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  1. K

    The "Balance" Standard

    The balancing factor is the player's sense of accomplishment in overcoming boundaries and limitations. Sometimes I want mind numbingly easy, other times I want to be challenged to the point of rage-quitting.
  2. K

    The OFFICIAL Flame Battle Thread

    Shame for shame it comes to this cause I can rock the mic with transcendental bliss. The subject has drifted leaving others feelin' grifted so can we shift the topic to a hit from a 'miss'? Discourse to discord when you withhold an accord with your latest retort, let's get back on topic before...
  3. K

    ChestHunters-A game idea i've been turning over...

    Well the points for the ender dragon egg and wither star is more of a foresight for matches with classes, especially with the team/artifact mode. If you can get either/or in single free for all within the time limit (2 hours seems like a good time sink... though with the different modes that...
  4. K

    ChestHunters-A game idea i've been turning over...

    LOL, well even if it only attracts a few dozen peeps I would be happy. Also you could play where there is absolutely no pvp. Alrighty, toss a link on the thread when/if you do record it. I'm curious as to how it plays out with multiple people. The reasoning behind the point value of silver...
  5. K

    ChestHunters-A game idea i've been turning over...

    Greetings folks and folkettes... Over the past couple of weeks i've been churning over an idea for a multiplayer game within the ftb modpack. Until recently I was only mulling it over. It was inspired by vanilla Swampcore, a mode of play that pits you against rain, mobs, and a very limited...
  6. K

    The OFFICIAL Flame Battle Thread

    Well Well Well Droogies and Stooges, undoubtedly the rule of rap has been followed loosely. Let's throw down the gloves-get ya sweating profusely: *begins a beatboxing loop* bahm, ticketta bahm bahm, bahm ticketta bahm bamh... No disrespect for the Gregtech but it makes it harder than...
  7. K

    Private Pack FTB-Craft || Minecraft 1.5.2 || Extended v11.7 || MyTown || No whitelist

    Hey, just wanted the admins to know that swimming in smart moving is rather interesting... in bugged. When placing down lilypads in the water it dupicates them-making fake copies that are destroyed rather than dropping. Just thought I would drop that by y'all. The server is awesome! I...
  8. K

    Institutional Hypocrisy: FtB's role in infringing Mojang's copyright.

    Tekkit, FtB, or whatever coolio Mod developed for Minecraft requires a purchase of... a valid Minecraft account. Business-wise, Mojang is doing pretty good. Not only do they get free advertisement but damn good potential hire-ons and artists if the need arises. Mojang utilizes creativity as a...
  9. K

    How many of you would be interested in a "hardmode" FTB server?

    Hmm... If I may add... nerf quarries and not allow landmarks to increase the size (or limit the size of them). Also, some time ago I remember reading a plugin or something that was capable of making stone cave-in when you tried to mine (may have been a tekkit plugin). Plus make stone really...
  10. K

    Your house/base on FTB Post Photos

    I'm incredibly ashamed of my derpy little base. Ash-amed.
  11. K

    Thoughts on Teleportation

    While true I still use railcraft for transporting items from time to time.
  12. K

    Rotary Macerator (and other advanced machines)

    ...I have never encountered this bug and quite thankful I have not. :D
  13. K

    Thoughts on Teleportation

    I feel that railcraft should have an early/mid/end game caveat that no other mod should have. Something that makes it unique and makes players want to effectively utilize the entirety of the mod.
  14. K

    Best way to mine?

    I go with a good Silk Touch III and Fortune while having a quarry run. :D There's nothing like getting diamonds from 65, 15... or whereever there is coal. Was coal.
  15. K

    Red Power 2 News

    The Romans did Forums the best. ....and I would like to say... Thank you so much Eloraam for your diligent work on Red Power. You spend time and energy when you don't have to for our fun (and yours too I imagine). We/I appreciate it.
  16. K

    Red Power 2 News

    Wow, people need to calm down about free entertainment. Aside from minecraft it's not like you paid for this content.
  17. K

    Yosh, Halut, and other Introductory Thnigs.

    Thank you! Suffice to say there would be no FTB without vanilla.
  18. K

    I guess I should probably say hello

    Yosh GreenWolf, saw a few of your posts on the tekkit forums. It's where I lurk. :D
  19. K

    Yosh, Halut, and other Introductory Thnigs.

    Yeah, what a first post on one of these many fora. I go by many names: Kelmian, Kelmy, Kels, Hey You, [explitive deleted] so feel free to call me any of those 'cept that last one. Explitive deleted is a strange name. My hobbies besides minecraft include game theory and trolling trolls...