[1.7.10] The Ferret Business [WIP][BQ + HQM, 500+ Quests][v 0.2.6]

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Okay, I've worked out where the crash is happening with Ender Tanks : Code Chicken Lib. This library file auto updates itself when you use newer versions of CodeChickenCore (I believe), and since I was trying to work out what mods still break with the new fluid API, it installed the latest CodeChickenLib without me realizing it.

Earlier I suggested downgrading to 0.0.8 basic instead of

If you want to use the update, you will need to do the following :
  1. Update Gendustry and BDLib from : http://bdew.net/gendustry/
  2. Download http://files.minecraftforge.net/mav...CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- and place this in your /mods/1.7.10/ folder
  3. Delete version of CodeChickenLib in the same folder.
  4. Download https://www.dropbox.com/s/6nmcgmyq8cxuwu5/lycanitesmobs-general.cfg?dl=0 and place it into config/lycanitesmobs/, overwriting the version already there.
If you want to stay on 0.0.8, then you will need to update Magic Bees here.

The plan right now is to work on a stable 0.1.0 update for roughly two weeks out. I will try to get a test version in one week out for download for those keeping an eye on this thread and want to help me test it.
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Hey Caigan, really loving the Pack, brings a lot of interesting ideas and the use of the HQM is fantastic! Wonderful work!

I recently started a new world and found one of the large, multi-level dungeons. It was in an ocean unfortunately so there were some water issues, but it wasn't too bad. I fell into the ocean and a sort of water-phantom shot a bolt at me and caused me to crash, giving me this error:

Wasn't too big of an issue, just turned on Peaceful, reloaded, and then turned the Peaceful off (So that the mob couldn't spawn, of course).
Then, when walking around in a field, I came across "Direwolf20". Upon killing him, a reaper spawned, and when he fired a bolt at me it crashed my game as well, giving me this error: (Almost identical other than the numbers at the end of Ticking entity java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException)

Other than that, I haven't had any other issues with the pack! Thanks for your hard work and dedication, hope to see more updates!
Caigan, not sure if you care about, ore are even aware of, the curse launcher, but your pack doesn't show up on it. Just an FYI.
Caigan, not sure if you care about, ore are even aware of, the curse launcher, but your pack doesn't show up on it. Just an FYI.
For me to get it on the Curse launcher would take a lot of work. Almost every mod HAS to be hosted on CurseForge, and I more or less have custom versions of a few mods (HQM and Enchiridion, for example) that aren't hosted anywhere either. And Ferret Shinies is NOT available to anyone but this pack at the moment.

Its something I do want to do eventually, but when I have enough time to get everything set up thats required.
@Caigan are the Headcrumbs celebrities' (that's what the Infernal Mobs "boss" bar has them as) head drops supposed to be affected by Tinker's Construct beheading chance? Because they're not, and the head drops seem to be rarer than other head drops (do note, the data may be skewed, this is just my recollection of my killings before I got beheading-type swords). Lycanite's Headcrumbs heads definitely seem to be affected correctly,
What ?

Also, @Caigan the Twilight Forest knightmetal loop is cratable and usable (apparently), but the texture for it is busted. I haven't actually messed with it, but I saw it while poking through NEI for some building materials.
Its probably some oddity with the numbering system.

@Caigan are the Headcrumbs celebrities' (that's what the Infernal Mobs "boss" bar has them as) head drops supposed to be affected by Tinker's Construct beheading chance?
This I don't know, I figure it'd be up to how Headcrumbs loot is coded for celebs. But with such a small sample size it might just be run of the luck.

Also, @Caigan the Twilight Forest knightmetal loop is cratable and usable (apparently), but the texture for it is busted. I haven't actually messed with it, but I saw it while poking through NEI for some building materials.
Hmm, I'll make note to see about twilight forest update.
Still early in the modpack but the idea around it is solid.
I actaully was going to make a pack like this for Jam but even the ideas I thought people wouldnt come up with did! :P

I crashed fighting a npc with a nameplate, after I killed him it just shut down internal server.
Forgot to get the log and too lazy but ill let you know if it happens again might just be my fault
But with such a small sample size it might just be run of the luck.

Ehh, my cleaver has a 40% head chance, and I've been killing things for awhile with it. I consistently get enderman, jengu, crypt zombie, gorgomite, zombie, and skeleton heads. With celebrities, I think I've gotten all of one head out of all my kills with the cleaver, maybe two. I'm not sure the proportions at which I'm killing celebrities to other mobs, but I feel like my 40% chance should have yielded a good deal more heads than it has so far. I'll keep on keeping an eye on the drops, but I'm thoroughly convinced at this point that celebrities aren't affected by TiCon beheading chance.
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I crashed fighting a npc with a nameplate, after I killed him it just shut down internal server.
Nah, it was a goof in the config changes on my part. Here is how to fix : http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...200-quests-v-0-0-8.64930/page-56#post-1173164

I'll keep on keeping an eye on the drops, but I'm thoroughly convinced at this point that celebrities aren't affected by TiCon beheading chance.
Hmm, I'll make note to look into this. If anything, I might add a drop to celebrities thats basically a 'random head case" or something. Beheading won't work, but looting would.
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Theirs a huge problem with compact machines on the server. when you place a compact machine it takes you to someone elses compact machine. then when you break it it breaks everything in it.

Edit: only happens with the compact machines you get from reward bags
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Theirs a huge problem with compact machines on the server. when you place a compact machine it takes you to someone elses compact machine. then when you break it it breaks everything in it.

Edit: only happens with the compact machines you get from reward bags

Oh dear, that isn't good.

The breaking thing I believe happens when a machine isn't upgraded with a Nether Star. Which, I"m guessing what happens is that the machine the blind bag gives is defaulted to machine 0 or something...I"ll mark this down and try to figure out how to get around this issue.
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