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  1. M

    Whitelist Server Pure's Private FTB > MindCrack [8.0.1] | Whitelist | Large Biomes | Mature [16+] | Teamspeak 3

    Age: 14 In-game name: manboy28 Why do you want to join: I want to join simply because this seems like a very friendly and organized server. I am looking for a good FTB server so that I can be part of a community that helps each other out. How much, on average, do you play per day: I play...
  2. M

    Whitelist Server Fusion-Craft|Mindcrack v8.3.2|Whitelist|TS3|Grief Prevention|Essentials|Multi-Verse|Keep Inventory

    Forum name: manboy28 In-Game Name: manboy28 Age: 14 Country: USA Have you ever been banned? why? No If you could be any super hero or villain who would it be and why? Batman because he only wants to do what is right for others and to take the bad guys down not for revenge but justice.