
-Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
-Brandon’s Core
-Ender Core
2015:08-05: v0.3.1
Added Mods:
-Solar Flux
-Ender Tech
-Compact Machines
2015-08-01: v0.3.0
Complete Overhaul (list of changes in configs will be added in v0.3.1)
Public download not available, because permissions have not been asked for all mods.
Send me a personal message to get a link.
2015-08-01: v0.2.0
Updated 69 mods (teehee)
-Aether II
-Gilded Games Util
-Portal Gun
-Gravity Gun
-Finetuned ATG config
17-04-2015: v0.1.4
Asked permission for all mods
Updated 73 mods
-Mo' Creatures
-Animation API
-Render Player API
-Render Player API Enhancer
04-03-2015: v0.1.3
-Forge Multipart Integration
-Open Peripherals Addons
-Open Peripherals Integration
28-02-2015: v0.1.2 first public release
Removed Yampst (service discontinued)
Updated 57 mods.
2016-04-19: v1.1.3
Updated Yampst
Fixed mistake on my behalf: leaving the old version of InvTweaks in the mods folder of both QubeSpace client downloads, causing those to be unable to start.
2016-03-29: v1.1.2
Updated Yampst
Updated InvTweaks to a non-official version
Removed NEIPlugins, because the mod was causing crashes and is severely outdated
Turned off the DE fancy armour and tool models in QubeSpace to fix a crash with Draconic Evolution and Smart Render
2016-03-20: v1.1.1
Solving a crash with Greg's SGCraft is the main reason for this update.
Updated Forge Essentials, SGCraft and Yampst
Removed Yampst nbt file
Tweaked Forestry's settings a little
2016-03-16: v1.1.0
Updated 36 mods
Added Yampst
Added Minetweaker script to:
-craft the Thermal Expansion Terrain Smasher with an Alumite pickaxe head instead of a pickaxe.
-craft TiC green heart canisters and find green hearts as chest loot.
-melt empty canisters back to aluminium.
-add the ExtraUtilities full chest to the chestWood oredictionary
-craft Dimdoors’ world thread using string and a nether star.
Thermal Foundation now handles all overworld oregen (except Ars Magica 2 and Railcraft abyssal)
-Different modded ores of the same type generate mixed in clusters. This makes (automatic) oreprocessing more of a challenge.
-Cinnabar generates in Redstone clusters
-Thaumcraft infused stone generates where the element should logically generate (Order and Entropy generate everywhere)
-Chisel sediments generate in pairs with Botania’s, Bluepower’s and TSteelworks’.
Some modded mobs now shed items too (thanks to Botania)
2016-02-18: v1.0.1
Updated 43 mods
Added Simply Jetpacks
Added Smart Moving, Smart Render, Player API, Render Player API and Render Player API Enhancer to QubeSpace
Added Redstone Arsenal to QubeSpace Minim
Fixed Dense Infused Stone textures
Fixed TiC Oreberry Oredictionaries
Fixed Awakened Draconium ExtraTiC material stats using IguanaTweaks.
Changed some more configs
2016-02-06: v1.0.0
Added Minetweaker script to:
-add Thaumcraft Infused stone to the MFR laser drill.
-add Galacticraft silicon to the ore dictionary
-nerf Draconic Evolution
Removed Optifine and Rei’s Minimap due to lack of public permissions
Removed Infinibows, because functionality is already in EnderIO
Removed Smart Moving, Smart Render, Player API, Render Player API and Render Player API Enhancer due to incompatibility with Galacticraft
Removed Flans Mods and CustomNPC’s from QubeSpace Minim
Updated 71 mods
Added Automagy, Thaumic Expansion (and Origin), Witching Gadgets (and Travellers Gear) and ModTweaker
Changed lots of configs
Changed keybindings (needs a bit more finetuning)
2015-10-01: v0.3.3
Fixed biome ID conflicts between Twilight Forest and More Planets (essentially the reason for this quick update)
Completed adding dense ores and their respective EIO Sag Mill recipes.
2015-09-25: v0.3.2
Added Mods:
-More Planets
-Hardcore Ender Expansion
-Buildcraft Compat
-Waila Harvestability
-Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
-Brandon’s Core
-Ender Core
2015:08-05: v0.3.1
Added Mods:
-Solar Flux
-Ender Tech
-Compact Machines
2015-08-01: v0.3.0
Complete Overhaul (list of changes in configs will be added in v0.3.1)
Public download not available, because permissions have not been asked for all mods.
Send me a personal message to get a link.
2015-08-01: v0.2.0
Updated 69 mods (teehee)
-Aether II
-Gilded Games Util
-Portal Gun
-Gravity Gun
-Finetuned ATG config
17-04-2015: v0.1.4
Asked permission for all mods
Updated 73 mods
-Mo' Creatures
-Animation API
-Render Player API
-Render Player API Enhancer
04-03-2015: v0.1.3
-Forge Multipart Integration
-Open Peripherals Addons
-Open Peripherals Integration
28-02-2015: v0.1.2 first public release
- Official Minecraft forum thread
- Official Facebook group
- Website not online yet
- Official server IP:
You can react to this thread if you have any remarks, questions, issues to report, or requests.
Last edited: