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  1. C

    Crash to Desktop - Infin'Evo' [SOLVED]

    Title Crash to Desktop - Infin'Evo' Launcher Type FTB Launcher Modpack Infinity Evloved Modpack version 2.6.0 Have you modified the pack? No Link to log file Details of the issue stoped playing this install to play launch of WoW legion. came back...
  2. C

    DW20 modpack. re:[S5;ep38]AutoBreeding Bees. Turtle lua - problem

    Hello all, I have to write here because writing a question on DW's youtube page is nigh on impossible for DW to see it. This is regarding the turtle programe to auto pickup and analyze then choose the best bees via a point system and then insert the selected bees into the Apiary. I'm using...
  3. C

    Thaumcraft 3 problem - wand recharge broke?

    Hi all, I've been having problems with both single/multiplayer Mindcrack and direwolf20 modpacks. For some reason 'sometimes' my wands dont recharge, and 'sometimes' my goggles dont reveal the guage (bottom left of screen). For instance, i've been playing through DW20's map along with his...
  4. C

    FTB pyramid

    Hi, i just finished playing ssp pyramid and im wondering if its playable in multiplayer like the version that was published through the youtube aka direwolf20 v's etc? i really want to play it with my mates.. any possibilies it can be used in the map packs on the launcher?
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    FTB pyramid single play quiery

    I've been playing the pyramid for a few hours and only just noticed that NEI isnt on my 'E' screen, when i went to look for a rescipe. Is that intentional? I checked the 'edit mod' and its in the folder Jarmods. i really hate alt tabbing to wikki to find rescipes, so if its supposed to NOT be...
  6. C

    playing FTB ith forestry, im initially stuck for power

    Hi all, im totally stuck, my aim is to play forestry only (no ic/bc etc). ive been following a lets play and made a peat farm 3x3+water and then he said i need turbury. he made it with sturdy casing and glass and clay... mine wont work like that im guessing the rescipe changed. anyway i was...
  7. C

    server host, configuring correct mem amount?

    Hi i am not using creeper host (unfortunately) i am using another company uk based. well known. they give you a drop down menu to select the amount af max memory when you want config the server and for upgrading. i ran my tekkit 15 man on 1024 quite smoothly i just changed it to FTB and...