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  1. S

    network error

    Title: network error Launcher Version: 1.4.12 Modpack: skyfactory 2.0 Modpack Version: 2.5.2 Log Link: Details of the issue: Every time I download the server, it says "failed - network error" at about 33.3 MB downloaded. It's done this since the release of the mod pack, what's going on?
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    Java parameters

    This reply may be a bit late, and considered necro, but I had a few problems with my computer, all fixed now. Thank you for your help.
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    Java parameters

    Do I use all of these Java parm's in the launcher advanced settings, like the "-sever" one, or is the "-server" parameter supposed to be in the server startup bat file? Also, how would the threads parameter be out of date? And, would it be of any use to me if I used "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"...
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    Java parameters

    What are some java parameters I can use to increase performance of my FTB Infinity Evolved/Skyblock? Here's the set of parameters I already have up, and is it any good? -XX:UseSSE=3 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:parallelGCThreads=4 I got these from 2 different...
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    ftb broken?

    Ok my computer is having problems but if my ftb where like any other programs like minecraft then the console wouldn't show up. The console shows up, and there are no errors. I have tried this with hamachi and port forwarded ip, still no work. The problem is is that my friends can't join, NOW...
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    Official FTB seed thread.

    sorry i'll edit it with coordinates and i never found any ftb unleash seeds and i'll try to make screen shots any way i could tho?
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    Official FTB seed thread.

    Hi since no one ever decided to try ftb unleashed i found one here it is (no pictures sorry :( try it to believe me) seed:34589763 mod: ftb unleashed great wood tree great wood corrupted tree (they have secret chest's under them plains biome with millions of cows plains biome with...
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    explosions+ with yogcraft

    i'll take a look at that i'm not 100% sure it's thaumcraft though but every time i blue screen i'm playing yogcraft and i'm never my thaumcraft addicted friend so i thought it was that. Also just a few days ago when the 3rd one happened (the 4th happened when i posted the problem) i got an error...
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    explosions+ with yogcraft

    This morning i found a mod called explosions plus, my friend came online and said it's not compatible with any mods because the download page said so. He sends my the link and it doesn't say that, my friend says that's when it was 1.2.5 not 1.4. So i try to install it and all it's giving me is...