1.7.x Packs Yet!? [Mindcrack/DW20/Ultimate/Lite/Horizons/Monster/Unleashed/Unhinged/Tech/Magic/etc]

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... but either Wireless Redstone wasn't included in the update or the link hasn't been updated yet.
Wireless redstone depends on redpower 2. You won't see wireless redstone update until redpower 2 is out for that version of minecraft.
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I do hope that 1.5.2 is at least half as smooth as the 1.4.6-7 was. The 1.4.6-7 was flawless, here's to hoping that this update is flawless as well.
The 1.4.6-7 update was done right imho, almost completely preserving mod compatibility throughout the update. However the 1.5.1-2 update is much different, even though its only bugfixes, this time around Mojang made several other changes they didn't make in 1.4.6-7:

  • Protocol version change: The protocol version specifies which clients/servers are allowed to connect. For 1.4.7, this version was left untouched, however for 1.5.2, Mojang bumped it from version 60 to version 61. The protocol version has been changed before when the protocol has changed, to disallow clients from connecting to servers with new incompatible protocol features - for example, it changed from the 1.4 to 1.5 major update because Mojang made an incompatible change to the crafting packets, so if you tried to craft with a 1.4 client on a 1.5 server, bypassing this version check, it wouldn't work as expected. I'm not sure what incompatible protocol change Mojang made during 1.5.2, could not find any from a cursory review of the code, but my guess could be its related to Minecraft Realms, but who knows. I've asked around, no one seems to know. But this is the protocol version change in code:

                PublicKey publickey = this.mcServer.getKeyPair().getPublic();
    -            if (par1Packet2ClientProtocol.getProtocolVersion() != 60)
    +            if (par1Packet2ClientProtocol.getProtocolVersion() != 61)
    -                if (par1Packet2ClientProtocol.getProtocolVersion() > 60)
    +                if (par1Packet2ClientProtocol.getProtocolVersion() > 61)
                        this.raiseErrorAndDisconnect("Outdated server!");

    As a result of this change, clients running 1.5.2 and servers running 1.5.1 cannot connect, and vice versa - unlike 1.4.6 and 1.4.7, where the clients and servers could be upgraded independently on your own time.
  • Obfuscation change: This is a bigger issue - Mojang chose to 'obfuscate' 1.5.2 differently than 1.5.1. Not all symbols changed, but enough did to make code reobfuscated for 1.5.1 incompatible with 1.5.2. This was not the case with 1.4.7 and 1.4.6, which were obfuscated identically:

    [1.4.7] is compatible with 1.4.6 and has almost no bytecode changes, so mods that have been updated for 1.4.6 should work in 1.4.7 too

    This mod compatibility made the 1.4.7 update quite painless. Forge and FML updated, since they include a version check, but hardly any other mod had to update. RedPower2 was briefly broken in 1.4.7, but it was caused by an erroneous mapping change in MCP, subsequently fixed, so the RedPower2 version for 1.4.6 worked fine with 1.4.7 and is still in use today. Mods didn't have to even be recompiled, since the obfuscation was identical. This is how a minor bugfix update should be done, in my opinion.

    Unfortunately, 1.5.2 again changed the obfuscation from 1.5.1. But the good news is Forge prepared for this with 'runtime deobfuscation', an option for modders to compile to (srgnames) for allowing their mod to be more version-independent. It is opt-in, so not all modders use it yet, but I think we'll see more using srgnames as it becomes more popular. Although non-Forge mods (Rei's Minimap) cannot use it and will need updates regardless. Some good recent news:

    BuildCraft: using srgnames, and as of a few days ago, their latest dev builds should be compatible with 1.5.1 and 1.5.2 (relaxed the Forge version requirement)

    GregTech: as of yesterday, now using srgnames:
    Fixed Playerdetector Cast (damn copypasting)
    Used srg-names to compile it
    Should be compatible with 1.5.2 now, if not then I don't care. #BlameMojang

    Tinkers' Construct: supports 1.5.2, 1.5.1, and even 1.5, using srgnames

    And even better, srgnames work both ways: a mod can be developed for 1.5.2, and continue to work on 1.5.1 unless the modder explicitly breaks compatibility. So if not all your mods are 1.5.2 compatible yet, you could use 1.5.1 and likely use 1.5.2-versions of the updated mods (as long as the developer uses srgnames), gaining all the new features and fixes in the latest version of the actively-developed mod. This is the situation I imagine we'll see with the planned FTB 1.5.1 release.
Oh wow. If every mod uses srgnames I'll be happy enough. I will ask, does srg stand for, perhaps, Searge?
Mojang doesn't like to be very flexible with backward compatibility do they. It's almost always good to at least try to be backward compatible at least a couple minor versions (unless it breaks the game doing so) as a buffer for your developer community. It reinforced my stance that mojang undervalues the importance of their modding community and that fact that they will, in large part, keep this game going long after mojang stops development on the game itself. Fact is, much of their new content (a great deal infact) were player made mods first.
The "Not Enough Mods" 1.5.1 Bot list (http://bot.notenoughmods.com/1.5.1.html) is really starting to confuse me. It is listing a TON of mods with updates that are actually 1.5.2 updates, not 1.5.1 .. and several of them are NOT backward compatible. Really makes me wonder if I should just advance my MultiMC self-made modpack up to 1.5.2 or what.
Thaumcraft is not 1.5.2 yet. On the other hand, Forestry, Railcraft, Gravity Gun/Portal Gun, Bilbliocraft and EE3 (pre1h7) are all 1.5.2 compatible.

The "Not Enough Mods" 1.5.1 Bot list (http://bot.notenoughmods.com/1.5.1.html) is really starting to confuse me. It is listing a TON of mods with updates that are actually 1.5.2 updates, not 1.5.1 .. and several of them are NOT backward compatible. Really makes me wonder if I should just advance my MultiMC self-made modpack up to 1.5.2 or what.
I don't really use lists like that anymore not as reliable as going to the mods official sources

There are several lists like that, and why I made my own is because they weren't really reliable or didn't sort by modpack (one does now, but that wasnt until I was well into development, plus I have mine set to update versions automatically several times a day:p)

Looking at my list along with some other I have linked on my main post you can easily see what of your modpack mods have been updated to 152
