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    Direwolf20 1.5 pack + GregTech != Ultimate 1.5? :?

    Unleashed has got way more mods than DW20 1.5. So Unleashed + Gregtech would be some kind of Ultimate.
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    :O [Main Menu Easter Egg]

    So that's what it is! :O I've always wondered, thank you for the nice explanation
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    Dark clouds

    So, I've been playing FTB Unleashed for about a week now, and I found those Dark clouds in End. The tooltip says "Creates lightning strikes", but I can't manage to make any lightning with it, I've tried to place them on the ground, 50 blocks up in the sky, of course in the Overworld, but NO...
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    Back in My Day...

    Back in my day, we didn't even have pie, so we had to calculate things with our brain.
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    Ways to travel up & down?

    What's "FC" and "BTW"?
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    How to remove Overclocker upgrades from GT machines?

    I like the automatic machines, and if it is same recipes then it'll just be cheaper, I mean, no conveyor module thing!
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    Mining world for my server

    Find the mystcraft config file and turn off instability, and then you don't have to think about stability, cause they are always stable!
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    Private Pack UberCubes | 1.5.2 | Custom Pack | Whitelist

    Is it many players on the server?
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    Seeking a new Minecraft Server Host...

    You should try they have great support and there's no lag, it's almost like singleplayer, but your friends can also play! But it's a little expensive.
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    Best way to create thaumium

    Thank you very much, I will take a closer look at the thaumium + iron, it sounds clean and cheap!
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    Best way to create thaumium

    I'm trying to find the best way to create thaumium ingots,I am ATM throwing 1 iron ingot and 1-2 blaze rods( I don't remember) to get it, but I believe there is a better way to do it, and I don't care about expensiveness. So what is the best way? Cheap or expensive I don't care!
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    Can NEI be made to show EVERY item?

    I miss your old profile picture :(
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    Drinking Liquid Ender is great.

    Sorry, this is a nooby question, but how do I get liquid ender/glowstone/redstone/anything? I have heard so much about this, and I just have to try it!
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    BC (MJ) to EU/t power conversion question

    What's wrong with Power converters?
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    Gregtech config file not working

    Oh thank you I did not know I have to chamge the client also.
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    You have to use your minecraft account(and it must of course be premium).
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    New Laptop... New Problems :(

    I don't really know if it makes any difference, but try to turn openGL off
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    Gregtech config file not working

    I've tried to turn all of the recipes into the easy version(in the gregtech-config) , but when I restart my (ultimate) server and look at the recipes, they haven't changed! Do I have to do something special to make it work?
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    Problem ...with MCPC+ and Modular Powersuit

    No, but they won' get kicked, dummy :P