ShneekeyCraft: Less Is More!
A Lightweight Steampunk-themed Public Mod Pack for 1.5.2
Pretty much what it says on the tin. I had two primary driving criteria when deciding which mods to include and which to not include: First: CPU Load, and Second: Steampunk themed. As a third criteria, I needed mods I knew I could include, so I only included those which either had blanket permission granted in their minecraft thread, wiki, or website... or those which had given permission in the General Permissions thread. This makes my life much simpler.
Needless to say, these three criteria significantly restricted the list of mods I had to select from.
So, who might want to use this mod?
- Someone who is running Minecraft from an older computer without the CPU necessary to run something like the Ultimate Pack
- Someone who is running a small, private server on their spare machine, and is thus resource-limited
- Someone new to modded minecraft play, and is wanting to get their feet wet with a simple mod pack that doesn't overwhelm you with too many options
- Someone who feels that most of the mod packs out there are 'cluttered'
- Run the FTB Launcher
- Click on the 'Private Packs' button (just under the Texture packs button on the far top right corner of the launcher)
- Use the seekret password "ShneekeyCraft". The caps are necessary, the quotes are not.
As per the terms of Railcraft's Mod Pack Permissions post, I will also be listing permissions, as some of these mods do not appear on the General Permissions thread, killing two birds with one stone. I'm probably doing more effort than is necessary here, but I much prefer to err on the side of caution.
I also highly suggest checking out each of these mod authors and their websites, wikis, or forum posts. Many of your questions about these mods can be answered there. If you really enjoy them, show your support!
I also highly suggest checking out each of these mod authors and their websites, wikis, or forum posts. Many of your questions about these mods can be answered there. If you really enjoy them, show your support!
- Buildcraft - SirSengir (Permission).
- Forestry - SirSengir (Permission)
- CodeChickenCore - ChickenBones (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- ChickenChunks - ChickenBones (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- EnderStorage - ChickenBones (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- CoFH core - KingLemming (Permission)
- Thermal Expansion 2 - King Lemming (License Info)
- Equivalent Exchange 3 - Pahimar (Blanket permission in OP)
- Forge/FML - LexManos, cpw, (Permission)
- ImmibisCore - immibis (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- ImmibisMicroblocks - immibis (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- InvTweaks - jimeowan (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- IronChests - cpw (Permission)
- ModularPowerSuits - Machine Muse (License Info)
- Obsidiplates - Myrathi (Permission)
- Applied Energistics - AlgorithmX2 (License Info)
- ModularPowerSuitsAddons - Andrew2448 (Permission)
- PowerCrystalsCore - PowerCrystals (Blanket permission at the bottom of the OP)
- Minefactory Reloaded - PowerCrystals (Blanket permission at the bottom of the OP)
- Tinker's Constructs - mDiyo (Blanket permission at bottom of the OP)
- Natura - mDiyo (Blanket permission at bottom of the OP)
- NEI - ChickenBones (Blanket permission at bottom of OP)
- Railcraft - CovertJaguar (Permission with stipulation)
- REI's Minimap - ReiFNSK (blanket permission at top of thread with link-back to page)
Suggestions and Tweaks:
Well, I can't fit everything in. So here's some ideas that might help tweak things:
- Texture Pack. I'd suggest JSTR personally, since it has an excellent steampunk vibe. Keep in mind that I don't think Natura or Tinker's Constructs has any texture packs out yet, so their worldgen might seem a bit out of place
- For a more 'Magitech' theme, Thaumcraft, Extra Bees, and MagicBees are also easily installed with no Block or Item ID conflicts.
- Railcraft, Forestry, Buildcraft, Tinker's Constructs, and Natura updated.
- Invisible Aura block from Railcraft removed. This will break Railman's Goggles functionality, but it was breaking the Tinker's Constructs Smelter functionality as well as interfering with other mods functionality.
- FINAL 1.5.2 update. All mod authors are now updating for 1.6, this will be a long-term release for 1.5.2.
- Iron Chests updated. Should no longer have problems connecting to BC pipes or interacting with Forestry Backpacks
- Applied Energistics updated! Check the changelog, this is a major update
- ADDED: REI's Minimap. Because blanket permission was updated on the page, and why not?
- All mods updated. General bugfixing and compatibility stuffs happened.
- DISABLED the Railcraft Aura thingy because it prevented TC's Smeltery from functioning properly. This may break functionality and possibly even cause a crash with the goggles, I would not suggest using them.
- Updated icon. Now it isn't my face!
- This *should* be long-term stable, and will hopefully be the final update for 1.5.x
- Update to Forestry and MFR. Better functionality from Rednet and some other changes
- Harvester now functions properly on berry and oreberry bushes, will not take the bush
- Certus Quartz and Dust will now fit in your Miner's Backpack
- SWITCHED CRAFTGUDE FOR NEI. By popular demand.
- Update to MC Cer 1.5.2
- Most mods updated to reflect this
- WARNING! Backup your data, this might cause compatibility issues!
- Updated Forestry's Backpack.cfg for enhanced cross-mod compatibility
- Forester's Backpack now accepts Natura Berries and bushes, as well as Natura saplings
- Forester's Backpack now accepts Tinker's Constructs Oreberries and bushes
- Adventurer's Backpack updated to be able to hold many tools, including the Minium Stone and TC's tools
- Hired the Mechanicsburg Bugstomper Squad to squash some bugs.
- List of mods on splash-page is more correct
TO DO List (and known bugs):
- Look at the possibility of including Mekanism
- Railcraft Goggles bugged out, please do not use
Feel free to post if you encounter any bugs, if you wish to offer constructive criticism, or if you want to share your experiences with us! I'm a big fan of feedback, so let me know what you think!