[1.7.10][LISTED] InfiTech 2 Modpack v3.2.21 [HQM][GregTech balanced hard-mode modpack]

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Tales of the Fusion Novice

To prolong the life of the Plasma Turbine rotor and to allow more Helium Plasma to build up, I finally got an on-off system setup. The core of it consists of:

  • Three(3) battery buffers
  • Two(2) GT Energy Detectors, placed on the middle battery buffer ('low/middle water mark') and the one nearest the turbine ('medium/high water mark').
  • Automagy Dense Crystal (facing middle battery buffer)
  • Automagy Dense Crystal (facing the 'low water mark' battery buffer)
  • Blue Power RS Latch
  • Blue Power NOT Gate
  • Conduit set to extract Helium Plasma on Redstone signal

Here's a screenshot. It's not pretty, but it gets the job done. You can see the nifty GT Energy Detectors as covers on the Insane Voltage Battery Buffers just below the Arcane Lamp .


I believe @Pyure had/has a very similar setup on his nuclear power system. I got the component/mod part ideas from him.

I was pleased that the following mods interfaced well in terms of redstone signals:
  • GT (Energy Detector)
  • Automagy
  • Blue Power

Next up is to completely separate my main power network from my Fusion Power network, with 1 Plasma Turbine dedicated to Fusion power and another for my main base power. The reason is I want to be sure my Fusion reactor and its attendant Processing Arrays always have power so I'm always making Helium Plasma.
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Modpack has been updated to v3.1.8 (available from the version dropdown in Launcher). Also updated beta version with the same, but GT5.09.01.
Mod Updates:
- Aroma1997Core ->
- BDLib ->
- BuildCraft -> 7.0.22
- Carpenter's Blocks -> 3.3.7
- Chisel2 ->
- EnderCore ->
- EnderIO ->
- Gendustry ->
- GregTech -> 5.08.29
- GTTweaker -> 1.0.1
- IGW -> 1.1.10-30
- Immibis Core -> 59.1.2
- Industrial Craft 2 -> 2.2.770
- Logistics Pipes ->
- MagicBees -> 2.3.5
- Malisis Core -> 0.12.9
- Malisis Doors -> 1.9.5
- Minetweaker -> 3.0.10
- ModTweaker 2 -> 0.9.3
- Not Enough Items ->
- OpenBlocks -> 1.4.4-664
- OpenComputers ->
- OpenModsLib -> 0.8-393
- PneumaticCraft -> 1.11.3-123
- XACT -> 0.5.3b

New Mods:
- Custom Main Menu
- Headcrumbs
- Resource Loader

- Fix used reactor items not being reusable in recipes, likely breaks AE patterns etc. (sorry)
- You can now breathe indefinately under water when having an Aerial Interface connected (at a high air cost).
- Updated multiple MT Scripts for MT 3.0.10 and GTT 1.0.1
- Endium Block now crafted inside Compressor
- Hardcoded correct blaze powder aspect numbers.
- Changed the look of the Main Menu
I have also set up Patreon website: https://www.patreon.com/JasonMcRay if you wish to support me. I am not selling anything to anyone, its optional, think about it as just a Donation (you can, but you don't need to). Rewards for the Patron support will be given out at the start of each next month.

Reason why I have set up Patreon is, that I am spending a lot of my free time to work on this modpack (and modpacks in future), and also I am from time to time taking a day off in my normal job to just tend to the modpack and fix important issues. End goal of the Patreon is if I will get enough support from all of you, i will be able to work and tend to the modpack even more and not worry about my daily job to earn "that important stuff" for living and to pay my bills.

Thank you very much for considering the support.
Out of curiosity, anyone have any tips for someone who'd like to at least try Gregtech, but absolutely hates the ore generation? Walking 3000 blocks and spending multiple hours trying to find tin (which is what happened in the world I made today) just isn't my cup of tea, especially since it seems to mean quarrying is kind of pointless (seems like you might get a lot of one or two resources, but not the wide variety of things you need.)
Out of curiosity, anyone have any tips for someone who'd like to at least try Gregtech, but absolutely hates the ore generation? Walking 3000 blocks and spending multiple hours trying to find tin (which is what happened in the world I made today) just isn't my cup of tea, especially since it seems to mean quarrying is kind of pointless (seems like you might get a lot of one or two resources, but not the wide variety of things you need.)

I hear ya. This bothered me to. So much so that I justified cheating a little :) . Go take a look at the forge X-Ray mod: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-mod-forge-is-required-now-blockfinder-of-any. It can't distinguish between the various gregtech ores but it will show you were the veins are. You still have to go explore them to find out what the vein contains but now, your tunnels can be targeted. Even with this, I have yet to find gold or salt.
Out of curiosity, anyone have any tips for someone who'd like to at least try Gregtech, but absolutely hates the ore generation? Walking 3000 blocks and spending multiple hours trying to find tin (which is what happened in the world I made today) just isn't my cup of tea, especially since it seems to mean quarrying is kind of pointless (seems like you might get a lot of one or two resources, but not the wide variety of things you need.)

I look at GregTech ore generation as a challenge and an obstacle to overcome, not something to hate or cheat my way around. Once I got the knack for it it's even more favorable to me than vanilla generation.

If you haven't already read the GT Survival Guide and the GT 5 Mining and Ore Processing Page. These will give you an idea of what Y height range the ores you are looking for will spawn at. Also remember that in GT ore generates per 3x3 chunk group. Use this to your advantage and mark out places to dig vertical shafts on your minimap using waypoints every 3 grid squares. I've found vertical shaft mining like this to be the most efficient for finding ore, but sometimes if I need a specific ore that is located at a specific height I'll dig down to that height and then put out a horizontal mineshaft.

As for tin, it can be an adventure to find your first tin vein for sure. Extreme Hills biomes can be helpful, but any terrain higher than y40 can spawn a tin vein. One of the things that helped me find Tin ore was to install Pyrolusite's GT Alt Textures resource pack.

Quarrying is fine with GT ore gen. You find a vein with ore you want and you gobble it all up. But early on there's no need to quarry as you can branch mine out most veins very efficiently with all ore condensed so close together.
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Out of curiosity, anyone have any tips for someone who'd like to at least try Gregtech, but absolutely hates the ore generation? Walking 3000 blocks and spending multiple hours trying to find tin (which is what happened in the world I made today) just isn't my cup of tea, especially since it seems to mean quarrying is kind of pointless (seems like you might get a lot of one or two resources, but not the wide variety of things you need.)
Look at it from diferent perspective. You will journey 3000blocks until you find a tin, but in the process you will find lots and lots of other veins, which will all be usefull for you, just mark them and move to diferent spot. It is annoying, that is true, but once you find your first Tin vein you will have lots of tin to last you for long time.
If there is only one material missing, there is allmost allways another way to get it besides mining. For tin, there is crops, bees, thaumcraft and lava centrifuge.
If there is only one material missing, there is allmost allways another way to get it besides mining. For tin, there is crops, bees, thaumcraft and lava centrifuge.
Its just that bees and crops take really long until you get enough tin and lava centrifuges doesnt work because you probably need the tin in the bronze age.

Almost everyone has problems finding tin veins and that is really really annoying ... (I was already in LV Age when I found my first tin vein and I looked EVERYWHERE before)
missing recipes now:
enlightenend fused quartz
vibrant alloy
energetic alloy
fused quartz
whats happend ?

player reported more broken nei reciepes can you test it and provide a hotfix ? i dont want to downgrade^^
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V3.1.8 update is completelly messed up, it crashes, and it corrupted my world saves. I downgraded to 3.1.7 again and had to use my backup for my world.
3.1.8 is working good for me. something should be messed up with your installation. Did you try reinstalling 3.1.8?

the mentioned missing blocks are not missing for me

edit: btw 3.1.8 fixxeed my world because I had an error with the XACT crafter. Thought I would have lost that world ^.^

edit2: I have to take back everything. The gregtech EU convertion to RF doesn't work anymore. I can't power my pump with the basic steam turbine.
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missing recipes now:
enlightenend fused quartz
vibrant alloy
energetic alloy
fused quartz
whats happend ?

player reported more broken nei reciepes can you test it and provide a hotfix ? i dont want to downgrade^^
Enlight. Fused Q - recipe is fine (Chem Bath => Glowstone + Fused Quartz)
Vibrant alloy - recipe is fine (Alloy Smelter => Energ. Alloy + EnderPearl)
Energetic Alloy - recipe is fine (Alloy Smelter => Gold + Blaze powder)
Fused Quartz - recipe is fine (Alloy Smelter => Quartz + Glass Dust)

So everything is fine, there is nothing to hotfix.
Checked also if it works fine on server, just in case some broken sync with minetweaker. Works fine

both tests (client and server) were done with fresh download/update of the pack from 3.1.6 to 3.1.8.

If this happens on the server for you and your players, the server download has corrupted on your side, please redownload. Why it is probably server? Minetweaker synchronizes clients with the server scripts, so even if the client scripts were broken, the server should still sync the correct ones to the players. Yes there is still possibility that all your players have download corrupted, but that is mostly unlikely

V3.1.8 update is completelly messed up, it crashes, and it corrupted my world saves. I downgraded to 3.1.7 again and had to use my backup for my world.
Crash log, please?
holy shit
no one tested 3.1.8 before releasing ?
Of course not, all I do is just grab the updated mods, put them into the modpack and release it without checking anything (as some pack makers are doing it and then complaining to us in FTB 3rd Party Team, that we broke it)... j/k Of course I am testing every update, since I am always playing those versions in my YT series before its actually out.

The first start of the pack after downloading it fresh on FTB Launcher indeed crashed for me due to Java bein' derpy as always (most likely just some tempo-glitch on the Launcher). Second start fo the pack runs smoothly.
Also i suggest when downloading the new versions of the pack, wait few more minutes from my announcement that it is updated. There is a chance that the FTB servers doesnt synce'd up properly at the time of posting.
Also i suggest when downloading the new versions of the pack, wait few more minutes from my announcement that it is updated. There is a chance that the FTB servers doesnt synce'd up properly at the time of posting.

Redownloaded 3.1.8 few minutes ago: Is it intended that the power converting from GregEU to RF isn't working anymore?
Hey sorry, but i tryed to make, i think its called a canvas, to make a blue power bag, but it seems there are two recipes to makes canvas, and the one that i get is projectred canvas that has a different use.
Is this intended?
Hey sorry, but i tryed to make, i think its called a canvas, to make a blue power bag, but it seems there are two recipes to makes canvas, and the one that i get is projectred canvas that has a different use.
Is this intended?
First: its recipe conflict
Second: The modpack doesnt have ProjectRed
Third: If you are adding mods, its not my/modpack fault
Fourth: To fix that, you can simply add minetweaker recipe interchange.
Redownloaded 3.1.8 few minutes ago: Is it intended that the power converting from GregEU to RF isn't working anymore?
Hmm.. No.... Quick fix for now is go to OverpoweredStuff.cfg in config/gregtech and change the OutputRF to be true in both cases. Will get out hotfix for this tomorrow.

Thanks for reporting it. I added that info to the OP under Known Issues, and Quick Fixes as well.

To be honest no idea why it did that.. @Blood Asp did you changed the default of OutputRF? Because its generating B:OutputRF_false=false even when there is B:OutputRF_true=true :(
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First: its recipe conflict
Second: The modpack doesnt have ProjectRed
Third: If you are adding mods, its not my/modpack fault
Fourth: To fix that, you can simply add minetweaker recipe interchange.

Hmm.. No.... Quick fix for now is go to OverpoweredStuff.cfg in config/gregtech and change the OutputRF to be true in both cases. Will get out hotfix for this tomorrow.

Thanks for reporting it. I added that info to the OP under Known Issues, and Quick Fixes as well.

To be honest no idea why it did that.. @Blood Asp did you changed the default of OutputRF? Because its generating B:OutputRF_false=false even when there is B:OutputRF_true=true :(
Oh my god... in so sorry :( i feel bad now about asking this... im playing in a server that added projectred and completely forgot it... im so sorry...
I love your modpack and all the work you have put in it, and that even after moths you are still active and updating.
Sorry again...