[1.6.x] Thaumcraft 4.0.5b Research Cheat Sheet - 1Mil Views!! - Topic above me is a doodoo head. HA!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made a helpful chart for Thaumcraft 4.1 research.

The reddit post can be found here, and the chart is here. (Edit: version 2 is found here which has multiple improvements)

The chart shows which Aspects can be made into other Aspects. Aspects that are further down (right in version 2) are made up of Aspects higher up (further left in version 2). For example, Humanus is made up of Cognitio and Bestia.

This chart is useful when conducting research using the new Thaumcraft 4.1 research method, since it can help you find a path between two Aspects. Two Aspects on the Research Table will connect if either is made up partly of the other.

For example, you can go from Messis to Granum to Victus to Fames to Vacuos, if you needed to get from Messis to Vacuos. Or you could go Messis to Humanus to Lucrum to Fames to Vacuos. Or you could go Messis to Humanus to Instrumentum to Telum to Perditio to Vacuos. Lots of options!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So does anyone have any idea when TC4.1 will get into an FTB pack?
I very much doubt it will be in a 1.6 pack. We may not see not see a pack until late into 1.7 or even 1.8. It all depends on how frequent mods update and collide together.
I made a helpful chart for Thaumcraft 4.1 research.

The reddit post can be found here, and the chart is here.
Nice! I'll find a way to add this to the guide after completing it.

Speaking off, work will continue on the sheet later tonight. x


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'mma go on record and say I really don't like this new system and I knew I wouldn't from the moment I heard it was going to change.
Most people won't like it but that is because the initial reaction to change is almost always "I hate this." But I actually agree with you. Having a system that requires large amounts of memorization to progress is terrible game design.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanna say I hashed it out with Azanor in the skype chat.

I still don't like the mehanic, but I'm going to try to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the idea behind the puzzle (I like it a lot more than the runework of 4.0) but I have a few problems with it:

1) Since Research Points are so difficult to come by now, it's easy to run out of Research Points now. Before, you could theoretically use a maximum of 2 Research Points of each type of Aspect in a given research, if you wanted, by simply using one to unlock the Aspect so you know which runes it uses, and then moving them around as you see fit (after Research Mastery, of course) which just uses up Ink, and then using the second point to reactivate it once all the runes are in place. So you rarely ran out of Research Points - not only did you earn a lot more and didn't have a soft cap as you filled up your Research Points, but you could use a lot fewer Research Points while researching. Now, you end up needing more than 2 Research Points per Aspect in a given research (although you can typically avoid using the ones actually used in the research, since you just have to connect to them, and for that you can use their components), and also have less Research Points to begin with. The Deconstructor is basically useless for getting Aspects (higher-tier Aspects can use upwards of 12 or 16 total Primal Aspects to combine up to them) since you have to sit there and clear the table every time it finds a single Primal Aspect.

2) While Research Expertise and Research Mastery make it easier to remember the Aspects' relationships, they aren't foolproof. First, Research Mastery's ability does not work if you've emptied the Research Point you want to make. So if you end up with 0 Humanus, then you can't Control+Click it to make a Humanus from extra Cognitio and Bestia, even if you have the Aspects. You have to actually hover over Humanus, see that it uses Cognitio and Bestia, and manually combine them. Likewise, if you're out of Bestia, you can't make Humanus even if you have the Motus and Victus needed to make Bestia, so even if you do have at least 1 Humanus and want to make more and could do so, you might still have to hunt for the two Aspects that make up Humanus to see which one you're actually out of so you can make more of that (and you can't Control+Click it either, due to the previously mentioned issue). Finally, even though Research Expertise lets you know what two Aspects make up a given Aspect, they don't tell you what a given Aspect can combine to make - and with the Research the way it is now, you want to know both what it is made from and what it can be made into, since both will connect on the Research. An Aspect can only be made of two things (for instance, Humanus being made from Cognitio and Bestia), but they can often be made into multiple things - Humanus into Lucrum, Instrumentum, Meto, Messis, and Perfodio!

I had an idea for a more interesting Research method, which I posted on reddit in my Thaumcraft Aspect chart thread. Let me describe my idea here. Maybe Azanor will see it and think it interesting enough to start with.

First, instead of having a Research Table, you will craft a Research Lab. Perhaps this can be a multiblock - make it from 1x Crucible and 1x Crafting Table and then right clicking on the Crafting Table with a Wand. Someone suggested being able to add things to the Research Lab as you go, so that could be an interesting idea, as well.

The left side of the Research Lab is a specialized Essentia Boiler - something like an Arcane Furnace + Arcane Alembic combined. When you open it, you will have a section for Fuel (to power to melting process, just like an Arcane Furnace, although it would likely be best if it was less efficient) and a section for items (which are melted down into Essentia automatically). The Essentia stays inside the Research Lab, and it can store a maximum of 16 units of Essentia of varying types (so it will have a liquid-storage indicator that can fill with different Essentia - you could have 8 of one and 8 of another, or 16 of one, or 2 of a bunch of Essentia, whatever - it would show the essentia in layers). Clicking on an Essentia will bring that Essentia to the "top" of the Essentia Boiler, which is the one that will be used. You can right-click on the Essentia Boiler with a Warded Jar to put the topmost Essentia into that Warded Jar (if the Jar is empty or the same type) just like an Arcane Alembic, and Essentia in the Boiler can also be piped out (or in) if necessary. You can also right-click on Essentia while in the Boiler's GUI, which will release that Essentia into the air as Flux Gas - this is useful early on, if you need different Essentia to do your Research, but don't have Warded Jars yet.

That brings me to the right side of the Research Lab. This is the Thaumic Laboratory. Here, you can put Research Notes that you've obtained from selecting them in the Thaumonomicon or from a discovery. The mini-game is the same as in Thaumcraft 4. However, now, instead of using Research Points (which are no longer a thing) you use Essentia from the Essentia Boiler. Clicking on the Research hexes will use the topmost Essentia from the Essentia Boiler to infuse that part with the corresponding Aspect Rune. (If possible, we can have the Boiler and Laboratory all in the same GUI, since you can replace the majority of the "Research Points" section of the current Research Table with the Boiler portion). In addition, a shortcut to the Thaumonomicon should be available at the Thaumic Laboratory, even if the player does not have their Thaumonomicon with them at the time - this way, they can select their Research and make Research Notes (provided they have Scribing Tools and Paper of course) and check the List of Aspects right from the Laboratory.

That's my idea, anyway. Research Points would be gone - a Thaumometer would be useful only for telling you what Aspects you can get from any given item (and also give you a chance at revealing hidden research, or giving you Research Notes) and for determining Aura Node values, as well as telling you how much of each Aspect you have in Essentia Jars and so on.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No work today. Got shit to do that involves paint and drying.

Use this if you're struggling. http://ythri.github.io/tcresearch/

I figured something like that script was coming the moment I saw the new research. Wonder if there is a way to make it look like a blank Thaumcraft Research Table and you can just drag what aspects your research has to the places from your note in game and click a solution button as a prettyed up version of that script.

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanna say I hashed it out with Azanor in the skype chat.

I still don't like the mechanic, but I'm going to try to.

I still haven't actually tried it (and it's got enough bugs that I want to wait a bit more), but I'm more worried about the piping changes.

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The new cheat-sheet is already much better typo-wise than the old one, enough so that I can now list the ones I spot:

Combining Aspects: "You should see all the primal aspects (and possibly some compound aspects) listed inn the area marked 3"
Primary Research, "Flashing spare or round icons represent primary researches."
Auras and Nodes: "Important: Cuation must be taken when draining a node."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The new cheat-sheet is already much better typo-wise than the old one, enough so that I can now list the ones I spot:

Combining Aspects: "You should see all the primal aspects (and possibly some compound aspects) listed inn the area marked 3"
Primary Research, "Flashing spare or round icons represent primary researches."
Auras and Nodes: "Important: Cuation must be taken when draining a node."
Will fix tomorrow. Thanks and keep it up. It helps.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Done for the day guys. Finished up the Basic Tab's research and all the previously unlocked crap. More tomorrow.

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More typos. My notes are in italics. I've also seen a few of what look like doubled spaces, for which I suggest an S&R; these days you don't actually need doubled spaces even after periods. (Admittedly, I use them after periods and colons myself, because I was trained that way early.) I also suggest enabling the spellchecker -- even if you don't want to bother adding the game terms to your dictionary, it'll help with typos in normal words. Note that I'm not picking on the many "missing" commas (places where there really ought to be commas), because I suspect those are from the original which I haven't seen. I am flagging some errors that I suspect are in the original, because it's easier than deciding which ones to skip.

For that matter: Azanor, if you need someone with a proofreader's eye to go over punctuation and even smooth your word usage, I'm available. However, I'd want the text in a file -- I'm not willing to proofread from the game screens, then type in the changes.
  • Primary research (2 typos): I you can read their title (instead of seeing strange runes) you are simply able to click on them. Paper and ink will be consumed from your inventory and you will gian a research note.
    • also: You continue doing this until you have formed a pattern connecting all the startling aspects
  • Aspects and Nodes: Aspects that have somehow been separated from their object and is purified (extra word)
  • Enchantments/Haste: the wearers landspeed. (Apostrophe)
  • Pech: These strange humanoids can be found wherever the veil between worlds is at it’s thinnest. (Apostrophe, the other way)
    • Pecks are notorially avaricious, and will loot anything not nailed down, though they prefer precious things. It is said that if you feed this desire for material wealth it could be possible to befriend one. Once befriended they often carry wonderous objects that they might be willing to part with.
  • Node in a Jar: Table uses Ore Dict for wood slabs in it’s recipe. (Also in notes for Table, Thaumometer, Arcane Stone)
  • Crucible: and the mix of essentia within the crucible is correct., you can (extra period)
  • Thaumometer: This Thaumometer is one of the most useful and important tools in a thaumaturgists arsenal, second only to the wand. (inconsistent terminology, missing apostrophe)
  • Basic Artifacing: (repeated under "Nature", should be "artificing".)
    Thaumaturge’s salt (caps -- should be both words or neither. I wouldn't be surprised if that's in the original, though.)
  • Primal Charm: Primal Charms form an important basis for any thaumaturgical constructs. (Presumably should be "many")
  • Item Grate: Items can also be piped into the top of an item greate using a hopper (Also, first sentence is awkward)
  • Arcane Stone is a basic building material for any complex mystical constructs. (Again, probably should be "many".)
Because of the multiple appearances of possessive "it's", I am providing a link to The Oatmeal's excellent comic on How To Use An Apostrophe. Check out his other grammar comics too -- the semicolon gorilla should not be missed! :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cheers MM, will read tomorrow. I have a wifey on me right now.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk

Mental Mouse

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No problem, I'm not one of those folks who expects humans to react with computer speed! :rolleyes: I figure once it's on the board it's in the queue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Done for the day guys. Finished up the Basic Tab's research and all the previously unlocked crap. More tomorrow.

it was a great stream


sadly I had to leave at one point, but I kept the stream open as long as possible